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Miscegenation Neanderthalism

Genetic communism

by John Martínez

Below, today’s comment by Martínez on “Schweitzer’s niglets.” What today’s whites, the worst generation ever in Western history are doing to themselves could be termed “genetic communism”: sharing your precious genes with the colored. Martínez wrote:

One of your most insightful texts up to now, Chechar, thank you.

Its timing was particularly appropriate now that black-run Detroit is trying—unsuccessfully—to go officially bankrupt so it can keep on rolling a debt worth many billions of dollars (link).

Significantly, the last article linked by you is by Mr. Parrott (here), a self-entitled “Christian” White nationalist. Like I have pointed out several times before on this blog, it is well beyond me to understand how such a thing is possible. “Hey, nigger, you’re my brother in Christ and all that stuff, but could you please take your damn pickaninnies and your damn she-monkey-wife and leave my White society forever?”

As far as the discussion on miscigenation that began on this thread is concerned, my own view on the subject is as follows:

My father’s grandfather on his mother’s side was Black. Besides, one of my grandmother’s grandmother on my mother side was Indian. Needless to say, I’m neither White nor I see myself as one. But having at least two brain cells to rub together (to borrow Mr. Covington’s expression) I can see the net result of racial intermixing for what it is: the most tragical human experiment people could engage in. I challenge everybody who disagrees with this judgment to visit the most miscegenated and most Negro / Indian heavily-populated states in Brazil and try to live there as the natives do for at least a year and see if they can leave these places with the same views on race they had when they arrived.


These people are not real human beings. They are humanoids at best and simple animals at worst.

It’s not just that they are physically repulsive. It’s that their intelligence, their morals, their behavior as a whole is simply too different from what you expect from a minimally civilized White man. And it’s not a matter of education or income either. Give them good schools and they will destroy them, give them money and they will promptly squander it in an extravagant way or another.

Having in mind that miscigenation is a self-reinforcing phenomenon, the only way to prevent it is to take an Alcoholics Anonymous approach about it. The AA people attitude to alcohol, as everybody knows is “avoid the first drink.” The only way to stop having drinking problems is not to drink and the only way not to drink is not to drink at all, to completely abstain from drinking. That is to say, as far as preventing race mixing is concerned, the one-drop rule is the only rule that really works: only pure Whites are Whites. If you open a single exception, where the hell do you draw the line? If being White ceases to be a biological concept and becomes an honorary title (“I’m mostly White and I’m pro-White, so I deserve to be counted as White”) you’ll go down a very dangerous conceptual slippery slope with no clear benefits for the White nationalist movement and for the real White population by and large.

Tough and sad as it may sound coming from a self-defined non-White as I am, there should be no non-Whites living in any future White Homeland. Zero.

The survival of the White race should be placed above all personal considerations and interests. Any other stand on the subject cannot be taken seriously.

I’m not naive. The overwhelming majority of Whites are stupid assholes who don’t give a fuck to anything beyond their own petty personal interests and who consider White nationalism the summation of Evil itself. But the Western civilization is rooted in the European gene pool and you cannot have the former without the latter. And if to preserve the latter you have to go to great lengths, including the cruelty of keeping out of a future White Homeland partially White people who are even smarter or more racially aware than most Whites living there (people like me, for example), then be it.


My two cents:

Like Martínez I live in Latin America and can see every day that what he says is the purest truth here down the South. However, in my humble opinion people like Martínez are worth a million of deracinated whites of this worst of all generations ever! I would not forbid people like him in the first, revolutionary generation of the new ethnostate. Once the racial war is over it will be relatively easy for a mixed couple to adopt an orphaned pure white kid who lost his parents during the war. It is just that simple…

95 replies on “Genetic communism”

Yep, I’ve discussed that solution too — what about people who aren’t pure whites but fight with us and are loyal? Let them adopt pure White children or breed them from Icelandic sperm and eggs with in-vitro fertilization.

I could see brown and yellow people going for Aryan eugenics. We have the technology. imagine that — a country like Brazil going from Brown to White? “This was once a crappy third world hell hole, but now it’s a shining civilization thanks to in vitro fertilization of Nordic sperm and eggs.”

The solution to people who are partially white, but not white enough is simple, give them large pieces of land in Africa and drive the blacks of those lands. Real white people can’t life in Africa without getting skin cancer, mixed people could.

I can’t because my skin is pink like a northern europeans, i can tan but very little.
I think the white, almost pure or not pure should increase its population in the countries they are in and eugenize up, sterilizing the stupid and shaping the culture to a certain type of personality to prevail.

But managing the growing population of Blacks is not possible, would be a very hard task for us. The correct would dramatically reduce the African population to a level around 100-200 million people and creating management zones.
With respect to Africans we have two possibilities
Take their technology and expect millions starve, starvation and war
sterilize 90% of the population

The second option is the more humanistic possible
More human than manage a more natural population decrease

Only completely pure whites in North-America, Europe and North-Asia, people like you who are of mixed race, can become members of an upper-class ruling the fuzzy-wuzzies in the south.

You get to life in special enclaves, mostly free of colored people, except when they clean your house when your gone and then clean the streets.

Most of the other white people will be those who are also partially-mixed, those with socialist tendencies and those from around the Mediterranean who are too Semitic.

It will be great, several large urban enclave in South-America, Africa or Asia all of them somewhat like an Italian city, with a lot of people who are white, but slightly dark.

“The solution to people who are partially white, but not white enough is simple, give them large pieces of land in Africa and drive the blacks of those lands.”

Ain’t gonna happen. I myself am not going to Africa no matter what, unless I’m hacked to pieces and be shipped there in a plastic bag.

But the fate of partially white people is by and large a non-issue since 99.99.99% of all of them are rabid “anti racists” anyway, so why bother?

Moreover, your proposal must be a jest, I suppose. Drive hundreds upon hundreds of millions of niggers from Africa? I think you actually mean “kill them”. Kill them with what, neutron bombs? And your plan is to send me and other partially White people there to live among the radioactive debris of what was left of the continent? Come on…

I want everyone who read this man’s post to understand why we can’t allow anyone of mixed blood into the white purity movement.

Notice how this fellow starts of with a simple quote and then goes from a true statement of giving away land to people of mixed race too an invented story involving neutron-bombs to kill hundreds of millions of Africans? And he beliefs it’s true. He really thinks his fanciful stories are true.

Now, such an insane individual is not truly human, therefor there is no point in starting an argument or discussion, I can only point out too other people, why such a person is not human. He is not human, because he can not tell the difference between fact and fiction. He lives in a dreamlike state.

But he’s right. Have you read the toughest post ever in WN, my “Dies irae” (linked at the sidebar)? Our century will be the killing century of all history. Have you followed what we have been saying about the coming currency crash and an energy devolution where Mother Nature will call home at least 5 billion of humans (“Neanderthals” as I call them)?

“I want everyone who read this man’s post to understand why we can’t allow anyone of mixed blood into the white purity movement.”

I tend to agree with you. The problem is, as Harold Covington correctly points out regularly, tapping on a keyboard and writing posts on blogs and websites is not a movement. Words don’t create anything.

