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Catholic religious orders Darkening Age (book) Horace Libanius Ovid

Darkening Age, 25

Bosch, The Last Judgement
(detail) 1500-05

Editor’s note: Regarding the view of Robert Morgan in the previous post, I disagree in the sense that it is unclear what would have happened to technology if the Third Reich had emerged triumphant. As the bad guys won the war, the use of technology in the West is self-destructing for the fair race.

It is true what Arthur Kemp says: that the use of non-whites after the Aryan conquests has been the primary cause of the decline of empires, due to the eventual miscegenation. But we live in a time when whites have become passionately ethno-suicidal, and that can only be explained by the texts linked in the sticky post. The history of Christianity, one of the two DNA axes of Aryan suicide according to the POV of this site, should be analysed with the same eagerness as white nationalists analyse the Jewish question.

When I talk to the white people, say, with whom I have spoken in England, I see an injured self-image to the degree that it evokes the mass psychosis, in a sector of the population, right after the triumph of Constantine. I refer to the Christian hermits and ascetics whose movement would eventually evolve into monastic orders. The mass psychosis, so well depicted by Hieronymus Bosch, had to do with the introduction of a fear that did not exist in the Greco-Roman world. I refer to the fear of eternal torment: something that, occasionally, persists even on the internet sites of southern nationalists in the US.

To understand what is happening to the white man it is necessary to realise that Kevin MacDonald and his followers fail to diagnose the origin of this tremendous collective guilt. Jews only thrive because of it. That’s why it is essential to tell what really happened to the Aryan psyche after the crushing triumph of Constantine. In chapter 14 of The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, Catherine Nixey wrote:


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If you had travelled to the great cities in the eastern empire, to Alexandria and to Antioch, in the fourth and fifth centuries, then long before you came to a city itself you would have seen them. At dawn, they emerged from caves in the hills and holes in the ground, their dark robes flapping; their faces gaunt and pale from hunger, their eyes hollow from lack of sleep. As the cocks began to crow, while the city beyond was still slumbering, they gathered in the monasteries and hills beyond and, ‘forming themselves into a holy choir, they stand, and lifting up their hands all at once sing the sacred hymns’. An impressive sight – and an eerie one, their filthy, emaciated figures a living rebuke to the opulence and bustle of urban life below: a new, and newly strange, power in the world.

This was the great age of the monk. Ever since Antony had set out to the desert to do battle with demons, men had flocked after him in imitation. These men were the ideal Christians; the perfect renouncers of all those sinful pleasures of the flesh. And their way of life was thriving: so many had gone out since Antony that the desert was described as a city. And what a strange city this was. You wouldn’t find bathhouses and banquets and theatres here. The habits of these men were infamously ascetic. In Syria, St Simeon Stylites (‘of the pillar’) stood on a stone column for decades, until his feet burst open from the continual pressure. Other monks lived in caves, or holes, or hollows or shacks. In the eighteenth century, a traveller to Egypt had looked up into the cliffs above the Nile and seen thousands of cells in the rock above. It was in these burrows, he realized, that monks had lived out lives of unimaginable austerity, surviving on almost no food and only able to drink by letting down buckets on ropes to draw water from the river when it was in flood.

What was a monk at this time? In the fourth and fifth centuries, the now-ancient tradition of monasticism was only in its infancy and its ways were still being formed. In this odd and as yet uncodified existence, monks turned to the wisdom of their famous predecessors to know how to live. Collections of monkish sayings proliferated. Self-help guides of a sort – but a world away from Ovid. What is a monk? ‘He is a monk,’ wrote one, ‘who does violence to himself in everything.’ A monk was toil, said another. All toil. How should a monk live? ‘Eat straw, wear straw, sleep on straw,’ advised another revered saying. ‘Despise everything.’ Athletes of austerity, these men mortified their flesh in a hundred ways on a thousand days. One monk, it was said, had stood upright in thorn bushes for a fortnight. Another lived with a stone in his mouth for three years, to teach himself to be silent. Some, nostalgic for the tortures of past persecutions, draped themselves in chains and clanked round in them for years…

