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Fucking Canadians

Sprayed yesterday on Canada’s Highway 400

These fucking Canadians moved me today to change the subtitle of this site. Listen Pierce’s novel to see what will happen to Judaized Canada after the Holy Racial Wars!

8 replies on “Fucking Canadians”

What is it now? There is nothing that can beat the 4 words, for nothing can be added nor subtracted that will make it better. We should have T-shirts made with that text on it. What could one possibly have against that text? If a black writes “gens negra conservanda est”, I would be all supportive of him, who would not want to preserve his own race in his own rightful place?! For mister black, that would of course be somewhere in Africa, These fucking canadians are on the warpath against white people, but who, apart from neo-nazis and Klan-members, isn’t these days..?..! 488.

“If a black writes “gens negra conservanda est”, I would be all supportive of him, who would not want to preserve his own race in his own rightful place?!”
The reason I respect Cesar so much is that he wouldn’t agree with your statement. According to his ideology, the beauty is one, Aryan, and all humans should try to preserve it, even non-Aryans.
Of course, it’s quite a zealous belief, but I doubt anything short of zealotry could reignite the fire in the hearts of Europeans.
Even though I don’t know how it can be reconciled with the notion that East Asians have already started abandoning eating meat, just like the Gauls and Aztecs in the past.

@ raaf1
If a Negro wants to preserve the Negro race, he’s our Enemy. Only non-whites who fall in love with the 14 words (or with the saying ‘Gens alba conservanda est’) are our friends.
Read not only Pierce’s novel but Darwin’s quotes on the sidebar.

I missed something completely, before writing my comment… “Hitler was right”… is okay, but “gens alba….” isn’t?! In the mindset of the normies, let’s gas the kikes then!!

My bad, I meant that Gauls and Aztecs stopped being cannibals. And now East Asians are abandoning their dog-eating habits. Meat is meat.
A good part of the current Mexico’s population are Aztecs, and the rest are a mix between Aztecs and Mediterraneans. Even though Spaniards were not exterminationalist, they did succeed in getting rid of cannibalism.

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