“Notice how this fellow starts of with a simple quote and then goes from a true statement of giving away land to people of mixed race too an invented story involving neutron-bombs to kill hundreds of millions of Africans?… He is not human, because he can not tell the difference between fact and fiction. He lives in a dreamlike state.”

So, you propose that all partially White people are somehow gathered and sent to Africa, as if we were some sort of commodities, after something around 1 billion black africans have been somehow “driven” out of the continent and still you think that I live in a dreamlike state? LOL 🙂

Now, seriously, guys: do you still wonder why the regular man in the street laughs wholeheartedly about the sort of ideas spoused on internet venues like this? Do we really want to be taken seriously or what?

I’m partially white too, I’m italovenezuelan, My father was like 30% native, 20% black and the rest of his make-up spaniard due to grantfathers, My mother is of italian ancestry, she’s brown-haired, green eyed, very pale and good looking, My maternal gandparents are from basilicata (from a town that used to be in norman hands) and campania (naples). I just wanted to say that I would disagree about having a child with borrowed nordic sperm, I’d rather get a vasectomy than having a child which is not going to resemble my kin, despite my origins, I love the white race just as Martinez does and I wish for the day when european people rise again from the shadow they find themselves now, nonetheless, my phenotype is close to that of gigi buffon, probably due to my neapolitan blood.

I can’t live between pure white people no matter how much I would like to, but I personally want to live in a country with partially white or plain white people from my country who make up the upper and middle classes, But with these socialistic and mongrel governments we have it’s just a matter of time until we have the same fate as south africans.

You will have the same fate as South Africans chance, accept the nefarious influence of the Jews.
I think the same thing. However I see that most of the ”predominantly white” here, including a close relative of mine, end up becoming socialist or communist.
However I see a growth of anti Semitic within the left. But if they are not able to see obvious truths in front of their faces, I fear that neither will step out of mental trance created by Jews.
I do not like the theory of couples” predominantly white” to adopt children Nordic or have children by artificial insemination, in this case I’d rather have my own. The white race needs a form of eugenics that balances their qualities and decrease the damage capacity of its defects, in other words, we need to identify individuals within the white race who have mixed characteristics advantageous both subtype liberal as the conservative prosper them demographically. So a new hybrid type, the same type neanderthal cro-magnon, superior to the races mothers who did, will arise. A type that can naturally balance creativity liberals with emotional constancy of conservatives.
Jayman’s blog talks about the problem of sub fertility of white American liberals and the fact that being a dysgenic effect on society because, whether we like it or not, liberals tend to be smarter. It is not for nothing that could totally dominate Western society and impose their agenda.

Nobody likes adopting children not your own, but that’s the price mudbloods who fought in the racial wars will have to pay if they want the right to live in the ethnostate. Not possible to have it both ways.

I disagree with working together with mud-bloods, we must stay pure even if that is not in our strategic interest, because purity is our strength. I am an elitist in these matters, just like I demand complete sexual purity, I demand complete genetic purity and complete cultural purity.

We should not form alliances with people because they would be beneficial, but because they will allow use to maintain the purity and this purity is strength. It does not matter to me that I am one in ten-thousand, I am pure, becoming purer everyday therefor I and my descendants shall inherit the earth.

Only purity matters, nothing else.

I disagree with working together with mud-bloods, we must stay pure even if that is not in our strategic interest, because purity is our strength. I am an elitist in these matters, just like I demand complete sexual purity, I demand complete genetic purity and complete cultural purity. —J. Varlaan

I don’t know if you even got my point: only in the first generation will the ethnostate allow working together with the heroic mudbloods who put their lives in danger to save whites from extinction.

It goes without saying that with the policies that Mindweapon sketched in the first comment, only pure whites will exist in the Homeland, insofar as the mudbloods of the previous generation didn’t reproduce.


This is starting to edge into pure nordicism: a dangerous strain of White Nationalism that has extremely limiting effects on the movement.

I think National Socialism had a legitimate aim in the idea that Germanic peoples had a right to live and expand at the cost of other groups if they deemed it necessary.

German national socialism, however, is gone.

John Martinez thinks mixed race people will most likely be anti-racists.

On the contrary, it doesn’t make much difference.

The most egregious enforcers of anti-whiteness, besides Jews, is in fact morally obsessive North Germanics (Swedes, Germans, Anglos, etc.) A disturbing thing about these groups is that their conflicts are most intense not in tribal form, (like most of the world,) but between moral groups.

Ethnicity is swell, I’d say. I’d like to keep the variations of Europeans still in existence: the red hair of Celtic peoples, the blonde hairs of Scandinavian, etc, but in the end its European blood, and as much of it as possible, being kept in existence as the goal.

That means a person with visual signs of non-European ancestry, but still looks White, fights White, and acts White, takes precedence of the most purely Nordicized Scandanavian anti-racist.

Why? because though we may dilute our European genetics with some non-European blood by accepting them, we’re taking in an even more part of their biology into the White gene pool: White racial consciousness.

That’s more important than anything. What point is there in having a White Republic if we inhabit it with the same “aryan” Swedes, Germans, and Anglos who seem to spiritually lack the ability for White racial consciousness and are degenerative in the first place?

No, give me all the 1/8 black Brazilian Whites who can’t stand the sight of Niggers in the streets, and would fight and die for a White Republic. Give me the Russian Slav with a bit of Mongol horde in his blood who could summon his spiritual ancestry of the Soviet Soldier, the Alan horseman, and an orthodox soldier of the Rus to make him brave against the niggers and muslims who pillage our lands.

You give me those men, and I can make the White Republic. Keep those limp-wristed “nordics”, who long lost their connection to the spirit of their viking ancestors out of my country. Who call us “evil racists,” and would rather die by the colored hand than admit to a love of the European race. I couldn’t care less if they passed some racial purity test with blue eyes, blonde hair and a properly measured cranium.

I’m an eight Jewish, but I look White, fight White, and act White, and that’s all that matters.

What would you rather have: A White Republic, made up of people with 95%+ European ancestry, who will devoutly fight for the 14 words for centuries, or a White Republic that has lots of blondes and blue eyes but is corroded within a few decades by universal morality and low racial consciousness?


It is not Nordicism to say that most Latin Americans are not white; it’s just a statement of fact.

As to why Nordics are presently the most suicidal, it is a totally separate issue. Not long ago these Swedes were sterilizing “mudbloods” (a term I just stole from the Harry Potter series—see link above in my previous comment). This suggests that their liberalism is more a software issue (Christianity + Neochristianity) than a hardware issue as most WNsts believe (genes, etc).

Remember that thread at CC where Andrew Hamilton discussed this ill-named “Nordicism” issue against Greg Johnson et al? It is misnamed because many European southerners are not really whites (many Spaniards, Greeks, Southern Italians and Albanians). Purist laws of true Indo-European (this is the right word, not “Nordicism”) heritage must be developed in the ethnostate: Himmler’s dream. IIRC, in that CC debate Hamilton said that if you have even one drop of black blood, the gene pool has been already ruined.

