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Chris Martenson Currency crash Energy / peak oil Eschatology Videos

The accelerated crash course

This “Accelerated” Crash Course, a 2014 video that includes both the coming currency crash and peak oil crisis, condenses over 4.5 hours of detailed material into less than an hour to view:

Full transcript: here.

Audios Chris Martenson Energy / peak oil

Martenson interview

Nationalists don’t want to do their homework and research peak oil objectively, for example, how Chris Martenson answers to the abiotic theories of oil:


Instead of debating here on WDH, nationalists are beginning to discuss the subject of my previous posts at Occidental Dissent, where Sebastian Ronin is dismissed by one of them as “a deracinated conspiracy doomer” and others are posting comments like: “I am increasingly skeptical in light of rising oil production due to fracking,” and also “I told you so. Technology. Never leave it out of your equations on predicting the future. There will be no ‘energy devolution.’”

There will be no energy devolution—a flat statement that ignores that mere tech cannot create energy out of thin air!

There’s nothing to do with those who don’t want to do their homework. It reminds me somewhat my experience with the counter-jihad gentiles that didn’t want to read literature on the Jewish problem, not even literature written by well-respected academic Jews!

I am afraid that those who, like Ronin and I, want to show the pro-white movement that energy devolution will tremendously impact racial politics, will be talking to a different audience.

Chris Martenson Energy / peak oil Eschatology Videos

Total and unconditional energy devolution

What convinced me that there’s something real about peak oil predictions were Chris Martenson’s interviews of professionals in the field who don’t believe what Martenson says; i.e., these skeptics believe that other sources of energy will be found. It was precisely the arguments presented by Martenson and the very friendly discussions in his programs with the skeptics what convinced me that those who debated him were wrong.

For beginners to the debate see Chris Martenson’s 45-minute Crash Course:

Some energy researchers are fearing that, by the end of the century, 5 billion humans will die of unnatural deaths (malnutrition, starvation, disease, civil war, etc.). These surplus of humans are the direct result of a deranged use of oil reservoirs.

If you believe in social entropy you know that when a System disintegrates another system starts to integrate at the same time. The best example that occurs to me is the city of Constantinople, which flourished when Europe fell into utter chaos, with native Europeans becoming very few by the sixth century.

Something similar will probably happen in our century.