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UK riots

In this post, I would like to clarify why I haven’t talked much about the riots that have been taking place in the UK.

I’ve said it before: unlike other racialist sites, this blog doesn’t cover news.

In fact, in times past I have been wrong to talk about things I thought would happen soon, such as the collapse of the dollar. I even erred when, for a while, I thought COVID was going to be as deadly as the Spanish Flu; or when more recently I thought the Israeli or Ukrainian wars were going to get much hotter than what is happening.

Had I known, I wouldn’t have even mentioned those wars! When NATO missiles hit radars on Russian territory, or when Bibi’s rabbis harangued the government to nuke the Palestinians, I thought we might already be in Kalki’s time. But we are not there yet. So I regret posting those entries. Those are or were crises that the System has managed to assimilate without major consequences.

The riots in the UK are not the subject of this site for one simple reason. As I have been saying for a long time, the only way to save whites is to go from ‘happy mode’ to ‘killing mode’. And for that, there are two intermediate stages to cross: ‘angry mode’ (what the English are just beginning to feel) and ‘combat mode’ (something like arming yourself to protect your family inside your house from possible chimps out).

But the killing mode is already a revolutionary stage, and we could visualise it with that famous scene in the film Civil War, released this year, in which a blond American says to a mestizo ‘What kind of American are you?’ before and after killing a couple of Gooks.

Until thousands of white men reach that mental stage during a racial revolution à la The Turner Diaries, there is no point in commenting on the petty news these days. I repeat: I regret talking about the collapse of the dollar (when will it happen?), COVID and even the wars in Palestine and Ukraine because they are not apocalyptic—yet. I might even die of old age in the future and the Revolution hasn’t started! (nor is it clear that it will happen, like that scene in Civil War).

The aim of The West’s Darkest Hour is not to comment on the news but to understand why whites are committing ethnic suicide. And why seems clear to me: Christians and atheists alike have let the New Testament morality of loving every human infect their hearts.

Yesterday, for example, on a pirated DVD I bought for a mere 15 pesos (0.79 dollars), I watched Horizon: a film released this June, directed and produced by Kevin Costner. This filmmaker can’t resist idealising Indians not only with good-looking semi-Indian actors (i.e. actors who already have some white blood in them). His message is something like if some Indians were cruel and exterminators of white villages, there were also heartless whites who attacked good Indians.

Like millions of other Americans, Costner faithfully fulfils the command to love thy neighbour as thyself. In a recent interview, Costner himself confessed: ‘I grew up a Baptist, and church has always been a part of my life, my grandmother, the whole thing, so I don’t mind it bleeding into a movie’.

So I will continue to write about the cause of the darkest hour for the white race, ignoring the news unless they become truly apocalyptic.

5 replies on “UK riots”

The ironic thing about that scene (and movie) is that it is clear that the Leftist / Jewish producers of that film are saying that every White Conservative gun-loving male is really at root a vicious, racist killer; and given the slightest provocation would slaughter non-Whites at will. If only. It is obviously clear that the exact opposite is the case. If Whites were really like the Aryan in that scene we wouldn’t be living in the anti-White world that we currently live in.

In fact, the White Christian Conservative establishment goes out of its way, in fact defines itself, by preventing *any* White racial awareness at all. Only multi-racial conceptions of liberty or color-blind Constitutionalism are allowed. The Republicans, Trump included, will never appeal to Whites as Whites. How can they? To do that would start the inevitable cascade towards the demand for full racial separation as the essence of the opposition movement to leftism. There would be no space left or tolerance of race blind multiracial Conservatism.

When I watch such Hollywood trash I find myself *always* rooting for the bad guys, which are almost always stand-ins for evil White Nationalists. No movies can be made that would every challenge the anti-White narrative of the Left. And no movies or art will *ever* be made that challenges that narrative until Whites are prepared to go to war; ie “combat mode” as you stated above.