I live in Mexico, Bluegrass. Through the decades I’ve seen hundreds of close people that within their own family and close relatives you can see standards of IQ deviance as dramatic as 2 or even more.

Heavens!: How can such a think happen within a family (say, a guy of IQ 85 with a first cousin of 120)?? Because grand-grandpa fucked an Amerind or a Zambo (Zambo= black + Amerind)… Basic Mendel laws.

I fully agree with Martínez about his one-drop rule. Please come to Mexico for a year and I’ll see if you don’t change your opinion. Be my guest…

You make many a good point in your comment, bluegrass, and it would be in my own personal interest if your stand were adopted by the average North West Front guy.

But the thing is: as an over 80% White guy, who knows both the White and the non-White psyches, I can assure you that I for one have many inherited personality traits which are clearly non-White and which demand constant surveillance on my part to keep them under control.

Just to give you an idea of what I mean: although I inherited the Black blood I have from my great-grandfather, I have a distinctly Black laughter. If you heard me laughing out loud (as I normally do) you would think you were hearing a Black man laughing, although I don’t look Black. This is just one example among many concerning detestful personal inherited traits upon which I hardly have any control.

My point is: do you guys really want to run the risk of injecting some Black and other non-White genomes into the White gene pool of a future White Homeland without knowing exactly how it will play out in the long run, in terms of behavior, intelligence, etc, from the people affected by it?

Like I said before, I dont have a dog in this fight, for the reasons I mentioned above, but looking at this question from a purely objective and cold perspective, I don’t think it’s a good idea, having in mind what is at stake. Remember, once you miscegenate your blood, there’s no turning away from what you did.

I do not intend to live in an ethnic state. I like some diversity and as I said in a previous post, I am a mixture of liberal and conservative. So, in my case, this is not, to live in a totally conservative, as an Amish community.
I would go crazy there, besides, there are other environments populated by other racial types that I can go. The great problem of human evolution there in Africa and the Muslim world.
I am a great enthusiast of eugenics, even a moderate form of eugenics-type liberal, I find interesting.
In the case of children, I honestly do not know if I will because I’m too timely to live life in a moderate way. People like me can not take life so only with a lot of self discipline I can fix anxieties.
With regard to the white race, I think morally correct her survival, of course I have a great admiration and like to be of European descent. But I think completely amoral and disgusting all that the Jews are doing against white people and I think that in the future their wickedness will extend to the four corners of the world, if no one to stop them.
But I have no intentions of going to a country so surely will totally reverse the liberal world we know in a society far more conservative and I’m definitely not one.

the idea of a white ethno state for now is a fantasy. I am active in these sites of these nature five years ago and so far I see no action. The most important now is action. Leftists act at all times and do rotate your agenda so perfectly, that soon the neo apostate Christianity will catechize unlikely regions such as the Far East and India.

What I see is
– Major ideological divisions within the movement, but the whole movement has internal divisions. The pro white moviment, however, accurate craters which decrease the internal cohesion.
– Much philosophy, many proposals, a few common points, waiting for a miracle (falling dollar or apocalypse now or soon)

I had proposed earlier on another blog for pro-whites to stop arguing and philosophizing, foment longitudinal planes and begin to create the embryo of their ethnic states

There is something happening in the U.S., nortwestern region.
acquire territory
Invite all white nationalists to move to there
and go slowly taking city by city
Become mandatory for high fertility, school, studies of human psychology seeking ways to contain the opponent mechanisms, studying the opponent’s weaknesses
Create business relationships, cultural and camaraderie with allies as Amerindian, black conservative, Hindu and Oriental (so-called ‘honorary Aryan’).
Do not know if you guys have not realized, but it is a war of reconquest.

I doubt a bit that the Jews and their allies will leave the empire to fall tomorrow, so easily. They could handle the fall for another two decades, enough to exterminate the white race, because until then, the policies of mass immigration and multiculturalism have already become totally hegemonic, by force or coercion.

Realize that they have identified that blacks are a major problem for their plans and are replacing these by Hispanics and other immigrants in major American cities.


No wonder so many Jews are winners world chess.

If blacks were not to spoil all the perfect world of liberals, surely that whites would have mingled much with Indians, Amerindians, Mestizos and East Asians than for now.
In other words, should the incompetence of blacks to manage advanced societies to purposely blind faith of liberals believe that the former are as capable as any other.

Your political scenario is not feasible while Jews own the media. Covington has many podcasts explaining the whys. Also, “waiting for a miracle (falling dollar)” is no miracle at all. It is positive certainty for anyone who has reviewed the arguments of Austrian economists.

Of course it is. I keep seeing the white nationalists hoping his countrymen (many of them, brothers, fathers and girlfriends) awaken from his trance. But this will hardly happen because we are dealing with human nature, not with education.
I am of those who believe more in the power of genetics to the environment and stand firm on my theory that the peoples of the purest white race evolved for exactly this kind much more than other people and less specialized populations. Despite the criticism of the Nordic weakness is evident that the populations on the edge of racial purity are not the best (as a group) than the pure, after all, you can compare the social indicators in Russia or Ukraine with Sweden or Greece.
The white nationalists have several possibilities attack but action is needed.

If “genetic communism”, a metaphor of the suicidal mania of sharing white genes with the colored, is a hardware flaw of whites, how do you explain that when I was a child negroes were caricaturized in Sweden’s media? How would Nordics be in the present hadn’t the Anglos committed the greatest blunder / crime in all Western history (WW2)? How would pure whites be behaving if the Jews not controlled the media? How would the white psyche be structured hadn’t Christendom destroyed all Indo-European religions?

In this parallel world with no Christian takeover, would all white nations be committing suicide by the 21st century?

I really doubt it.

Well, then I think you are living in fantasy. You are not one in 10,000 but one in 2 million.
Must change the way it sets the” pro-white” (Swedish, German, Spanish, Greek, Russian, Bulgarian) to pro-Nordic or nordicista.
Nordicism and pro-white is not the same thing and have fundamental distinctions. I think nordicistas should pursue their interests to the group because with this way of thinking, you will not be able to win a significant number of people.
I am mixed race but that does not make me inferior to you because of it. I repeat, I am in favor of white cause because it is a morally defensible home, but I do not advocate this type of elitism fanciful. If you want you can choose joey average working in English factories as mate cause, because most educated people will question this kind of thinking.

I see, that’s the trick the left is using. I think this website is too corrupted for me to continue here, I must seek out new pure grounds.

“I must seek out new pure grounds.”

You mean, you must seek new online PLAYGROUNDS where you can play White Nationalist with other teenage theorists. Good luck. Don’t forget your Starwars laser sword and your plastic helmet in case you fall from the top of the jungle gym.

I mean: I can even relate to a homo who has repented his sexual sins and now wants to have a normal life. What’s this 100% pure? If someone committed a homo peccadillo in his teens does that mean that we must shun him for the rest of his life?

It just does not make any sense…

perhaps Vaarlan preferred a brigade Swedish anti-racist, full of pure blue-eyed blondes around.

I believe it is suicidal rejecting to collaborate with Latin Americans who are not pure whites. Some of them are pro-white fanatics and would even sacrifice their lives to save the white race. No harm to the race is done with the adoption rules I mentioned in the post. This purism is totally inexplicable to me.

