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Walking tours

in the Aryan past

To fully understand my most recent book Crusade against the Cross it is necessary not only to have read its appendix where the theme of the Italian Renaissance is touched upon, but preferably also to have read Nietzsche’s masterpiece: The Antichrist. Nietzsche was a critic of culture. Only then could we understand what I said to Berk yesterday in one of the recent discussion threads:

But Nietzsche’s idea was never to execute Luther, simply that the power of the image of Renaissance sculpture and paintings was already transvaluing values (the God of the Sistine Chapel is actually a Zeus), and the Italians would have finished transvaluing them if it hadn’t been for the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation.

One of the things that make my blood boil the most is that on some YouTube channels, it has become fashionable to use beautiful ‘walking tours’—a sort of Bran the Broken’s magic of touching the Weirwood tree to see the remote past—, for example, this video on ancient Sparta, Corinth and Olympia. What makes them impossible for me to watch is that they replace the historical population with dark-skinned mudbloods!

That the ancient Greeks, before they interbred, were blond and blue-eyed is clear from this article in American Renaissance (currently being discussed in hundreds of comments on The Unz Review). We have also contributed to the subject by translating this essay by Eduardo Velasco (later collected in The Fair Race). And let’s never forget two essential books to understand our point of view: William Pierce’s story of the white race, and Arthur Kemp’s story.

I know very little about the magic of computing, or how the people who upload these videos made them. But if I had the means I would do the same about, say, cities like Sparta or Thebes that for several centuries resisted miscegenation and whose inhabitants, descendants of the Dorians, were blue-eyed blonds. Even Athena, the goddess of ancient Athens before the massive miscegenation of the Mediterranean occurred, was blonde and blue-eyed.

Our videos would be similar to the one I linked above, but we would replace the fictional mudblood figures they put with figures that look like their real ancient inhabitants. The last thing the ethnocidal System wants is for the contemporary Aryan to regain his self-image, and lost self-esteem after WW2, by reclaiming history.

3 replies on “Walking tours”

The importance of all this lies in the fact that, precisely because they mixed, classical civilisations fell.

Before the rise of American white nationalism, a term that emerged in the mid-1990s, these things were known, especially among Germans in the Third Reich.

The Swedish Martin P. Nilsson (1874-1967), a scholar of the Hellenistic and Roman world, wrote about how miscegenation was the contributing factor in the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

At the end of Crusade against the Cross I said that a movement parallel to white nationalism had to be inaugurated. Well, let’s start by reinstating the Nordicism that was previously taken for granted…

I read Arthur Kemp’s “March of the Titans” years ago and it is great in breaking the conditioning that race is not that important. Kemp shows that all the civilisations that were created by Europeans fell once the creators were overwhelmed by other races.

Due to the scale of non-European migration today we are getting an accelerated view of the destruction it brings to our societies, but rather than a slow death it may bring a fast one! Hopefully an immune response like white bloods cells acting to cleanse the body of infection will occur, which is an analogy I like.

If we compare it to AIDS, what the virus of Christian ethics does is precisely to attack the cells that protect us. You cannot save the race without applying Nietzsche’s ‘Law Against Christianity’, which you can read on the last page of Crusade Against the Cross. Alas, no one in the racialist blogosphere (except me) would want to implement this law if we came to power.

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