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2 ¢

Regarding recent articles in The Occidental Observerone by Kevin MacDonald—about how Tobias Lang contradicts Nathan Cofnas, who believes that Christianity underlies the aetiology of Wokism, I’d like to give my two cents.

Cofnas is correct (cf. the books cited in Neo-Christianity) but misses the point that Jewry is a potent ethnocidal catalyst in an ethnosuicidal process that was already simmering long before whites allowed Jewry to become empowered.

On the other hand, Lang is right to acknowledge Jewish subversion but wrong not to realise that, without Christianity, whites would think as Titus and the Romans thought when they razed Jerusalem to the ground: when exterminating Jews was a legitimate sport in the Greco-Roman mindset.

In other words, if Constantine had been defeated a few centuries after Titus and Hadrian, every American white nationalist would have oil paintings of characters equivalent to Heydrich and Himmler in their living and dining rooms.

Never forget that whoever tells you in their new testaments that you must love your enemy is your enemy!

4 replies on “2 ¢”

Having briefly read “The Yoke of Woke” I see Tobias Lang inadvertently echoes Orwell’s Notes on Nationalism. Much as he’s correct to notice postwar Jewish subversion, he’s still promoting these Jews to an all-powerful force, much as with the ‘transposition of colour’ where non-whites are innately superior in that they are dominant and thus somehow to blame for everything. I see, as you always write, and as Wagner said, that these commentators simply cannot turn their gaze onto themselves and process that it’s their neochristian morality that allows the Jews to do this, and which keeps them otherwise weak and focussed on loving their enemy out-group, and their capitalist system that facilitates this individualistic, atomised ‘soul-saving’. He puts out his counterargument, but I don’t see at any point him dwelling on Christianity and honestly critiquing it the same way, thus sidestepping addressing Cofnas adequately. I take it it’s simply beyond them, much as with dealing with their ancestors’ catastrophic failures in turning on Germany, and indeed their own anti-Nordic miscegenation. To be honest, I grow tired of reading the entire white nationalist right continually preach on and on about Jews (especially the ‘every single time…’ line) whilst gaslighting the other, more fundamental aspects of their long dissolution. To fight back, they must first be honest enough to recognise what they are, not just what they are subjected to. They might as well be whimpering leftists otherwise, made saintly in the role of the oppressed, these conservative reactionaries. They dig their own graves.


I don’t know if you saw this video by Jared Taylor on Haiti, but it is fascinating on many levels.

Its about the death of numerous Christian missionaries to Haiti in recent years. Christian universalism is on display fully in this video. But the interesting thing is that Jared does not reach the conclusion that it is Christianity’s suicidal other-love that is on display here. He focuses on the low Haitian IQ which is important but not what is fundamental. Can you imagine ancient Spartans or ancient Roman Republicans looking at Haitians (really Africans) with anything other than disgust?

Jared recently posted another video in which he spoke directly about Christianity. It was reposted on The Unz Review. Commenters on that webzine noted that, for the first time in his life (Jared had been reticent with normie interviewers about whether or not he’s religious), he seemed to see himself as a Christian.

I’m not surprised by what you say, given that his parents were such true believers that they emigrated for a while to Japan to save the souls of the Heathens…

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