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Game of Thrones: a golden opportunity to educate normies about the JQ!

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Because of the leaks I wrote the below section before watching the episode. But now that I’ve watched the finale I must quote what The Dwarf said:

What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags?


There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. And who has the best story than Bran the Broken?

Yes. Jews win because they have a story. Whites lose because nowadays they’ve lost their story.

But stories can be recovered again with the bold-typed link below plus what really happened in WW2, so well dramatized in Tom Goodrich’s Hellstorm.

Soberana and Goodrich are the greenseers that every pro-white should know. This is what I posted yesterday Sunday:

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Most character arcs have been trashed by this last season of Game of Thrones, even in the finale that millions just watched tonight! These millions of normies are bewildered about what happened because the typical normie ignores that there is such a thing as a Jewish Question (JQ).

The simple fact is that the pair of screenwriters of Game of Thronesare Jews. In previous seasons this pair more or less had followed the novels of George R.R. Martin. But Martin has yet to write the outcome of his saga. Martin may be fairly liberal, but he is white. The pair of Jews who wrote the final season, no longer based on Martin, simply trolled the audience by subverting the expectations of millions of fans. This happens when gentiles commit the blunder of delegating some members of a subversive tribe to write our stories. (For an intro on why Jews love to takeover the mainstream media and Hollywood see: here.)

The most germane content of The West’s Darkest Houris akin to the retrocognitive visionsof one of the characters in Game of ThronesBran Stark(pic left), the ‘greenseer’, who used his ‘greensight’to retrocognitively see how, long ago, the Children of the Forest created the Night King.

Because most of Western history has been written by normies, it could be argued that the Spaniard that we have been promoting, Evropa Soberana, provides a retrocognitivewindow to the most relevant past. I have in mind the most important interaction between Whites and Jews in the Ancient World. Soberana’s essay is the best introduction to the Jewish Question because it recounts how Judeo-Christianity—a Night King of real life who doesn’t want to spare the life of a single white—was created.

Knowledge is power. This site provides primordial knowledge that only a greenseer can see. That whites dare to look through the retrocognitive visions of this king of Westeros in the surprising finale tonight, is the last chance to save them from extinction. This week, for example, Daily Stormercommenterreferred to this site as follows:

I found an awesomesite and info resources with extensive, in-depth invaluable paradigm shifting information / history about the Jews in the Roman Empire from a woke on JQ perspective. 

There is a short book about it that is absolutely mind-blowing. It utterly annihilates the notion of “Christianity” having been anything other than the Jewish psyop which apparently backfired against them, kinda…[1] but which itself destroyed Greco-Roman civilization and has led us (((here))), where we are today.

Yes: normies unaware of the greensight that this site provides—a short book—can see now how the Night King who wants to exterminate all whites was created. This information is extremely hard to gather from other forums of white nationalism or the alt-right. Use this linkand preach the green-sighting meta-vision of this site in other pro-white forums. Or even better: in forums of disenchanted normies clueless about why their beloved Game of Throneswas betrayed in the very finale tonight.


[1] Just as the Children of the Forest’s magic apparently backfired against them with the creation of the Night King.