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3-eyed crow Racial right

The crow

doesn’t tweet

I hate the fad of embedding discussion threads with all the colourful interface visible: something started by Andrew Anglin and now imitated by everyone, even sites of good aesthetical taste. So I’ll just copy and paste the text of the last exchange I had, on what is now called X, with a lad who has an account under the name Community Noticing:

Community Noticing: Have you ever listened to Nick Fuentes?

C.T.: Fuentes? That super Christian who wants to kill non-Christians? The fact that the racial right has spawned such a guy shows it’s bankrupt.

Community Noticing: *Expel* non-Christians, aka a good start. Fuentes is the CEO of antisemitism and nobody else comes close.

C.T.: Are you a Christian?

Community Noticing: Baptized Roman Catholic, had lost faith due to Juw subversion and some aspects you’ve blogged about. But thanks to Nick Fuentes and his medieval Germanic Christian nationalism and Catholic integralism, I see a future for the White race.

C.T.: So why do you agree with Fuentes that if their group comes to power they should kill me (and the other pagans)? They’re the ones that should be killed. As far as medieval Christianity is concerned, the topic is addressed in my translations.

Community Noticing: That isn’t what he wants, I support Nick because this is what he wants, this is what you want, this is what we all want.

C.T.: He doesn’t realise that all churches are anti-racist, including the one he belongs to. And once he said that he wanted to eliminate the pagans.

Community Noticing: False, explained here and irrelevant, because he is pro-White, he is anti-Jew, and on those two points he leads many and influences more.

This twitterer, who must be very young (see the ridiculous avatar he uses), is ignorant in multiple respects.

Firstly, he hasn’t read this site properly. The link I posted above is a translation of part of Karlheinz Deschner’s ten-volume work in German on the criminal history of Christianity: precisely the period in which Fuentes’ absurd propaganda about ‘Christian and Germanic nationalism’ is rebutted.

Secondly, the young twitterer links to a book by an apologist of Christianity published on Kevin MacDonald’s site. He ignores not only that I wrote a rebuttal in several posts, but that I included it as the last essay in my book Daybreak.

Thirdly, the typical white nationalist has a good awareness of JQ. But none of the CQ. And if worshipping the cross is the primary cause of white decline, then people like MacDonald, who publishes Christian apologists, represent a mix of good and evil for our fourteen words: proof of this is precisely that this boy linked the apologist’s book to me.

My exchange on X yesterday and today, quoted above, makes me realise that I should no longer post on such a shallow, laddish forum (compare that to the Nietzsche series I’ve been uploading!). This sort of thing happens when someone in his mid-sixties argues with a beardless kid. The kid has no idea that the older man has spent decades reading and studying the case and that it is impossible to convey this knowledge in such a superficial forum as X. That’s precisely why I put the PDFs in the featured article, but apparently, the kids who follow Fuentes don’t read books. Will they read them?

X, formerly Twitter, is designed for normies and neo-normies. The old three-eyed raven, to follow the metaphor of the featured post, never tweets. However, if there is one thing he aspires to, it is that a young person will want to receive the mantle of his legacy so that, when the old man is no longer in this world, the information collected over the years won’t be lost.

So I won’t post on X again (except a farewell). If much younger people are to communicate the message of The West’s Darkest Hour in such a forum, let them do so with proper links. But it is not the old man’s place to be on a first-name basis with a young man other than Bran the Broken.

2 replies on “The crow”

I’m ignorant about X/Twitter. For example, I don’t know if the discussion thread cited above can’t be linked because it is perhaps a private discussion? But what I want to add here is that in that discussion the lad suggested that I discuss directly with MacDonald. I told him that I’d only ask him one question: If the JQ is your working hypothesis, how do you explain that Latin America perpetrated miscegenation between Iberian whites and Amerinds when the Spanish Inquisition kept the Jews at bay?

A true believer in Fuentes will never ask such a question, obviously, because it shows that even with the JQ solved in a kingdom, whites still commit ethnic suicide (because of the CQ I would say).

You know, what is truly sad is how our development of social interaction has been reduce to always talk through intermediary parties.

Online interaction is not the way for younglings to reach maturity. They need to experience real life. Otherwise, they are kept in an infantile state.

It will be nice if we could just go to our pubs or colleges, yell all loud “I hate this system and its niggers, lets wreck it into oblivion!” and have a large crowd of men cheering at you for it.

If only the government was afraid of such a thing ever happening.

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