I have disagreed with you and Martinez on some issues in the past, but here I completely agree with you.

I have family living in Argentina, while the rest of my roots are scandinavian and german. South americans are on average far more race-realist in their general outlook than germanic people are.

The nordics have been spiritually corrupted to a far higher degree than latin europeans have. In my opinion, you will find some of the most ardent “genetic communists” in Scandinavia.

You are also right about the “christian problem”, but I firmly believe that protestantism has been far more damaging then catholicism has.

There is no need to throw mixed-race people under bus. There are many potential pro-white allies in latin america of mixed descent with the right mindset.

In the future white republic, they would just be denied the right to procreate. Resulting in non-white genes being selected away in the long run. Very simple actually.


Despite of what impression I may have left, I actually agree with you on most of your points.
I just tend to voice my opinion when I disagree. Perhaps I should change this.

I have no experience running a blog, but I suspect that I hypothetically speaking, would also prefer getting a fair share of positive and encouraging comments. As opposed to only receiving negative or critical comments.

This is probably just human nature. 🙂

If “genetic communism”, a metaphor of the suicidal mania of sharing white genes with the colored, is a hardware flaw of whites, how do you explain that when I was a child negroes were caricaturized in Sweden’s media? How would Nordics be in the present hadn’t the Anglos committed the greatest blunder / crime in all Western history (WW2)? How would pure whites be behaving if the Jews not controlled the media? How would the white psyche be structured hadn’t Christendom destroyed all Indo-European religions?

In this parallel world with no Christian takeover, would all white nations be committing suicide by the 21st century?

I really doubt it.

The fall of Rome, Greece and ancient civilizations can you explain.
Jews exacerbate the weaknesses of whites. I mean, the perfect metaphor to explain this is through modern art degenerate Jews. Compare women painted by Renaissance painters or French painters of the nineteenth century with women physically degenerate modern art, Jewish root.
Let’s imagine that the woman represents altruism caucasian. Altruism in its original form is beautiful and fair, but when increased becomes more ugly than a beast.
I do not know how white nationalists could take the media and for what?
To tell people what is right or wrong?
There are several ways in which you can go, but I believe there are only two ways really impactful
Attack from within the system, just trying to get the media back among other tactics
Leave them to their own devices and rebuild the nations within the nation, preparing them for future confrontations

The measures of the second option in my opinion is the most important because the survival of the white race requires extreme measures to contain at least get part of demographic decline which will accentuate dramatically in the future.

Let’s be honest, just can not right with the Jewish manipulation, they are masters at it.

Even so, Anglos committed the greatest crime ever in all Western history in the century when we were born. Hadn’t they committed it, a very large Aryan empire would be thriving by now.

This suggest to me that other (“software”) factors have been involved in white suicide, not only the fact that whites have been hardwired the wrong way when dealing with the inferior races since the times of Greece and Rome.

Also, the fact that Spartans never succumbed to miscegenation supports my POV.

The betrayal of the Anglos was the betrayal of the Romans and Greeks, we may say so.
The difference is that we arrive at a point where the supposed and potential heirs of Western civilization will not be of the Caucasian race.


We must question how Western elites really are Western.

Jesus, just give the friendly off-whites some small countries on the border and let them be. It’s not like they have to choose between pure Whiteopia and darkest Niggerville. There will be more than enough of them to form their own society, and they can align themselves with us geopolitically if they want.

As far as “would you rather have an anti-racist Swede or a mixed-race nationalist”, it’s a nonsense argument. Being friendly towards the White race doesn’t make you White anymore than being friendly towards Kodiak bears makes you a bear.

If someone isn’t White by genetic profile their ideology can’t change that. You could say they were White for some strategic reason, but you would be lying.

As Northern Europeans are concerned, they’re the most idealistic European group, as I said in prior threads. It’s not that they’re inherently liberal, it’s that they’re inherently purist and moralistic, and for that reason tend to take things to their natural conclusion even when doing so is self-destructive.

The ancient Greeks led their own holocaust.
I think that somehow what Stubbs said is not totally disagree with what I put.
Not that the Nordics are inherently prone to self-destructive altruism. It is that they have evolved to this, but if the Vikings had prospered demographically there, they would be closer to the Russians in behavior today.

“The ancient Greeks led their own holocaust.”

Not the Spartans, which proves my point that your monocausalism (“biology is destiny”) is limited.

The biology of the Spartans was their destination.
Not a monocausalism because there very diversity already present into a genetics inside. Genetics is like a lake seemingly shallow.
The Spartans were not really the same species as the Athenians.

That’s beside the point.

The point is that at least some whites did not commit genetic communism. Therefore, biology is not destiny.

It is silly to believe that there’s only one factor—genetics—to explain the west’s darkest hour. When I was born decades ago Europe and the US were basically ethnostates. The deconstruction happened within my lifetime. Their genetics have not changed.

Obviously other factors are at stake.

You did not understand my point. Yes, other factors were decisive for this state of things (which are nonetheless biological character as the Machiavellian intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews).
Genetics is very complicated to say there was a” political change in a country, is guilty of genetics”. not quite.
Well, had a U.S. survey on the frankly stupid if Trayvon and Zimmerman. Well, 27% of white Americans are against the acquittal of Zimmerman. In the state of mind that this country or countries is it is no longer possible to declare themselves neutral in politics. As a result we can infer that 30% of the U.S. white population, is potentially liberal.
Jayman as already said, the Liberals seem to be smarter than conservatives. Jews are over-represented in the most demanding professions and it is not for nothing. Yes, they created networks of ethnic favoritism (which is a smart thing) but also used their brains to convince others that they deserved to be there.
You can be sure that the genetics of Europeans could not have changed so much in a gap of two decades that they have become such today.
There are a number of factors, all of them directly or indirectly from biological nature that explains this change.
For example, it is known that testosterone levels to less western man has fallen significantly in the last half century. Well, why this happened is still a mystery, some say it is because the addition of certain elements in the industrialized food resulted in this decrease.
Definitely is very complex and long infer here all causes, but I think if there is a biological gap that can explain this situation more properly then it should not be ruled out.
Returning to” the sudden change European” genetics.
Just as the Jews have successfully dominate the West I believe liberals, thanks to great help of the first, but also through their own ability, also managed to climb social levels, and eclipse the Anglo empire.
Must be why they like to emphasize the idea of ​​minorities, because besides the Jews themselves, liberal whites are a minority within the community to which he belongs.

Yes, other factors were decisive for this state of things (which are nonetheless biological character…

No. Christianity, and the liberalism that whites formed after the French Revolution are not biological in character. These are cultural products: sins of whites that could have been avoided. Your POV seems to be assuming that everything is caused by whites’ hardware. Everything. As if software did not exist.

I believe that whites’ software is a contributing problem too.

You say that 27% of whites believe that Zimmermann should not have been acquitted. But you completely omit to say that the Jews are controlling the US media. That is, you are ignoring the main cause of white brainwashing (take note that this is software brainwashing, not a hardware problem).

“To me it is absolutely clear that someone like John Martinez is a White.

