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Fuck Spain!

Pedro Varela, a Spaniard who published books sympathetic to Uncle Adolf, was sentenced the day before yesterday in Spain to a year and a half in prison. This is how the System of ‘freedom and pluralism’ works in a Europe that must die already.

At The West’s Darkest Hour we support Pedro Varela and vehemently condemn this unjust sentence. Publishing books shouldn’t be a crime!

The sentence includes the destruction of the books that Varela published. Although in the past I lived in Spain for more than a year, I won’t visit it again. What a difference from Franco’s time when my father found copies of Mein Kampf in Spanish hotels instead of the Bibles that can now be read on the nightstands next to the beds in those hotels!

3 replies on “Fuck Spain!”

That’s a terrible shame. As far as I remember, similar happened to Germar Rudolf in 2007, with all copies of his own book destroyed. That was in Germany. I remember David Irving being arrested in Austria for publishing and broadcasting history (he wrote a book about it), then there’s the famous Lipstadt trial. It seems a running trend with revisionist literature. Online publishing houses of this sort are constantly harassed. I think Third Reich Books has come under pressure and had their payments system shut down more than once. I don’t personally keep any specifically revisionist literature anymore apart from David Irving and Heddesheimer’s “The First Holocaust” (I’m not a holocaust denier strictly speaking, bar considering the death figures to be considerably less than the 6 million total, and recognising that Auschwitz was not a death camp, unlike the 4 real ones, and I take the perspective of your site on the matter). What annoys me recently is the likes of Unz constantly comparing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to the Holocaust, suggesting 1. sympathy for hostile non-Aryans, 2. that the Holocaust was the worst thing ever, conveniently glossing over the true perspective of National Socialism and Hitler’s grand vision and whitewashing the real sacrificial inferno that was the death of Germany. As you wrote before, most ‘mainstream’ holocaust revisionists are simply engaging in a form of pseudo-defence akin to Christian apologetics. It’s awful how he’s been treated though. The only real hell these days is modern Europe. I can’t wait for it to come to an end, and just hope it’s in my lifetime, always monitoring the economic charts these days.

Hell for people like us, really. What I said in the other thread is shocking: it is better to live in the country where the cartels have become a state within a state than in Western Europe!

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