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Exterminationism Mauricio (commenter)

How awake are you?

by Mauricio

Level 1:

Nadzees are evil, Democracy is good.
Jews are Holocaust survivors.
Christianity is for idiots.

Level 2:

Nazis were misled by an anti-Semitic demagogue.
The Holocaust may be false.
Christianity is ‘okay’.

Level 3:

Germans were fighting against Zionists.
The Holocaust is false, Zionism is evil.
Christianity is good.

Level 4:

White Nationalism is good.
Jews are evil.
Christianity is a White religion.

Level 5:

National Socialism is good.
America is evil.
Christianity has been corrupted by Jews.

Level 6:
National Socialism is the only solution.
All countries are evil.
Christianity has always been a Jewish Psy-op.

Level 7:

White segregation is the only solution.
Modernity is evil.
Anti-Christian Paganism is good.

Level 8:

There are no political solutions.
Civilization is evil.
Blood and Soil is the only true religion.

Level 9:

Non-white exterminationism is the only solution.
Most Whites are not true Whites.
All Whites are spiritually flawed.

Level 10:

10% of Whites are true humans, and must survive.
90% of Whites are defective humans, of which 50% must die (males).
100% of non-Whites are sub-humans, and all must die.

Personally I’m a level 9, verging on level 10.

I’ve met some level 4, and only a few level 5.

The leap from 5 to 6 is astronomical due to the Xtian malware rejection. Feels lonely sometimes.