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Conservatism James Mason

Siege, 50

Editor’s note: Rereading my post quoting Greg Johnson last year prompts me to renew my excerpts from James Mason’s book:

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Marching to one drummer

One of the biggest differences between National Socialism and the rest of the Rightist spectrum, aside from ideological, strategic and tactical differences, is the nature of the intended “State-to-be” once the System is collapsed and destroyed. We’re of course not talking about immediately after the fall of the System, when it will be largely up for grabs, but well after the smoke has settled, once new sense and order has been established…

Most Rightist reactionaries have as a part of their platform the belief and the statement that “big government” is an evil by itself and has to be done away with. Neo-Republicans and Neo-Democrats alike are of the conviction that the purpose of Government is merely to serve as caretaker over affairs of business, property, and defense. We disagree with them all. Commander Rockwell stated that the question is not one of “how much” government but “how good” a government.

Hitler was clear in Mein Kampf just as he was clear in Triumph of the Will that it was always his intent and the intention of the whole NSDAP to be the one and only source of power and authority in Germany. We intend the same here, in North America. We hold no illusions that this march to power will not be long and hard. We still have a strong and powerful Enemy System firmly in place before us that has to be removed by one means or another. Once accomplished, there are the myriad factions that will then be vying for power over this continent and the rest of the world. Foreign and domestic rivals for control will have to be met and dealt with. At the end, there will be the factions within the Movement itself that will have to be united into a single unit, under a single authority…

In our view, the function of government is as the leader of its people, not merely caretaker or arbiter. Hitler said that the leading forces make the society and the nation what it is and what it will become. This means taking the youth firmly in hand raising them up in the manner that our ideology commands so as to achieve the ever-more-perfect Race and State in the shortest possible time. Only a centralized government can accomplish this. So-called “rights” and “freedom” all take distant back seats to this highest goal. The task must be accomplished without petty interference from any quarter.

Aside from future considerations, if in the present day the Movement could somehow find the wisdom and maturity to discipline itself into functioning as a single unit, then it would be in short order one hell of a long way ahead. The White Man’s greatest strength in the past has been his genius for organization. His greatest weakness has always been his tendency to contrariness and disunity…

Make no mistake, this country today is ruled by a dictatorship— that of Big Brother. What we plan is as far removed from this as it is possible to get. Yet ours will be a dictatorship also. It will be such because we will have no tolerance whatever for opposition of any kind, even ineffectual opposition…

The coming rule will be one of, and with, its own people. It will be strictly manned and operated by men of the people with their one goal being the furtherance and betterment, the increased greatness of their people. Considerations such as governmental, financial, or international matters will be but sidelines to be used or discarded according to whether or not their application in any case will favorably or adversely affect the White Race. And it will be because of this complete dedication to the interests of the Race that no interference will be allowed. Big Brother is absolutely BENT upon the destruction of distinct races and most of us know to what lengths he has already gone to see to it his plan is not altered in any way. We must at least be as determined as he is—at least that and MORE SO.

Vol. XIII, #2 – February, 1984, edited.

2 replies on “Siege, 50”

The problem facing the Aryan people now is the quality and character of the majority of white men. Despite the terrible economic and social conditions that existed in Germany during the Weimar regime the quality of the German people remained superior. Hitler, despite his unmatched personal and leadership qualities, would fail in Germany or any other white nation today. He would not have the huge pool of quality men to support him and to whom he could delegate responsibility and trust. Men of high intelligence, physical courage, honour and loyalty. Tough men who had been through war and privation. I think that the white race is going to have to go through the ringer, beginning very soon. The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that bloody violence is now inevitable. Words are still important but they have to be combined with action or we will be crushed by our enemies, some of the worst of whom are fellow whites.

Just for the record, ‘To put someone through the wringer’ means to to make him suffer, e.g., the police metaphorically put Joe through the wringer by using intense interrogation methods (a wringer is a machine for squeezing the water out of wet laundry).

Yes, the whole race will be squeezed soon, starting with their currency crash. It’s the only way to atone for their sins (obeying the enemy god, etc.).

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