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A Jewish coup d’etat

There is a new Holocaust museum/memorials in Moscow but not a single Gulag/memorial.

—A commenter


The so-called “Russian” revolution was in reality a Jewish coup d’etat (planned, financed and executed by Jews) with horrible genocidal consequences. Normally Jews try to take control of a nation “from above”, i.e. by infiltrating and manipulating its elite. In Russia this was not possible since Jews were confined to the Pale of Settlement and forbidden to enter the big cities.

Hence the Jews started a revolution “from below”, so-called to “liberate the proletariat”. Once the Jews had captured power they eliminated the Christian elite (“class enemies” ) and enslaved the proletariat, creating an absolute hell on earth (the “Jewish Utopia”).

Stalin was not anti-Jewish, he was only anti-Trotsky, though in the process of eliminating the Trotskyists he killed also some Jews. The essential Jewish character of the Soviet Union however remained intact. After the collapse of the Soviet Union the Jews again gained the upperhand, this time in a “capitalist” version as oligarchs who robbed Russia of 60% of its wealth.

It is only under the enlightened autocratic regime of Putin that the worst of Jewish destructive power has been removed, though the process has by no means been completed.

Such a hell on earth the Jews now have planned for the US also.

—Franklin Ryckaert