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War of the sexes, 29

Update: The following text is rough draft. The series has been substantially revised and abridged, and the section by the YouTube blogger Turd Flinging Monkey is available in a single PDF: here.

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One more brew ingredient

In his video “Regarding red pill rage” the blogger talks about the explosion that comes when a normie realizes that his most cherished ideals—home, family, children—have been subtracted in the very system where he lives.

But the blogger, his MGTOW pals and the guys of the manosphere in general overstate their case. As can be seen in the maps of the latest US elections many white women voted for both Romney and Trump. From the viewpoint of racial preservation the real shock comes not from women, but from the all-blue map that shows what would happen if only the coloreds voted.

mapsI have said that the white nationalist myopia bothers me. They have awakened to the colored and the Jewish question and that is great. But they are tone deaf about what I have been saying of the Mediterraneans. For example, they ignore that in Latin America the Iberian whites dislike so much the Nordish whites at the north of the Río Grande that in our media there is not even a single white who has defended Donald Trump—not even one, not even in the written press or intellectual magazines! [1]

I almost never watch TV in Spanish. But this month my hobby has been to see what the Spanish-speaking media is saying about the recent US election. Regarding their hate of Trump, it is mind-boggling that the mestizos and the Iberian whites throughout Latin America are exactly on the same page of the Mexican Jews! I don’t want to give some nasty examples about what I have been watching in this new hobby of mine. Let’s rephrase keeping in mind the hate the Jews feel for the Aryans: the Iberian white pundits that talk on TV or write articles share exactly the same hatred toward the embryonic white awakening at the North resulting from Trump’s successful campaign.

So the blogger and the manosphere movement in general have been focusing on a secondary issue. The primary issue is race, and not only the false Aryan/Jew dichotomy in the orthodox narrative of white nationalism.

Nevertheless, the blogger is right that the feminized western men must grow a pair. The white masses may be as feminine as Hitler saw, and it is good that an alpha male has grabbed the American electorate by the pussy. Trump may be implicitly pro-white but now an explicit work must begin.

Although it is secondary compared to race, I don’t want to dispatch the knowledge that the blogger and others are patiently gathering in this movement that they call Men Going Their Own Way. I will illustrate why they must be taken seriously in the next and final installment of this series, where I’ll review Harold Covington’s last novel of his quintet.

In conclusion, both MGTOWers and WNsts are purple pilled, not red pilled (jargon for those who are not fully awakened). The manosphere community needs to become acquainted with the hard facts of race realism, e.g. with the work of the granddaddy of the Altright, Jared Taylor. Similarly, those racists who like Covington et al believe that men are interchangeable with women need to become familiar with the research of the blogger and his comrades.

Finally, I must add an ingredient—see bold-type below—to our lab analysis of the lethal cocktail we have ingested. “A witches’ brew” is a page from the book that I edited, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. This is what I wrote:

William Pierce, in Who We Are, said in his concluding remarks: “It is difficult to analyze the witches’ brew and place exactly the proper amount of blame on each ingredient.”

It seems to me that from Pierce’s point of view the Jewish problem would be a very strong catalyst that has accelerated the process of Western malaise in the last centuries, but certainly not the active ingredient of the brew.

I for one believe that individualism, universalism, weak ethnocentrism (“hardwired” characteristics in the White psyche since prehistoric times) plus egalitarianism, liberalism, capitalism (cultural “software” after the Revolution which ironically strengthened Christian axiology) plus the empowerment of Jewry since the times of Napoleon and women since the 19th century (ingredient added!) has created a lethal brew for the White peoples, as we shall see in the next section.


[1] By “Iberian white” I mean those white Latin Americans who look like Spaniards. Some of them have Amerind blood in their veins but phenotypically look like Iberian whites; others only have a few drops of that blood, and others none of it. All of them, even those with zero Amerind blood, call themselves mexicanos and may be the product of several generations of whites living in this part of the continent. None of them has any objection whatsoever about further mestization with the darker mexicanos.

3 replies on “War of the sexes, 29”

Ok… here is how I conceptualize everything… Nordics are not of this world. We are separate… but really there is no pure Nord anymore as we… our SPECIES got diluted via enslavement in Egypt, then Israel where we were the Tribe of Dan… we fled Israel from the demon tribes that have chased us about the earth. We journeyed by the river and country Jor – dan…. made our ‘mark’ in Scan-DAN-navia and in Dan – e – mark and near the Dan-ube rivers in Germany. Rh neg blood, tall, lean stature with whitest skin and blue veins showing through, along with red/blonde hair, and light eyes, such as blue or green is the nearest pure Nordic; however, most of us are variations due to centuries of being chased, enslaved, and then escaping again.

Genetics, science, and FAITH will bring us back.

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