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Israel / Palestine Kalki

Palestine, Israel, etc.

‘I know your little exterminationist game, and you are banned from playing it here. Go back to TRS’. —Greg Johnson to Tracy

In many ways, The West’s Darkest Hour is a critical site of the American racial right. It reminds me a bit of what Alex Linder used to say: that paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanan and racialists like Jared Taylor should be ruthlessly criticised for ignoring the JQ. I do the same but with folks to my immediate left: the white nationalists who ignore the CQ, the Christian question.

Let’s examine two articles published today by the American racial right. Hunter Wallace’s article on the Palestine & Israel war contains a link to this enlightening documentary showing that Gaza is, in fact, a concentration camp. I liked what Wallace had to say in his points numbered 1 to 15, especially his criticism of the crazy American Zionists who, in my opinion, are worse than Nosferatu himself in that they betray their race (Wallace also mentions the latter in his article). Conversely, I don’t like, although it is fashionable in these forums, that they put images from tweets or overwrite their articles with images, as clownishly as Andrew Anglin does, and I am shocked that even Kevin MacDonald sometimes falls into this adolescent practice.

On the other hand, there is an article in Counter-Currents whose editor, Greg Johnson, is not a Christian but a secular neo-Christian. Reading it reminded me of what we have said many times on this site: secular neo-Christians are worse, axiologically speaking than traditional Christians. For example, in that article we read:

I want the [Palestine/Israel] fighting to end as soon as possible, of course. I feel the same way about the Russo-Ukrainian War, which is still going on after a year and a half of bloodshed.

This cannot contrast more with the ontological core of this site, which has the archetype of Kalki—something like being to the right of Himmler—as the saviour of the future. What we want is a civilisational collapse, a punishment for the Aryans who betrayed themselves of such biblical proportions that Christian ethics is completely vaporised among the survivors. We have no love for humanity, only an exterminationist hatred provided, of course, that the extremely few survivors will be pure Aryans to repopulate the Earth after the apocalypse.

A final word. The first comment in the Counter-Currents article is this:

I want Israel to exist, largely because when enough whites wake up to Jewish perfidy once again and do something (hopefully non-violent) about it, the guilty will have a place to go to.

Yes. If Israel is destroyed, which many on the dissident Right seem myopically to hope for, where will all those millions of displaced Jews go? Europe and America. Now that would be a catastrophe on top of a disaster.

I wonder what Linder would say about these Neo-Christians?

12 replies on “Palestine, Israel, etc.”

Let’s see who tribe has the most willing to survive. We all are spectators in the Colossseum about to see a duel. Rejoice!

I would suggest that you use an online Spanish-English translator before posting your comments, which sometimes have blatant syntax errors. Your comment should read:

Let’s see which tribe has the most will to survive. We are all spectators in the Colosseum about to see a duel. Rejoice!

Yes, I should. Sorry haha. Sometimes it’s tedious doing that when using a VPN and Tor. Greetings

I saw this article today and read a couple of paragraphs before stopping. I got tired of the liberal racialism of counter-currents a long time ago.

These people have already watched their attempts to reconcile race ideology with contemporary liberalism and Christianity fail. They’re not going to change. Not because they think what they’re doing will work, but because they’re too afraid to cross the psychological Rubicon. Accepting that human life is not inherently valuable is scary. It leads to to the forbidden conclusion: National Socialism.

I have just added a quote at the top of the article which shows that Greggy is going to expel any C-C commenter who proposes final solutions to the JP!

My reaction to 1,000 ‘vertical termites’—as Alex Linder calls ‘the Jew’—“going the way of all flesh”—as the Authorised Version poetically describes death—is one of utter indifference. Remember, the Jews profess in their Holy Books that the white Goyim are to be subjugated and enslaved and ultimately exterminated. Even the memory of Amelek—i.e. the White Race—is to be obliterated, which is why our monuments and stained-glass windows are being torn down, and our History rewritten featuring Black actors.

This is why I recommend Church and State. Even though they are leftist, it is very easy to filter out the leftism. The earth is overpopulated. Christianity—in particular, the Catholic Church—caused this overpopulation and continue to worsen it. I was watching Thunderf00t, and in a recent video, he says that in this century, thanks to overpopulation and climate change, huge droughts causing the deaths of millions of people will become commonplace, even in once first-world nations like the United States of America. As Alex Linder points out: evolution proceeds through genocide. The earth is overpopulated. The earth needs to be depopulated. The earth eventually, if left to itself, will depopulate itself of billions of anthropoid vermin. As Bill Hicks put it: humanity is a virus with shoes. The only question is who is going to be depopulated? I want the white race to survive the depopulations of the next couple of centuries and hopefully possess the entire planet. As I wrote in that anthology on exterminationism: only a global exterminationist white Imperium counts as victory. I envisage a Globalist White Empire comprising petty vassal national states. Global problems require global solutions. In a technological age, practically all problems are global in scope. Anything short of a Global Exterminationist White Imperium is ultimate failure. One of the things that I like about Matt Hale is that he is a white globalist.

It isn’t just the Church which caused this over population. Western society has been basically selling technology/knowledge to those who could never have figured it out themselves( let alone handle it properly) and this has also helped increase world population (and environmental disasters.) Some of that could probably be traced back to Christianity (Save the poor Brown people!) but don’t underestimate sheer unadulterated greed as well.

Apart from the MSM and jews themselves there has not been much support for the situation Israel finds itself in.
It also shows the hypocrisy of our western governments that won’t defend our own borders.
The anglo-jews of US and GB will soon be humiliated by internal conficts caused by unfettered coloured immigration, fossil fuel shortages, and economic failures.

Adûnâi asked me to deliver the following message to you, César.

“If Israel is too Christianised to exterminate two million Palestinians now, it portends badly for the future of the white race, who have been infected with the bacillus of mercy for much longer.”

This is the second time you have acted as an emissary of Adunai. Don’t do it again please.

He asks me on Discord to relay these messages. I thought it would be impolite to ignore him. It also seemed like a good point this time.

Church and State in this article resorts to caveating. The Left caveats so much on this issue. The Left is ineffective on this issue because they are terrified of being called “racists”. (Heaven forefend!). Why is eco-fascism a bad thing? Why is racism a bad thing? If the population of the planet is to be curtailed—and it will be curtailed, one way or another, as population growth, in its current form is totally unsustainable—then should it not be the worst of us who are thinned out and not the best of us? Isn’t the White race, in Klassen’s words, “nature’s finest”. Church and State calls on [White] people to forego identity politics… even though non-white racial identities have been cynically weaponised against white people… mostly by Jews and Christians, and by atheistic Hyperchristians. Church and State calls for “sensible immigration policies”. Yeah, it is not as though anybody ever called for that before! Only the radical white post-Christian-axiology right can deliver on depopulation. Church and State still seems to have a residual belief that there is some God up there who will send you to Hell for the sin of racism. Church and State seem to have a residual belief that there is some God up there magically making us all equal. In a word, Church and State are atheistic hyperchristians.

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