John, could you respond to Nigredo…?”

Sorry, Chechar, I hadn’t seen this comment before, amid the mass of other comments on this thread.

I’m an honest believer in the one-drop rule, albeit to my own personal detriment. The fact is that I’m too racially aware not to notice, much to my chagrin, disturbing Black / Indian / Mestizo personality traits in myself, traits that demand, from my part, an eternal surveillance in order to be properly suppressed or controlled.

Believe me, guys: a partially non-White person will always and inevitably have some (literally) dark corners in his soul.

For this reason, I think it would be desirable for a future White Homeland to make it mandatory that would-be citizens are required to produce a DNA test attesting his/her 100% purely White genome. A verifiable White DNA must be the only acceptable passport for such a nation. And in the case of any possible non-White pioneers like me being admitted into its borders, they should have a different, non-citizen legal status and above all, steralization should be made absolutely mandatory.

Ugh! My idea is that revolutionary mudbloods who fought gallantly in the racial wars could have First Class Citizenship. It is more than enough to deprive these heroes from the right of reproduction in the Homeland.

More than enough…

I know it sounds tough and even verges on cruelty, but you know that symbols are of paramount importance in the life of a nation. The message, in this case, would be clear: a White nation for White folks. By denying full citizenship even to selfless non-White pioneers, the unbendable, adamant character of such a principle couldn’t be stated in clearer terms, dont you think?

On a side note: I don’t have links at hand, but you can look on the web for the case of a non-Jewish, Dutch pioneer who fought algong their kikish friends during the war of Independence of Israel and who tried to get the Israeli citizenship but was denied such a right: the guy was an atheist and since he refused to convert to Orthodox Judaism, the Supreme Court of the country refused his citizenship request on the grounds that only Jews could become citizens. Now tell me: did the kikes made it clear enough that that was a JEWISH state by doing such a thing? I think so, and I think we should take note.

Because kikes are mean and we are not. After all, it is only the first generation. After the second generation, Homeland will be kike-free and mud-free.

A fascinating discussion. I side with bluegrass insofar as I think that nordicism is not the solution. Not because its i not perfect but because it is TOO perfect. Nordicism on the other hand is NOT German National Socialism. Actually the Realpolitik of National Socialism was very conciliatory. In contrast to typical narrow-minded fanatics who put ideas over reality (a Nordic and a Semitic trait influenced by the shizoid mindset) National Socialism wanted to establish a viable solution that would align as much suppot as possible. Nowhere did the NS claim that only Nordics and Dalofaelics were true Germans (That said, I am myself a German and Nordic-Faelic). In this strictest sense, every European sub-race except Nordic, Faelic and Atlanto-mediterran would be of inferior value. That is madness.

Let us look at the example of Jews, the most antithetical race to the Aryan race (maybe Blacks in the same category). You were still considered a complete German when you were 1/8 Jewish (1 great-grandfather Jewish) and if you were 1/4 Jewish you had only a few marriage restrictions mostly directed at further reducing your foreign blood. Even Half-ews and Quarter Jews were associated members of the people just with restrictions. All European subraces that thrived in Germany were considered “Aryan” or “German-blooded” (a misleading term). that included Nordics, Dalofaelics (Cro-Magnoids), Alpinoids (reduced Cro-Magnoids), Western / Atlanto-Mediterranean, Mediterranean, Dinaric, West Baltic and even East-Baltic. History has shown that even non-European Europids were considered near-equals which includes North Indians/Iranians, Pontic and Semitic and traces of old race in the Germanic population to some extend. As far as I know most scientists even conider ethiopians at least in the vicinity of the european race, but that did not play a role in the National Socialism so there was not much made of it. Jews however, Gypsies, Armenoids were not considered Germans.

I find this a very down-to-earth and justified approach. To me it is absolutely clear that someone like John Martinez is a White. He thinks and acts like a White, he probably looks like one and if he takes certain precautions when he reproduces (avoid “ausmendeln”, use of active or passive Eugenics) then there is NO WAY that a White can forbid him being part of the community. What about pure whites with traitor fathers? Is their blood not also contamined? That leads nowhere, only to further and further ideologic isolation which, because it cannot be accompanied by physical isolation, will not lead to the formation of a new or destilled race but to the destruction of the last good blood.

The NS roughly tried to establish a system (and a territory !) in which the best elements (in the genetic sense) would live in favorable circumstances. People with unfavorable genetic traits (extreme Alpinoids, low intelligence, dysplastic pysis etc.) were encouraged not to reproduce above replacement level, miscengeation was stopped and people with favorable genetic traits were encouraged to reproduce above replacement level. That is a compromise everyone can identify with.

We need to set a rend, niot an example of crass intellectual extremism. The people which start the revolution are not the ones that will end it. Give a general direction, isolate and extirpate the most dangerou enemies and that is all we can hope for now. The refinement of the Aryan society will be a task for later gerations with their resources. One step at a time.

Very well said, you clearly know your stuff.

I apologize for misconstruing National Socialism by equating it with nordicism: a common false historical critique of Germany that’s in the mainstream.

What I mean is that NS Germany, however, was not thinking about the entire White Race at the time for the most part. It was German-oriented, which was completely justified in their position.

I just believe that this is not an applicable worldview against the modern forces arrayed against the White Race.

“In this strictest sense, every European sub-race except Nordic, Faelic and Atlanto-mediterran would be of inferior value. That is madness.”

This point cannot be overenhenced, Albedo. Unlike you, I’m for the one-drop rule. But on the other hand, Nordicism is the most poisonous, narrow-minded, divisive, and let’s be honest here, downright stupid trend in White Nationalism. Far from me to endorse Christianity, but there is much sense in the Christian saying “by the fruits ye shall know the tree”.”The Alpine/White Mediterranean civilizational heritage (most notably the Italian one) is so glorious that any slightly educated
person can only feel perplexed at the notion of a supposed inferiority of this group. The Roman civilization was the work of inferior people? The Renassaince was the work of an inferior race? With all due respect to our Scandinavian friends, the Alpine/White Mediterranean/Italian civilizational contribution to the White race has been incommensurably greater.

But like Ben Klassen points out in his Magnum Opus, this intraracial petty bickering about which White
group is superior and which group is inferior is deleterious to the movement and should be consigned to the trash can.

“Nordicism” is a much abused term by those ignorant of Western history. When I hadn’t read the histories of Pierce and Kemp I believed that it was, as you say, claiming that ancient Greeks and Romans were inferior—a preposterous claim.

Then I read the histories and found that most WNsts are all too ignorant on European history, presumably because since most are Americans in their exceptionalism they despise Europe.

I found that “nordicism” once properly understood is nothing else than maintaining the one-drop rule. For instance, when Pierce and Kemp speak of the Greco-Roman cultures they mention how with the exception of Sparta they miscegenated. It is in this sense that they became inferior during their later stages.

