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Correspondence Kali Yuga

Island of slaves

In his most recent e-mail, Benjamin Power said:

There is no one—no one, not a soul!—left in this country whom I can legitimately converse with in a sensible manner. I know of absolutely no one. This island of slaves [the UK] is a gulag of pain. What are their books if they cannot be read, ringed ornaments for their coffee tables; stepping stones for the muddy road to their work?

Remember that I have renamed the category “West’s Darkest Hour” to “Kali Yuga”, which means the same thing, but I did it in honour of Savitri Devi.

2 replies on “Island of slaves”

Good afternoon. I appreciate your Nietzschian point of view and have learned much from your excellent website. I am also jealous of your ability to communicate fluently in two very different languages.

What has happened to your friend Dr. Robert Morgan? Has he stopped posting on Unz or has he been silenced for telling truths?

Morgan is a mystery. He used to post on The Occidental Observer many years ago under another pseudonym, and here under another pen name. He’s older than me apparently, and I’m already 65. When a commenter dies there is no way to know.

I was shocked that Eduardo Velasco’s Europa Soberana disappeared, and that since 2018 he hasn’t answered my emails. I guess he died because after Blogger removed his site, Velasco didn’t put it somewhere else.

It would be ideal if after I die (I hope I live 30 more years!) someone younger than me could announce my passing. But to date I haven’t met someone who wants to inherit the mantle of this site…

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