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Axiology Might is right (book) Racial right

Might is right, 1

by Ragnar Redbeard

Editor’s Note:

I don’t presume to have read all of Ragnar Redbeard’s book, but I might be adding some excerpts in a new series, such as the following passage from the preface.

It is interesting to compare this book published in 1896 with the lectures of those on the American racial right 128 years later (e.g., this recent one), who are still stuck in unwarlike Christian ethics.

The mysterious Redbeard (a pen name) wrote:


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Virtue is rewarded in this world, remember. Natural law makes no false judgments. Its decisions are true and just, even when dreadful. The victor gets the gold and the land every time. He also gets the fairest maidens, the glory tributes. And—why should it be otherwise? Why should the delights of life go to failures and cowards? Why should the spoils of battle belong to the unwarlike? That would be insanity, utterly unnatural and immoral.

Behold the crucifix, what does it symbolize?
Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.

In the wars of the Great Cæsar, and Grim Hannibal, in the times of Belzchazzar, the Pharaohs and all; the days of Rienzi and Roland the Bold; all banners are waving for women and gold.
It is might against might, remember, by land and sea, man against man, money against money, brains against brains, and—everything to the winner.

8 replies on “Might is right, 1”

As far as Rienzi is concerned, remember that Rienzi was the opera that started the teenager Hitler’s passion for Wagner, as his friend August Kubizek tells on pages 211-213 of Savitri Devi’s Memoirs.

But according to this principle, the Soviets had the right to do what they did to Germany, and the Jews have the right to subordinate us. Clearly, then, might is not always right. Time after time, we see the universe favouring lesser forms of life.

The sins of the Anglo-Americans are so astronomical—for example in empowering the Jew in both nations and using their military might to murder the German Reich—that they have overrun fate itself: something those airheaded at James Edwards’ conference don’t want to see because of their patriotardism.

I believe some of the things that causes their patriotardism is a lack of humility.

They don’t want to see anything is wrong because then they will have to admit they were wrong and accept responsibility. This is one of the biggest problems that Dr. William Pierce encountered after having properly educated Americans that later didn’t want to be held accountable for anything.

The only way to humble them down is by destroying their safe heaven and making them experience the same hellstorm that their government brought to Germany, as a whole.

A nuke falling into one of the big cities (hopefully, Atlanta or NYC) will make them realize that they are no longer safe in the belly of the beast.

I believe some of the things that causes their patriotardism is a lack of humility.

Why do you think no one but me has been mentioning on racialist forums that the fact that Iberian whites intermixed while bringing the anti-Jewish Inquisition to the Americas proves we have a Christian problem (besides the JP)? Lack of humility? Pride?

Several years ago the American Jack Frost, in the comments section of The Occidental Observer, observed that to become NS men ‘They would have to admit that their ancestors were evil, and that they themselves had also been evil before they saw the light and became racists’. He added that, alas, the probability of racialist Americans reaching that conclusion was zero.

I think Frost (who perhaps is the same anti-tech guy who used to comment in The Unz Review under the pen name Dr. Robert Morgan) hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, he didn’t change the consciences of his compatriots, and he apparently has since retired from commenting.

I think the entire American racial right lacks precisely what you say: humility.

I read this book back in 2017. The first half is a great read, very red-pilling. Made me want to take up arms and start killing liars and deceivers. Makes you want to go to war against weakness.

I remember, back when this blog changed address and got a new look, what a commenter said about the “key” to transition into an exterminationist mindset is to view existence in this world as an eternal war for resources. When one fully understands this, priority number 1 is becomes the destruction of the inferior races.

I see Autisticus is spreading defeatism through fallacious analogy, again.
Might is. Always will be.
The Soviets weren’t mightier than the Germans. Those stupid shits were saved by the Anglo-Americans. Even after 80 years those Slav-gooks still aren’t better than your typical Aryan traitor.

The Reich carried out a Lesser Jihad as a last resort. The Jews and White traitors knew they could not win against a fully developed Greater Jihad of the Aryan Mind led by the Führer. So they put Germany back into Xtian sleep, Old-Testament-style.

Autisticus is still banned from this site, but since I passed up a single comment from Adunai recently, it seemed appropriate to let a single comment from Autisticus pass through, especially because of what I responded to him.

Might is Right can be misunderstood if you put more emphasis on Right than Might. What is Might is Right! The victors write history etc.

Its like Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest is often misunderstood, this is not survival of the best (in quality or nobility), but of the most adapted to environment!

Might is Right is a great book to read for breaking the conditioning of christian values.

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