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Savitri quotes

When will the inevitable Avenger come—he who will restore order, and put every being in its place? Is it my devotion to him that makes me so fond of all the forces that seem to want to crush this insolent worm that is man? Is he who, in April 1947, made me greet the sight (and the subterranean roar!) of the Hekla in full eruption as one greets the divinities in the temples in India and, in an ecstasy of joy, intone in Bengali the hymn to Shiva: ‘Dancer of Destruction, O King of the Dance’?

Almost forty years ago I came to the Indies, seeking  the tropical equivalent of Aryan and pagan Europe: that Ancient World where enlightened tolerance reigned, and the cult of the Beautiful drawing its very essence from the true. I have come and remained there; I have left and returned, always as a disciple of Adolf Hitler, the modern face of He Who Returns, always animated by the spirit of the fight against Time which he embodies, with all his glorious predecessors and with Kalki, the victor who must one day succeed him and them.

Now that there’s nothing else to do, my comrades, live with me in ardent anticipation of the end of this humanity, which has rejected us and our Führer. Mankind isn’t worth saving. Let it go, buried under the ruins of its hospitals, laboratories, slaughterhouses and nightclubs. I quote to you the verses that Leconte de Lisle addresses to the Virgin Forest, burned, uprooted, shredded by man: ‘Tears and blood will sprinkle your ashes / And you will spring from ours, O Forest!’ These are words of anticipated joy for me. I also remind you of the words of Goebbels at the time of the collapse of this Reich for which we lived: ‘After the deluge, us!’

All that remains is to wish, to call with all our might the Deluge—the End, to make ourselves personally responsible for its coming, wishing for it day and night. I would desire it, I would call for it, even if I were persuaded that none of us—including myself, of course; including those whom I most admire and love—would survive it. The world is too ugly without its true Gods, without the sense of the sacred in life, for the Strong not to yearn for its end.

My comrades: join me, and let us echo with Wotan the Song of the End: Eins will ich: das Ende; das Ende! [1] The world without humans is far and away preferable to the world in which no human elite will rule anymore.

Savitri Devi Mukherji


[1] I want one thing: the end; the End!

10 replies on “Savitri quotes”

It has taken up all my IQ to ask a question that’s not too cynical, so here it goes. Why do the Strong fight? Is it because they choose to, or maybe because fighting for the gods makes them the Strong to begin with?

Savitri responds to that in the first chapter of the book we translated (same book of the above quote).

Another point. I still remember the time when an English friend told the idea that the early 20th ct. Aryan men had this heavy, downcast look in their eyes which has only been preserved in prisons. Is it the intellectuals which have the higher chance of reviving Hitlerism? Or maybe murderous thugs? (Relevant to the current Russian war’s conflict between the Christcuck Strelkov and Jewish morlock Prigozhin.)

Unlike Rockwell, William Pierce had utter contempt for whites marginalised by society who wanted to do something for the cause (see this video: the only surviving video of Pierce in the huge YouTube purge).

What Pierce never understood is that you can’t make a pro-Aryan movement out of bourgeois whites: that’s worse than the unbalanced whites Rockwell sometimes admitted into his ranks (just look at the comemnters on Counter-Currents to see the folly of appealing to de facto conservatives).

There is a very good reason that revolutionaries have heavy concentrations of thugs, criminals, ne’er-do-wells, and poor people. Ignore it at your peril. Criminals make good revolutionaries because they have a lot of experience in how to fight the system. They’’d probably be weak on the political side of things but for the actual day to day heavy lifting of a revolution they work out well. The hard part is getting these kinds of people to work together but that’s what a leader is for.

The bourgeois are far too comfy to rebel and are a big part of the system itself. The only way you’d get rebellion out of those people is if their wealth/status were in peril. No change ever comes from them. Conservatives and the like would be the first people to hand over revolutionaries to the system. Pierce should have known better.

I just realized that in the Turner Diaries our hero is an engineer and all the rest of the people are basically “respectable.” I don’t recall any criminals or the like even mentioned. In the Turner Diaries, our hero has a hard time handling an armed robbery to get funds to finance their activities. Professional criminals would have no such problems and in a real revolution they’d probably be in the “Finance Section” acquiring money from banks and the like. It is also mentioned that the Order was “probably” running a protection racket at one point in the book. Guess who would excel at that? I haven’t read HAC in a while, but if I remember correctly there were characters from the lower stratus of society not just “respectable” people.

Conservatives and the like would be the first people to hand over revolutionaries to the system.

Did you know that Greg Johnson once wrote that if he knew a pro-white colleague was planning to do something illegal, he would call the police?

The mistake in what Pierce says in the clip above is to misunderstand the priority of the bourgeois ($), whom he calls ‘winners’. It was more logical to form a party, as Rockwell did, and try to keep the ‘losers’ who joined it disciplined (i.e. not to do anything foolish).

Caesar is right.

After he passed away, his organization collapsed and chaos took over.

Some of his closest friends were able to reorganize it, but hundreds of members who left never returned.

That just proved that he wasted time trying to educate the winners when in reality he should have gone for the losers, keep them in check and use their muscles to sustain the backbone of his political party.

And worst of all, whoever was left with the National Alliance didn’t publish the best book of history ever written: Pierce’s Who Were Are. I myself had to publish excerpts from it in The Fair Race.


That’s what you get for leaving the bourgeoisie in charge instead of a real revolutionary.

“Did you know that Greg Johnson once wrote that if he knew a pro-white colleague was planning to do something illegal, he would call the police?”

I’m always curious as to how these people think this is all going to work out. That they’ll talk the opposition to death? Engage them in a debate and make them see the error of their ways and they’ll repent? Somewhere along the way violence will be needed. If there is ever a real revolution in the U.S. people like Greg Johnson will be targeted by BOTH sides.

@ Jamie

Too many of these organizations become cults of personality. I don’t know if Pierce made some kind of plan for continuation of his organization but it obviously didn’t fare well. Same with HAC and the NWF. After he died the NWF seemed to collapse (although they seem to have resurfaced lately) even though he did have a plan for his death. Even BUGS (of mantra fame) seemed to fade away after Bob Whittaker died. Bob Whittaker was the only professional propagandist Pro-Whites ever had and was the only “leader” in Pro-White circles that the media was actually terrified of.

Both intellectuals and courageous men of action.

The current system is utterly dumb and have been thoroughly beaten in any decent debate, but they keep pushing forward their agenda through the use of force.

They have no brain but all the muscle while we have brains but no muscle at all.

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