The Romans of the Republic and the Romans of the times of Julian were not of the same stock (that’s why they became prey of the Galileans). The same with the Athenians of the time of Plato and of the times of Julian. Don’t you remember that passage in the novel by Vidal I reproduced in this blog? In is intriguing because Vidal was a far-leftist homo but he nonetheless recognized the ethnic change that the classic culture suffered:

On every side of me carts rattled and creaked, their drivers cursing and their contents, human or animal, complaining. The Athenian Greek is a lively fellow, though one looks in vain from face to face for a glimpse of Pericles or Alcibiades. As a race, they are much changed. They are no longer noble. They have been too often enslaved, and their blood mixed with that of barbarians.

See Pierce’s take on this subject.


“Nordicism” is a much abused term by those ignorant of Western history. When I hadn’t read the histories of Pierce and Kemp I believed that it was, as you say, claiming that ancient Greeks and Romans were inferior—a preposterous claim.

Well,words have one internal-layer meaning (its denotative meaning, i.e. its first, dictionary meaning) and several external-layer meanings (its connotative meanings, that is to say the several meanings the word acquires over time).

I and bluegrass used the word “Nordicist” in its current acception, the one we implied above, i.e. one that implies a sort of ethnic supremacism viz a viz the other White ethnic groups.

See the Metapedia article on the subject:


And even a cursorory glance at the use of the word among Whinte Nationalists on the web supports this view:


About the notion of Nordics being the real builders of the ancient classical civilizations,I confess my agnosticism regarding this view. I mean, if we make a comprehensive list of the greatest scientists, writers, poets, artists and statesmen the West has ever produced, how many of them would classify as pure Nordics? And what can we infer from this?

I have not read those definitions in Metapedia or Stormfront and I see that from now on I better try to avoid the term like the plague (at least in this thread)! Let’s use the academic term, “Indo-European”; forget the word “Nordic” for the moment.

If Kemp and Pierce got their facts right, it means that the original stock of ancient Greeks and Romans were far more Nordish in appearance than those of politically decadent times. They miscegenated and that miscegenation, according to them, was directly proportional to their culture’s decline.

It is just that simple.

It is true that the original Hellenias / Greeks ave nothing in common with the majority of the people that live there now (Levantine mongrels). ALready one can see the downfall of the Greek racial feature in the classic vs. hellenistic art. Just look at ugly Socrates and you understand what I mean. Alfred Rosenberg ans Houston Chamberlain spoke of the “Satyresque” features of later greek mongrels that replace the classic perfection of older statues.

The same ist true for the Romans. The original Romans have a clearly recognizable Dinaric appearance (mature, hyperplastic; compare Caesar’s bust) At the time of the Barbarian invasion the Romans were all but gone. The destrudtion of the traditional peasantry was one major factor in ths equation (the problem of Empire). The Renaissance was the work not of descendants of this racial melting pot but of the Germanic people in Northern Italy (Langobards/ Lombards) and obscure “Slavic” elements (Venetians, i use the word “Slavic” with care because I do not believe that Slavs really exist as an ethnic group). So classic Greekss were Nordic in their outward appearance (clearly probven by ancient texts describing the looks of heros, gods etc.) and the omans were of Noric (Nordicised Dinaric) Nordic and Atlanto-Mediterranean appearance (nt the same as modern Mediterranean phenotype; more to be compared with stereotypical American hero-type like Cary Grant etc.) with Mediterranean and Alpinoid influence, still completely European and dominated by Nordic character.

The Renaissants to me appear often also Noric/Dinaric-Nordic (Michelangelo, Da Vinci) with notable exceptions like Machiavelli whose looks and philosophy appears strongly Jewish and Alpinoid influenced.

One cannot disregard the connection between ingenuity and Nordic racial features. All notable inventions since Roman times have been made in the corridor between Venice and Rotterdam or by Americans and British (= also Western Germanic) The more remote from this corridor the less evolved and high-standard the European culture (Iberian peninsula, Russia, Balcans). The periodic increase in cultural significance of these cultures originates clearly from Germanic-Aryan-Nordic influence (Goths in Spain, Vikings in Russia). A second center of cultural influence dominated by the White race is the traditional homeland of white tribes in the triangle between Sarmatia-Ukraine – Iran and North India. But since these peoples are mostly Non-Eurepean Europids one tends to include them ot in European history, which is not justified. The original Arya, Persians and Sarmatians were perfectly European, albeit clearly nit Nordic (but Nordoid).

“One cannot disregard the connection between ingenuity and Nordic racial features. All notable inventions since Roman times have been made in the corridor between Venice and Rotterdam or by Americans and British (= also Western Germanic) The more remote from this corridor the less evolved and high-standard the European culture (Iberian peninsula, Russia, Balcans). The periodic increase in cultural significance of these cultures originates clearly from Germanic-Aryan-Nordic influence (Goths in Spain, Vikings in Russia).”

Seems reasonable to me.

Can you provide a specific example of why the one drop rule is good and by example i mean not based on statistics or theory but based on your own personal interactions with people. Can you explain and describe qualities you personally noticed from interactions that involved you interacting face to face. Not by computer.

No. Christianity, and the liberalism that whites formed after the French Revolution are not biological in character. These are cultural products: sins of whites that could have been avoided. Your POV seems to be assuming that everything is caused by whites’ hardware. Everything. As if software did not exist.

I believe that whites’ software is a contributing problem too.

You say that 27% of whites believe that Zimmermann should not have been acquitted. But you completely omit to say that the Jews are controlling the US media. That is, you are ignoring the main cause of white brainwashing (take note that this is software brainwashing, not a hardware problem).

Clearly I am not disregarding the Jewish role in brainwashing the liberal style. What I’m saying is that whites are divided into groups that share genetically oriented TRENDS political, social, and behavioral.
A minority of whites is formed by this group that is most susceptible to brainwashing disposition etc.. This minority of whites took power than before, or was more or less balanced or was completely dominated by the majority. All human populations have this diversity of genotypes. The culture is required, most often by dominant intellectual elite, imposed on the rest of the population.
Yes, the main intellectual and cultural elite of the West of today is made ​​up of Jews, but mainly white liberals.
That’s why this elite, hybrid white liberal and Jewish, want the destruction of the ethnic homogeneity of the white countries, because they themselves are already a minority.
This may be related to the type of the brain of people. People who vote for parties of the political left tend to use more right brain, which is related to creativity, imagination, but less in terms of organization and logic.
You MUST read neuropolitics to understand this.
See, is not that we are genetically driven to vote in the Democratic Party. It is that political parties, from Classical Greece, are nothing more than a representation of neurological diversity of their populations. We are likely to vote for parties that are more oriented towards our own personal agendas, which are obviously related to our cognitive and behavioral biology.
You should see the case of Russia. There is probably a minority genotypic Russians who are neurological brothers with the liberal anglos. Even in a society where Jewish propaganda machine has had a weaker influence compared with the West, a small portion of the population is fully tilted this liberal way of seeing the world.
Could it be that liberals suffer from brainwashed or they are already predisposed to believe in equality and fraternity?
I think the same thing about people who believe in the Bible. Brainwashing or genetic propension?
PS … genetic propensity is not specific genes to believe in myths and dogmas, but a combination of hormonal characteristics, cognitive and behavioral traits that result from these trends.

“Brainwashing or genetic propension?”