It is hardly surprising, therefore, that many of the empire’s urban, urbane men found this new breed of men who shunned the civilized life baffling to the point of repellent. To the Greek orator Libanius, monks were madmen, ‘that crew who pack themselves tight into the caves’ and who then ‘claim to converse with the creator of the universe in the mountains’. Their fasts were fiction, he said. These men weren’t starving themselves: they didn’t not eat; they just didn’t grow or buy their own food. When no one was looking, he said, they scuttled into the temples of the loathed pagans, stole those sinful sacrifices and ate them instead. Far from being ascetics they were ‘models of sobriety, only as far as their dress is concerned’. Their vicious and thuggish attacks on the temples weren’t done out of piety, said Libanius. They committed them out of pure greed…

The modern mind would tend towards a more clinical (albeit anachronistic) conclusion: many of these men must have been profoundly depressed.

Starvation was one of the most popular of monkish mortifications – no special equipment was required – but it was also one of the hardest to bear. One monk fasted all day then ate only two hard biscuits. Another lived from the age of twenty-seven to thirty on just roots and wild herbs, then for the next four years on half a pound of barley bread a day and some herbs. Eventually he felt his eyes going dim while his skin became ‘as rough as a pumice stone’. He added a little oil to his diet, then went on as before until he was sixty, to the awe and admiration of his fellow monks. There had been asceticism before – but this went further. Others, like ruminants, lived on all fours, browsing for their food like animals. In some ways hunger helped: a famished monk would be less beset by the demons of fornication or anger than one with a full belly. ‘A needy body,’ as one put it, ‘is a tame horse.’ But thoughts of food became an obsession with these men. In their reading of the Fall, the apple that Eve gives to Adam is not seen as a symbolic representation of sex; it is seen as nothing more, or less, than an apple. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs made monkish flesh.

The monks tormented themselves by what they put on their bodies as much as what they put in them. Some chose to dress in woven palm fronds instead of any softer fabric. To wear the usual coarse monkish habit was regarded, in this extreme world, as being ‘foppishly dressed’. Others, under the desert sun, tortured their skin with abrasive hair shirts. Another dressed in an extraordinary leather costume (that would in a later era have different connotations) that left only his mouth and nose exposed. To be pleasing to the Lord, a monk’s clothes must, it was said, be an offence against aestheticism: a habit should be tatty rather than smart, old rather than new, mended and re-mended and mended again. Anything less was vanity. A monk’s clothes should be such that, if he threw his habit out of his cell for three days, no one would steal it. The monks’ self-sacrifice was unquestionable; their smell must have been unspeakable.

If this sounds like a life lived on the edge of sanity, it was. In the searing heat of the desert day, reality shimmered, flickered and thinned. One monk saw a dragon in a lake; another slew a basilisk. Another saw the Devil himself sitting at his window. Demons appeared then vanished like smoke; meditating monks turned into flames. Watch one monk as he prayed and you would see his fingers turn into lamps of fire. Pray well and you might yourself become all flame. Demons teemed around monks like flies around food. One monk was beset by visions of rotting corpses, bursting open as they decayed. Alone for weeks, months on end in their cells, with nothing more than ageing hard bread to eat and an oil lamp to look at, monks were plagued by more tempting visions of sex, and food, and youth. Some monks lost their minds – if they had ever been in full possession of them. When Apollo of Scetis, a shepherd who later became a monk, spotted a pregnant woman in a field, he said to himself: ‘I should like to see how the child lies in her womb.’ He ripped the woman open and saw the foetus. The child and the mother died.

The reasons for these peculiar practices are hard to fathom. One theory is that Christian domination of the empire had brought many gains; but one of its great losses was that it had become considerably harder to be made a martyr by unsympathetic Roman governors. Deprived of the chance to die in one terrible, glorious, sin-erasing show, these men instead martyred themselves slowly, agonizingly, tormenting their flesh a little more every hour, thwarting their desires a little more every year. These practices would become known as ‘white martyrdom’. The monks died daily in the hope that, one day, after they died, they might live. ‘Remember the day of your death,’ advised one monk. ‘Remember also what happens in hell and think about the state of the souls down there, their painful silence, their most bitter groanings, their fear, their strife, their waiting…’ A terrible enough plight, but the monk had not finished yet; he concluded his cheering list with: ‘the punishments, the eternal fire, worms that rest not, the darkness, gnashing of teeth, fear and supplications…’

