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Hans F. K. Günther


Some passages and quotes from Hans F.K. Günther in his book The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans reminded me of what we said on March 21 about the impossibility of ‘denazifying the Gods’: what today’s crazy Westerners want most, their new religion:

Si fractus illabatur orbis,
impavidum ferient ruinae.


If the world were broken,
fearless fall will strike.

What will happen to the West in the coming years reminds me of the Tarot card The Tower which symbolizes punishment for the proud. Günther adds a passage from Geibel’s Brünhilde:

If there’s anything more powerful than fate,
Then it’s courage, which bears fate unshaken.

And this reminds me, naturally, of the first chapter of Savitri’s Memoirs: ‘The Religion of the Strong’, that is, National Socialism.

The trick for us priests is knowing how to wait for the lightning bolt to strike the Tower of Pride so that we can be the providers of the story of the next Era.

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