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Aryan beauty Homer


I listened to a couple of black guys’ recent interview with Derek Lambert and found it very instructive.

What I loved about the interview was a family anecdote. In trying to reason gently with his Christian mom, rather than giving her the exegetical spiel he mentions on his MythVision podcasts, Derek compared the NT to the tale of Odysseus: the religion of the ancient world for white people. At one point, Derek mentioned that the Greek Gods were absolutely beautiful physically (which is just what I’ve tried to convey on this blog since the site’s earlier incarnations)! So admirably did he summarise the adventures of Odysseus that, in a soliloquy, I said to myself: This segment could very well have come from the lips of an NS man trying to raise Aryan children!

Indeed, Derek’s words about The Odyssey are the best introduction to the ethos of Homer’s epic poem that I know of. Alas, although in that interview Derek spoke eloquently about the dishonesty of Christian apologists, as a good neochristian he doesn’t tolerate ‘racists’, ‘homophobes’ and ‘misogynists’ (see here why we put quotation marks around these words).