Carpe diem, Horace had said. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you will be dead for eternity. The monks offered an alternative to this view: die today and you might live for eternity. This was a life lived in terror of its end. ‘Always keep your death in mind,’ was a common piece of advice: do not forget the eternal judgement. When one brother started to laugh during a meal, he was immediately reproached by a fellow monk: ‘What does this brother have in his heart, that he should laugh, when he ought to weep?’ How should one live well in this new and austere world? By constantly accusing yourself, said another monk, by ‘constantly reproaching myself to myself.’ Sit in your cell all day, advised another, weeping for your sins.

A hint of desert isolationism started to find its way into pious city life, too. In John Chrysostom’s writings, contact with women of all kinds was something to be feared and, if possible, avoided altogether. ‘If we meet a woman in the market-place,’ Chrysostom told his congregation, herding his listeners into complicity with that first-person plural, then we are ‘disturbed’. Desire was dangerously easy to inflame. Women who inflamed it were not to be relished as Ovid had relished them, but eschewed, scorned and denigrated in writings that made it abundantly clear that the fault of the man’s desire lay with them. In this atmosphere a group of fashionable women with their low-cut necklines were not praised as beauties but excoriated as a ‘parade of whores’.

Eventually, clerical disapproval was reinforced by law. Pagan festivals, with their exuberant merriment and dancing, were banned… If anyone declared themselves an official in charge of pagan festivals then, the law said, they would be executed. John Chrysostom jubilantly observed their decline. ‘The tradition of the forefathers has been destroyed, the deep rooted custom has been torn out, the tyranny of joy [and] the accursed festivals have been obliterated just like smoke.’

11 replies on “Darkening Age, 25”

I never quite appreciated what Hitler meant by Christianity idolizing mad men. Now I understand.

Regarding technology,

the National Socialists eradicated both Bolshevism and Captalism in the Reich and thus soon found itself at war with its creators, which were firmly established in the Allied countries. And one could argue that the spreading and sharing of technology among and with sub-humans is a necessity for the succesful global implementation of the two mentioned governing systems ( which only serve the Jew and its group of kosher Goyim traitors ) .

I am sure that true National Socialists would have guarded their superior knowledge against the spread and use of it by lesser humans.
It’s a no-brainer, really, if you want to remain the one and only superior force on this planet.

After one or two generations we would have regained our god-like status among the sub-humans, as we once had. And the latter would regard us as powerful magicians/gods, just as we would regard them as part as the local flora and fauna in what we now call the third world.

This is my vision. And I think that any new religion for the white man should orbit around the idea that knowledge and understanding matter and its properties can only acquired from scratch with a super gifted mind provided by the Creator, which makes it Holy. Sharing this Holy knowledge would be the ultimate crime since it puts our species’ existence in danger.


Well stated.

And this is one reason why the Right-Wing of any kind is absolutely incompatible and has nothing really truly in common with us National Socialists.

The Right-Wing are all as Jewish as the Left-Wing, but the Right-Wingers are ruthless in their defense of Capitalism, whereas we National Socialists seek to eradicate it.

People are absolutely terrified of our return, this is why it was drilled into everyone’s head after the Germans lost the war, that “Something like National Socialism must never be allowed to ever return anywhere on this planet ever again”.

Industrialists, and even Real-Estate Agents and other criminal or asocial elements in society which skim the top of the system by controlling the needs of others and monopolizing real estate and other resources, or simply pricing things to whatever people are psychologically willing to pay for it, would be completely outlawed and ruthlessly persecuted, and these scumbags absolutely fear a return of our world in which everyone is required to be disciplined and work their way towards wealth instead of using exploitative measures of gaining endless opportunities of wealth.


” “Something like National Socialism must never be allowed to ever return anywhere on this planet ever again”. ”

This is the cork on which the entire paradigm we live in floats on.

Unfortunately most people have mediocre minds and are not only not in the slightest bit interested in anything else than what is easy, cozy, comfortable and conformative, but are also not even capable of grasping the reality. Not even when it smacks them in the face daily. This has probably always been the case in all eras. So it is entirely up to the leadership of any people to which direction society moves.