Dear Cesar,

Thank you for your latest post. Yes, I hope the English swiftly progress to at least stage 3 of your scheme for the time being. As you know, besides sports shooting, I bought my own crossbows/air-rifles so the family would each have a weapon to train with as they progressed to adulthood, for sports of their own, and also to defend their lives and the property in the event of a real civil disturbance. I couldn’t count on the Police or the British Army necessarily being too helpful in that, and appreciate an all-round prepping/survivalist mentality, not just food and energy stores and reading material how-tos. Unfortunately, the Police confiscated the lot of them, as collateral to my Kurt Saxon/Ragnar Benson online dissemination (back in 2020, where, like you, I was also prematurely expecting much more trouble than manifested, up to and including foreign attack). I think the UK State will make it as difficult as possible for the native citizens to acquire such in future. They had better act quite promptly. The Police even confiscated a large portion of my farming/building hand tools, as ‘offensive weapons’. I could see others having to proxy a defensive hand weapon, from addended brooms or spars. Still not much use against the feral blades and carbines of black gangland, but better than nothing. ideally there would be a schism in the British Army, and perhaps the side allocation of SA80s (though not necessarily 5.56mm rounds) to small trained paramilitary cadres, but one would really have to be in complete apocalypse. My mind often goes back to Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail, and the pessimistic work of Ward Kendell. I think at least citizens should invest in DIY window boards and door reinforcements, plus some type of perimeter spikes (or razor wire). Deliberately torching a couple of used vehicles for strategic roadblocks would be a further scheme, depending on area (I imagine one would find that easier in the most run-down backwaters, Jaywick type areas for example).

The rioters had no real plan or strategy and their moderately destructive protests seemed to have fizzled out prematurely under not that much physical pressure, leaving themselves open to a huge, punitive judicial response. I find this perplexing. I’m not sure if they meant to achieve anything, and find it bizarre that they caved in so soon. I would have thought a person-centric tactical set would have been more effective for them. What can I say? the English are too reserved in this regard, too polite somehow, too moral – neochristian ethics raising its ugly head always and everywhere.

I was puzzled by the civil war film clip. The blond executer spends far too much time idly standing around making what might as well be polite conversation, over the obvious. It annoyed me watching how he unprofessionally handled his rifle, both hoisted instead of aimed at all times (I thought the lead non-European journalist was going to reach for a pistol from the back of his waistline), and too much playing with the trigger. I couldn’t understand, given the fresh mass grave behind him, why he didn’t just continue to shoot on sight. There was something a little unmasculine about the psychological torture of humouring his enemies at length, and it left his situational awareness impaired. I also didn’t understand why he had what seemed to be a white teenage child among his hostages, an Aryan, much as she wasn’t Nordic. She didn’t seem competent or quite old enough to be a legitimate counter-revolutionary or traitor.

The most unhelpful element to any citizen defence are indeed other native citizens, too uptight as moral busybodies and Stasi-like informers ever to ‘allow’ their neighbours to defend themselves at societal level, all keen to be seen as virtuous in turning a blind eye to their totalitarian status quo, infuriating in deference to their media-esque rulers, those they can watch on the BBC or read about in newspaper links captured on Facebook echo chambers. I have no idea personally how to address the hyperindividual nature of UK families also. They’d just be isolated defenders, all in a discrete line, unable to cooperate, and I don’t think it would even cross their minds to do so at a large enough scale.

“Civil War” is a movie that I went to see. I’ll say that it bored me. Anyway, my take on the movie’s hidden plot is that four CIA operatives, unknown to each other, are tasked with picking up this young girl and getting her into the presence of the president. Her “father” was a CIA assassin, who trained her for this operation, using his camera which fires poison darts.

The Kirsten Dunst character inadvertently stops one of these darts and dies of it. The girl successfully completes her mission by “taking” the president’s picture.

I’m assuming that the nigger launched his kamikaze run on the Aryan gunman as part of his mission instead of doing a runner. The grieving over this dead nigger was nauseating but the SJW’s would have loved it.

One point of interest; is that one of the executive producers was listed as an “Andrew MacDonald”.

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