It is both, but the fact that the West was not as insane when my grandma was young proves to me that presently we are mainly dealing with software rather than with a hardware problem.

Well, yes, but I believe both are related. I know it’s too reductive to conclude that genetics is the one responsible for all this, but it is just one way of many others, to interpret human reality.
What I think is that people probably do not brainwashed simply, completely changing their software nature, in contrast with their hardware, they are already predisposed
or brainwashed
or the inclination to the liberal style of being and living

Assumes that you believe in human equality or diversity of behavior is a deviation, an error, but perhaps not in a scientific sense
Just as someone who believes in the word of the Bible is not an error.

Liberals and conservatives are opposite poles of human behavior.
We have a very strong tendency to judge the behavior of others according to our own morality.
I believe there are certain aspects of morality that are universal, such as treason, murder and lies. Worldwide, anyone know of any tribe know these types and judge them as bad, because all three are varieties of breaches of trust, and the human being, regardless of race, evolved into a social society where trust is extremely important.
You judge people so
extremely alienated
alienated moderate-high
alienated moderate
moderate non-alienated …

I judge people so
extremely biased to the left bioculture
moderate-high …

This implies a number of characteristics, IQ, personality, hormone levels and the three relate to each other.
As I had said, I think what happened in the West is that the minority genetically predisposed to leftism was selected by the Jews to be their allies. The result is that they took the reins of civilization and imposed their own agenda.

But this begs the question of why the Jews took over the West in the first place. Obviously it’s the product of deranged whites who committed the sin of converting to Christianity centuries before. And there’s a factor that we have not discussed in this thread yet: whites’ propensity to fall under the spell of the One Ring (economics over race as in LOTR and Wagner’s Tetralogy). Lust for gold was the main cause, even more than Catholicism’s racial views on Amerinds, that moved the Spaniards to “genetic communism” with the Mesoamericans.

That was a sin. They could have waited a few decades to conquer the Aztec Empire and bring their white women from Europe (as the English did) instead of fornicating the Amerinds.

I see the conquest of Mexico as a moral issue in this sense—overwhelming lust for gold rather than a genetic flaw in the Iberians. They could have chosen the good. Instead, like many white empires in the Old World that also miscegenated the Iberians chose blood mixing, out of greed.

I think White inter-ethnic competition is simply a death warrant for the European race.

The modern world is just vastly too transitory in its abilities to intermix populations and cultures. The old Ethnic differences in European was solidified by simple cultural separation or geographic isolation. When they were united under empires (Rome, Austro-Hungary) the policy was mostly ethno-pluralism: separation of peoples under common law (roman tax, etc etc).

Ideals of Ethnic purity is a weak defense against the modern forces arrayed against the White race: international capitalism, international Judaism, 3rd world hordes, and the increasingly competent Asiatics.

What we need is common empires united by a general protective view of White Race. One that understands that compromise MUST be made in order to secure the 14 words.

I.E., not forcing some kind of cultural or ethnic basis for the Nation, but that no single ethnic/political/religious group’s interests will ever come against the primary goal of ensuring the future of Indo-European peoples.

How effective are we going to be if we still allow members who destroy White racial solidarity by calling Greeks “mongrels.” Imagine how cowardly a sight it would be if some White Nationalist internet jockey talked down to a Golden Dawn street soldier about the “impurity,” of Greek blood!

You know who introduced me to serious racial thinking? A friend of mine from high school who was 1/4 Japanese.

My Georgian public school was expanded when I was merely a freshman, and we had to incorporate blacks from two failings schools that were shut down.

My school went from 15% black to 40% in a year.

It was tense, but among my friends he was the man who never had the mental block against straight out calling a nigger a nigger, and bloody his knuckles when they got out of line.

I was still a cowardly conservative back then. He showed me real, White racial solidarity.

He’s a police officer in Colorado now, and when I email him asking how’s he doing, he’ll almost always mention shit the spics get involved in.

I would never turn away such a man from the White Republic, because I know a man like that would sure as hell fight for it.

I know this is anecdotal, but I what want in White Nationalism isn’t racial purity, but racial fanaticism. Men willing to see the world as a racial fight and die for the cause.

The fight for Ethnic purity ended in WW2. Now, its a fight for racial purity, against a world seemingly on the verge of an all out assault of the Indo-European peoples (immigration reform!)

Maybe, just maybe, when the European imperium is established, people can have their nordicist cults or lobby for ethnic pluralism at the cost of racial solidarity.

But only after we defeat these grave, current threats.

I think White inter-ethnic competition is simply a death warrant for the European race.

Nobody is talking of “white inter-ethnic competition” in this thread.

Do you see? This seem to exemplify what I have said: that Americans don’t want to learn about the realities of their European genetic roots and history.

The first thing that struck me in the two histories of the race I’ve read is that the mediterraneans are now almost extinct, with some remains in Wales and among the Basques. What presently WNsts erroneously call “mediterraneans” are in fact a mixture of Semitic and Arabic with the white mediterraneans, sometimes with drops of Indo-European (Nordish) blood.

I can even see the reality of this because I have spent years in the US and in Spain and it is obvious to me that, visually, not all Spaniards look like whites.

How effective are we going to be if we still allow members who destroy White racial solidarity by calling Greeks “mongrels.”

It is not name calling. Many of them are mudbloods. Haven’t you seen the genetic maps of Europeans? Science has demonstrated it beyond my purely visual appreciations.

You know who introduced me to serious racial thinking? A friend of mine from high school who was 1/4 Japanese.

The same with me: the first people in Mexico who talked to me about Hitler in positive light were not pure whites.

I would never turn away such a man from the White Republic, because I know a man like that would sure as hell fight for it.

Nor would I. Did you read “my 2 cents” in the entry above?

Maybe, just maybe, when the European imperium is established, people can have their nordicist cults…

It has nothing to do with “cults”. Again, genuine white mediterraneans are now almost extinct. The hardest drink I swallowed while reading the above-mentioned histories is that many Europeans close the Mediterranean Sea have been mixing their blood for millennia…

A quarter Asian is White? Would he still have been White if he was a quarter Black? Would he have been White if he was an anti-racist liberal?

A “White Republic” that won’t turn people away for not being White is just a regular modern “nation-state” that lets mestizos (who are also part White) become citizens as long as they swear a loyalty oath to the government. A White nation could ban part-Whites from reproducing, as Mindweapon noted, but it’s hard to argue they’re a full citizen in that case.

If you want to fight for the White race as an auxiliary you can be 25% Japanese or 100% Japanese or a space alien or whatever. What race you factually biologically are is not at all dependent on what you would like to be, or would like to protect, or think is the coolest, or think it would be most advantageous to be.

“I think White inter-ethnic competition is simply a death warrant for the European race.”


nobody is talking of “white inter-ethnic competition”

And I didn’t say or imply that anybody was. My micro-comment above had a general sense. Go to any WNlist Forum on the internet and you’ll see that what he said is true.