Adolf Hitler. the Fuhrer, as his folk called him is an example of a true leader who actually delivered. So of course this is exactly 180 degree opposite of what is currently being sold to the people as what is “right”. Right and Left are both the Jew’s inventions but they can’t see it. To the very limited minds of so-called right-wingers, Capitalism equals freedom which is worth defending at all costs.

I truly feel I am of a different species than the 99% ( or so ) of whites. Perhaps I am. By nature I am very optimistic, but I honestly don’t have a hope in hell this lot will ever come to their senses and start MWGA. ( Making Whites Great Again )

In my estimation the best chance we have would be a global catastrophe of the magnitude of an incoming comet. Forget about the dollar crash, it has been crashed a long long time ago. The value of the Federal Reserve Note has lost already 98 or so percent of its initial value since it was brought into existence in 1913. With it, our enemy has acquired total control over us. They control everything. They are untouchable. Forget about a bankrupt Western economic system because it has been bankrupt already for half a century. It doesn’t matter, just as sound economic company policy doesn’t matter for (((multi-nationals))), because they have access to unlimited quantities of worthless currency on top of the fact that they decide what is legal and what is not.

Also forget about taking over the establishment by infiltrating into it like the Bolsheviks did, because we don’t have what is an absolute necessity for that purpose which they did and still have; control over the money.

You don’t seem to understand what will happen after no combat US ships overseas may buy combustible from other countries; or what does it mean that international trade won’t be done in dollars, or how big American cities will almost collapse, especially those with lots of niggers. It will be the equivalent of several Chernobyls in US territory: something that the overwhelming majority of WNsts don’t want to see because they’re still loyal to anti-white Murka. Fortunately, you may be young enough to see how this unfolds after the real crash.


We are there already.

It has already collapsed. The major cities in the US and much of its infrastructure are already third world, as are its crime and homelessness rates. And again, despite the already ( for decades ) worhtlessness of the Dollar US warships are still controlling the seas, while its armies and airforces are destroying any country which tries to trade outside the Dollarsystem.

The way I see it is that the Chinese will be the final winners. They are smarter than the Jew. The Jew is – via weak Goyim traitors ( the lowest life form on this planet, even lower than niggers ) – using Aryan technology to dominate the planet and the Chinese are using the Jew’s Dollar scam to acquire as much technology, resources, gold and territory from under the hands of the West. There will indeed come a point when they are on par with the West’s military and even above it. When that time has come they will drop the worthless Dollar leaving the USA and the West without an ounce of gold destitute while the Jew is finished.

This is due to the ethnic thinking of the Chinese. Many Western homosexual so-called human rights champions are complaining about the harsh conditions of millions of Chinese labourers. The Chinese don’t give a fuck about that. Like ants, they consider it a group effort which will lead to the top. Example; they put 800,000 to a million Muslim troublemakers in concentration camps and if necessary they will just as easily kill them all. That’s how one solves any potential threats. Totally the opposite of how democratic societies deal with threats.

We ( admirers of ) National Socialism have a long term vision but alas we are less then nothing in a sea of mediocre imbeciles while the Chinese as a whole people more or less have that. A few million sacrified countrymen to achieve victory don’t mean anything to their leadership. And combined with their being fairly highly capable they are unstoppable.

We are there already.

It’s semantics. We are using the word ‘collapse’ to refer to different things.

I use it to refer to the future time when the dollar hyperinflates, and we are not yet living in those times (an even more serious crisis than that of 1929).

Guilt-tripping its faithful is one of the foundation stones of the Roman Catholic Church. Real Christians know better.

The western victors over the Third Reich are being hoist with the petard of their own vicious anti-Axis wartime propaganda. Since the sixties; they have to act as if they really believe it.

I’ve been reading through Morgan’s comment history since you’ve been linking to him.

I consider him dangerously wrong and possibly a victim of despair. His basic thesis, from what I’ve seen, is that technology is the problem, technology has created the situations that destroy racial cohesion and health, and only if technological civilization is destroyed can the white race survive.

This is wrong, dangerous, and self-destructive on every level.

