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My previous post was a postscript to my article on the commenters and this one is a sort of post-P.S.

First of all, I would like to say that I left that article hanging for a few days without resuming my series of posts on Simms’ book or Velasco’s article whose translation I started (and will soon be commenting on Savitri’s better-known book) because of the relevance of what the Greek said before the Stars picture I posted.

Among the commenters referred to, only Jack Halliday once remarked that no one mentioned the images of Parrish’s nymphs that appeared in the sidebar of the second incarnation of this site. Personally, only one member of the London Forum mentioned those images on my blog in a conversation in which we were both standing relatively far away from the armchairs where other forum members were talking.

I am very upset that that, unlike the Greeks, Romans and Renaissance artists, today’s racialists fail to put Aryan beauty at the absolute centre of their forums. To my way of thinking, that can only mean that they are either Christians or neochristians, in the sense of despising Aryan beauty which, in a sane world, should be on a pedestal.

Another point I didn’t mention in my article on commenters is that, for a while, this site maintained a podcast featuring Joseph Walsh, Jake F., and rarely me. Of those podcasts the first guest was Alex Linder and, if I seldom spoke, it’s because I’m not a native English speaker. Our SoundCloud account was cancelled but it didn’t hurt much because Joseph and Jake’s voices always sounded, to my ears, like the voices of white nationalists: not the voices of priests of the holy words.

By the latter I mean a kind of post-1945 National Socialism: a NS that emphasises not the Jewish problem but the Christian problem insofar as I am convinced it is Christian and neochristian morality that allowed Jewry to flourish in the West and not vice versa: that Jews alone subverted the Christian world in modern times. In the comments section I said as much to Walsh, who replied that he believed the Christian factor was primary. But if SoundCloud hadn’t censored our podcast audios, it would be clear that he and Jake sounded like white nationalists, not what I now call ‘priests’.

And this post being a P.P.S., I would like to add that a couple of days ago I was watching an interview on YouTube conducted by a couple of mudblood Christians with Tom Holland. It is really shocking that Holland, whose work is at the heart of everything written to understand the concept of ‘neochristianity’, told his interviewers that the holiest person he has ever met in his country was a (now deceased) Jesuit who lived in a neighbourhood flooded with… immigrants! Wow, English women are being exterminated in Tom’s country by having offspring with these coloured invaders (which I saw with my own eyes on my last trip to the UK) and he who has the best grasp of how Christianity spawned neochristianity is part of that process!

I would now like to talk about the recent article in The Occidental Observer about the murder of VDare (see also today’s Counter-Currents article on the subject). I’m afraid to say it doesn’t hurt me, but why?

A few years ago I saw a picture of Peter Brimelow, who presided over that notable site, participating in his daughter’s university graduation. A picture is worth a thousand words and I said to myself that Brimelow wasn’t consistent with the 14 words. If he were his daughter would have been educated not for a career but for procreation.

This is a typical problem with the racial right: inconsistency is blatant. They aren’t even capable of educating their children in a remote village far from any sort of feminist contamination.

While the first two steps to preserving race may well be race realism and education about the Jewish question, which white nationalists do, third and fourth steps are missing. True, Roger Devlin has made the academic critique of feminism in those forums, but who among them dares to say that our daughters should be educated to procreate: never to pursue careers as if they were boys?

More importantly, Lydia Brimelow, the wife of the pure Aryan Peter, an Englishman who emigrated to the US, is not an English rose. Her skin colour and skull structure, though Caucasoid, are not what was in Himmler’s plans to conquer and populate the conquered territories.

In my humble opinion, it is high time that the misnamed ‘white nationalism’ begins to die and a movement emerges that is the true heir of German National Socialism. But who on the racial right is willing not only to repudiate all vestiges of feminism but to embrace Nordicism wholeheartedly (so that our daughters, adopted or not, may be as cute as the one Parrish painted)? As always, I am talking to myself, or is there another priest of the sacred words in the whole world?

Spiritually, the Greek who told me he was going to commit suicide seemed like a real priest. If he did not lie to me and is now dead, it would seem that we are now alone.

One reply on “VDare”

By mentioning Peter, someone might tell me that I have violated my promise not to mention names.

But remember that this promise is valid only so that the moderators of the racial right sites don’t let the comments of the impersonator Dr Morales pass through (now that VDare is no longer on the net, I can afford to mention its creator).

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