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Arcadia My pinacoteca

Landscape with Orpheus and Eurydice

Painting of the day:

Nicolas Poussin
Landscape with Orpheus and Eurydice
~ 1650-51
Musée du Louvre

My pinacoteca

Finding of Moses

Painting of the day:

Nicolas Poussin
Finding of Moses
~ 1638
Musée du Louvre

Arcadia My pinacoteca

Fishing Scene

Painting of the day:

Annibale Carracci
Fishing Scene
~ 1594
Musée du Louvre

Art Christian art Leonardo da Vinci My pinacoteca

Virgin of the Rocks (detail)

Painting of the day:

Leonardo da Vinci
Virgin of the Rocks
(detail) ~ 1483-1486
Musée du Louvre

Aryan beauty My pinacoteca

Apollo and Marsyas (detail)

Painting of the day:

Pietro Perugino
Apollo and Marsyas
(detail) ~ 1490-1492
Musée du Louvre

My pinacoteca

The Condottiero

Painting of the day:

Antonello da Messina
The Condottiero
~ 1475
Musée du Louvre

My pinacoteca

Watson and the Shark (detail)

Painting of the day:

John Singleton Copley
Watson and the Shark
(detail) ~ 1778
National Gallery of Art

George Washington My pinacoteca

Washington & White Cloud

Painting of the day:

Gilbert Stuart
George Washington
~ 1795
National Gallery of Art

Painting of the day:

George Catlin
The White Cloud
~ 1844/45
National Gallery of Art

Art Christian art My pinacoteca

Last Supper

Painting of the day:

Salvador Dalí
The Sacrament of the Last Supper
~ 1955
National Gallery of Art

My pinacoteca

The Lovers

Painting of the day:

The Lovers
~ 1923
National Gallery of Art