First: losing technology is not so simple. In another comment I referred to the presence of gunpowder at the end of the Hundred Years’ War as marking a turning point. This is unavoidable. When men fight with sharp objects in direct physical confrontation, one sees the enemy, one feels one’s companions by one’s sides, the violence is direct and immediate. This promotes manly virtues such as courage and loyalty, for they are suited to lead a man to success in such an environment. Gunpowder changes the rules. With gunpowder, you can die without ever seeing what killed you. Your personal courage does not matter; the bullet finds it just as easy to hit you from in front as from behind. Your loyalty to your companions in arms will not prevent the bullets from striking them, or you; at best, it allows you to lay down covering fire and allow a friend to seek cover, but that is nowhere near the psychological importance or security of knowing your friend by your side has his sword ready to strike at those who might strike at you. Bullets can’t parry bullets.

This is not to say there are no virtues in the presence of gunpowder; there are. But they are different from those of swordsmen.

How likely is it – how believable – that gunpowder could be lost, and once lost, never be regained?

It will never happen. The tool is too useful.

This is one example. There are many others. Industrial machinery of any time – even if just steam-powered – puts powers at a man’s disposal that are inconceivable to those holding a shovel or hand saw. Even if the knowledge of such techniques was widely lost, all it takes is a handful of survivors who retain or rediscover them, giving them a competitive advantage that outclasses everything and everybody else hundreds of times over. If lost, it would be re-implemented and spread like wildfire, simply because competition is the rule of this universe and the advantages technology grants are utterly disproportionate.

He talks about resource extraction; specifically, that many of the easily available resource deposits on this world have already been tapped by industrial civilization, and that an industrial collapse would then be unable to build itself up again for lack of those easily accessible resources. This betrays a total failure to understand the reality of the physical world in which he lives. If I had to, you could give me a pile of red dirt and I could refine iron ore out of it. It would take a while and I’d probably have to burn quite a lot of wood (a renewable resource, note) but I could do it. And if I needed that iron enough – I WOULD do it, cost and effort be damned. Once a thing is known to be possible, finding a way to do it a second time is the easy part.

From a practical perspective, therefore, his goal/solution is impossible and yearning for it is pointless. So much for “is”. What about “ought”?

His premise is that a post-industrial civilization would look like ancient Athens or Rome or perhaps the dark ages or medieval period, and be unable to recreate technology. Think about the implications. The human race, locked to one planet, each of the human subspecies locked in with all the others, forever. Well, not forever; until the death of the sun. Or genocide, whichever comes first. This is his positive vision?

We ALREADY have the technology – nuclear pulse propulsion, known as “Orion” – to travel in a cost-effective fashion to other planets in the solar system. (That Orion has never been built is due to governmental failings, not technological inability.) We have any number of possible leads in physical theory for cost-effective and time-effective travel to other stars, and even without shortcuts travel to other stars in slower-than-light craft is doable and could be undertaken by a fully colonized Solar System. There is a vast multitude of planets out there; astronomers are just beginning to scratch the surface, and keep finding more every week. There are enough worlds for EVERY human variety, sane or insane, good or evil, competent or lazy, of transcendent genius or ape-like stupidity. Even if the price is that we open it up to everyone instead of just ourselves, that price is acceptable, because once we’re up there we’ll be able to adapt better and faster than anyone else. All we need to do is build the ships and go.

And Morgan wants us to stay stuck here, in as close to a no-win situation as anyone could conceive of?

That is damnable advice.

To borrow a line from H. Beam Piper: “It is easier to banish a habit of thought than a piece of knowledge.” In other terms, once you know a thing is possible, your old habits of thought premised on its impossibility are what you must discard. You cannot simply pretend the possibility out of existence, particularly when the results are as consequential as technology affords. If you try, you will be swept aside by someone else, who DID change their habits of thought.

To the extent technology has contributed to our problems, that is a challenge we must overcome. It has struck us hardest because it has struck us first; I have confidence it will be just as hard on other races in time. (China is already showing signs, if you know where to look.)

This is the clear-eyed, materialist, realist view of the universe. It is the one most suited to the white race, the one the white race has championed, and the one that has given the white race its tremendous technological innovations. Hiding from the universe has never won anything.

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