Well, I do not see the propensity for racial miscegenation as a genetic defect, depends, through genetic mixing you can conquer a country by injecting his blood for generations to come. Blacks do it very well, especially in the USA, using the smart hipodescendents and mulattos against ”white supremacy”. I think whites could make allies maintaining its purity central, Jews do it very well.
Over the Spaniards, I think is one of the factors that influenced the interracial marriage was not the church but the shortage of white women (think of the sixteenth century), racial miscegenation as a strategy of alliance politics and the propensity of southern Europeans are more sexually active than their northern counterparts, not to mention the power of sexual attraction in Amerindian beautiful bloom of youth in Spanish men. Another related explanation was the actual profile of the white population that colonized the Iberian colonies, primarily composed of all sorts of adventurers rather than organized colonies.

But you missed my whole point: it is a sin for Hernán Cortés to lust for gold and therefore fuck the Malinche for purely political purposes (Spanish PR before the Mesoamericans en route to Tenochtitlan).

You’re saying that the height of his comfort in modern life. To try to understand why people in the past were able to do this, we have to imagine ourselves in their environments, probably the Iberian Peninsula was not a very comfortable place at the dawn of the great voyages. It was a sin yes, but he probably never imagined in his attitude could result. Incidentally, he is one in million, is looking like the butterfly effect theory. Just like today, back then, many people, especially adventurous, simply are not concerned if their attitudes will negatively influence future events.

What I meant is deeper than that. Iberian Goths had draconian rules against miscegenation in the 5th century. Christianity destroyed those draconian rules. Conversion to the Jew cult on the stick is the sin I had in mind: a sin committed when the Goths abandoned their old ways.

Cortés, a late product of such Iberian sinful fate.

I did not know that. But as it happened during the time of the reconquista?

I have met quite a few people from Central America in the States- and if you think Mexicans are subhuman -try the Salvadoreños. They are simply savages who happen to speak, rather badly, a European language. It’s hard to overstate the brutality they exude.

The one drop rule makes sense, but it can cause practical difficulties. If you intend to use genetic testing to determine who is white, you will end up sending a lot of people to the non-white camp, based on a few percent of admixture that took place hundreds of years ago.

Technically someone who is 1% Asian or Arab is a mongrel, but you don’t necessarily want to turn away everyone like that, because it represents a significant amount of manpower that is likely to be favorably disposed towards your cause. Without genetic testing they probably won’t know that they are mixed.

How to ensure genetic purity without alienating allies who seem to be almost entirely white? I suggest that the white homeland contain one or more central enclaves for the purest European stock, the “pure-whites” (maybe someone will come up with a better term), which are encouraged to have lots of offspring, to replenish the race. Surround that with a large area for people who are say 95% white or more, who are simply referred to as “whites” and who have full citizenship (hopefully this isn’t going to be a democracy…)

That will still leave a large number of “off-white” potential allies like Greeks, who can simply have their own self governing or semi-autonomous regions on the periphery, with limited access to the white regions.

Even this is rather unrealistic, but I do think that we need to be careful about encouraging people who currently think of themselves as white to begin to think of themselves as non-white. We’re outnumbered as it and we’ll be lucky if we can stop things from getting much, much worse.

At some point the best idea is just going to be letting it slide until we can go through and edit DNA manually. Even medical grade oxygen is only like 99.9% pure. Plus DNA can have non-racial deformities in it, as I’m sure you’re all aware.

I’m not even inclined to call the average Greek off-white, although I don’t think I’d let in the average Persian. Then again I don’t consider membership into the Aryan Imperium license to run off everywhere like a bunch of rootless cosmopolitans, and cause trouble for other ethnic groups (whether genetic, economic, cultural, etc).

This is an off topic question for the blog post but…

I searched this blog’s archives and could not find anything on Hannibal Barca. I have always been curious as to his racial makeup. There is such confusion on this issue on the internet that I don’t know who to trust. Blacks and Leftists insist that Hannibal was negro. But I’ve read that he was Semitic and also that he was European. What was he? I trust this site more than others when it comes to questions of race.

When i see the Poope speaking about ”respect to -minorities-” and ”tolerance” to criminals i imagine how the actual christianism turn an a leftism version.

Christianity is the enemy. A pity that Emperor Julian was killed right after a couple of years of his reign. Had he lived a few decades longer I doubt that body-snatched neo-Christians would be committing racial suicide by now.

Écrasez l’infâme!

Besides this bullshit about the” minority” (in a country like Brazil, a sensible and logical think: that minority? White and or intelligent?) And” tolerance” with murderers, I noticed that in one ceremony consists primarily of songs and theatrical performances, took place emphasis on Jewish influence of Christianity, when a youth said

” Jesus the lord of the Jewish people”

I found a serious defect in perfect and candid psychology of the Christians and leftists.
They are extremely egocentric and demonstrate their” goodness” through the stupid idea of ​​love to next (regardless of who is next). In other words, they are extremely narcissistic and are able to sacrifice others to keep your images as extremely good. They do not care.

This topic is a discussion about the racial miscegenation and its devastating effects.
Well, I really believe there is hybrid vigor, but he will not be manifested in the great majority of the mixed population. Was what happened with the Eurasians. They are a mixture of Neanderthals with Cro Magnon and maybe some additions native breeds, archaic and unidentified. The big difference between the Europeans, the old middle eastern and northeastern Asians compared with SSA and others is that they have suffered a great environmental pressure which resulted in strong sexual selection for larger brains.


This article from the West Hunter is very interesting and debunking the idea that racial mixing is always bad or that it is the white race is exceedingly superior to any other. As he said, eugenics is not only possible but trivial.
What happened in countries like Brazil was the worst elements of the three races were mixed as a recipe for Witch.
I am totally favorable to the survival of the white race because yes, whites as a group, a race, are so superior to all others But in terms of individuals and even in terms of fractions of subgroups, it is evident that there are non-white individuals with better qualities than many millions of whites. When speaking to groups, are being abstract, because in fact a breed is not a single organism, but it works like a when you have a group of people of the same race at the same location.
I am largely in favor of eugenics and think in the future we could do it all over the world, not only white people but also to people of other races. This would be the most perfect form of messianic Christianity that the white man could reach.
Unlike John Martinez who feels a deep regard for the white race while it seems to me, have a visible image of inferiority of yourself, I do not see myself as totally inferior for being ‘mixed-race’.
Hope I’m not telling lies about him, but I’m sick of seeing a young man in his prime, intelligent, publicly demonstrate not like to be mixed-race. I did not lower my head to anyone, much less nordicists purists. I see no problems with someone not wanting to mix, but treat you as an inferior not there, it is lack of education, manners and more, of nobility.
I’m proud of who I am and I think that the problem of miscegenation so far is that it has been used for purposes of domination” Jewish” and also that it is obvious that when you mix two distinct but related elements in nature, you will have something different and tends to be more stable than the pure elements. But this is not the end of the world. I still would like to know how a nation Eurasian, ie a mixture of the best European elements with the best East Asian elements.
I am an enthusiastic full, the white, but also find very interesting the possibility of Caucasian man is the architect of all mankind, something grandiloquent, megalomaniac and perhaps morally wrong, but would find it surprising if every human had some blood tribes of Caucasians, I dunno, within 300 years, and of course with a population eugenically selected or modified.

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