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Final solution Racial right

Heydrich, 5

Beginning at this point Heydrich says: ‘The Führer sees himself as the Robert Koch of politics: eradicating the bacteria to save the organism. It’s either them or us’.

One of the clearest signs that the racial right isn’t a serious movement is that it fails to point out the simple fact that the American zeitgeist has been the exact antithesis of this pronouncement: something that was realised decades ago by Ben Klassen[1], who blamed Christianity for the fanatical philosemitism of Americans. When we see American senators and other politicians saying these days that their support for Israel is unconditional, and will be unconditional as long as the US exists, we have a perfect portrait of today’s Jew-loving (and therefore Aryan-hating, since as Heydrich said ‘It’s either them or us’) zeitgeist.

I said I would not mention names and I will keep that promise for the rest of my blogging career but who, among the notable anti-Semites of the racial right, post images of Heydrich as the patron saint of their sites? The truth is that there is no homage to this SS hierarch or any other notable Nazi. Nor will there be, for the simple fact that those who belong to the racial right continue to worship the crucified; and it is considered disloyal to side with the crucifier even if the crucified was a subversive Jew and the crucifier an Aryan (remember that for Nietzsche the only respectable figure in the New Testament was Pontius Pilate).

Half an hour into the film, with the cold tone and routine of a bureaucrat Heydrich says: ‘the physical annihilation of 100,000 Polish, Baltic and Russian Jews’. In all honesty: could you conceive of a racialist Christian becoming president of the US speaking in that tone? Isn’t it obvious that to speak like that it is first necessary to use the Bible of our ancestors as toilet paper, literally? What are the chances that those who are now Zionists will in the future wipe their asses with the torn pages of their Bibles? What are the chances that they will become like Heydrich and company? Nine years ago I quoted Jack Frost and it is worth reciting:

In order to accept being called a racist or a Nazi with equanimity, normal American whites would have to reconcile that with their country’s history of being violently opposed to racism of any kind, from the Civil War forward. They would have to admit to themselves and to others that all of that bloodshed in trying to stamp out racism had been shed in vain, and in fact, worse than in vain, in an evil cause. They would have to admit that their ancestors were evil, and that they themselves had also been evil before they saw the light and became racists.

It’s safe to say the chances of that happening on a mass scale are almost zero.

Around the 37th minute of the film, Heydrich mentions the sum of eleven million Jews to be exterminated, in total. Once again: Can you imagine a Christian on this side of the Atlantic thinking in such terms? You have to become anti-Christian, like Alex Linder and William Pierce, to dare to think like that!

Is it understandable why this site is a crusade against the cross? As long as American ‘racialists’ continue to worship the Jew hanging on the cross they will never think in terms of true survival. In the film, Heydrich also wanted to deport the Jews from England to the camps in Eastern Europe. But in real story they stayed there and Winston Churchill literally pissed in the Rhine River after WW2.

There is no need to remind the reader of the current situation in the UK. Of the people I dealt with personally on my last visit to the island ten years ago, since then one suffered thirteen months’ imprisonment for saying unkind things about Jews (Jez Turner), and two others are now serving years…


[1] Klassen’s family were originally Dutch Mennonites, who for a time lived in Prussia and then in 1804 moved out to the Ukraine. Klassen himself was born to Bernhard Kornelius Klassen and Susanna Penner in Rudnerwiede, part of a historical German-speaking Mennonite colony, close to the Crimea, then part of the Ukrainian People’s Republic; the area would later become part of the Zaporizhia Oblast during the 1930s.

7 replies on “Heydrich, 5”

The National Socialists were fighting for all Aryans. Their history is my history. Their struggle was for me. It took me too long to realise this.

One of the doctrines of Christianity, especially Pre-conciliar Catholicism, is that all humans have: ‘reasonable souls’ that are fundamentally equal. However, the correct view is that the mob and those of a more philosophical/virtue-ethical bent might as well be different species. In my view, the cult of “Our Democracy” is predicated upon this belief. If we all possess equal reasonable souls, then polling the mob—after a process of discussion and public debates—is a good way to decide upon political policy.

Neo-Christian atheists do not point out the same fallacies in Democracy that exist in Religion. Democracy is an ad populum fallacy, an ad-maioritatem fallacy, an ad-auctoritatem fallacy, and an ad-Lazarum fallacy. ‘ad Lazarum’ means: ‘arguing towards the poor/wretched’. Democracy is constantly harping on about ‘the most vulnerable’ and ‘the most marginalised’. In my view, the Cult of democracy as it exists amongst formerly Christian people in the formerly white west is merely a secular version of Christianity. It is Church for people who don’t like Church. ‘Vox populi vox dei’. ‘The voice of the people is the voice of God.’ A democratic maxim. However, this is an ad-populum or an ad-maioritatem fallacy.

What you say is very true, and reminds me of Savitri’s triangles: one normal (Hitler in power) and one inverted (the people in power). We live in an era in which if you put these triangles together you get the Star of David: a symbol of the inversion of values ​​to which the white man has submitted.

Revilo P. Oliver said that Education is a liberal—today we would say Neo-Christian—version of magic. The liberal thinks that through the alchemy of Education, savages can be made civilised. However, the Liberal vaunting of Education as a type of snake-oil that can cure all that ails you, is also predicated on the notion that negroes have reasonable souls that can respond to Education.

Soul or mind?
I recommend the posts on Bicameral mind and Return of Quetozocatl on the site here for those that have not read them yet!

The mind is an emergent phenomenon of neurobiology. If a person’s neurobiology is damaged, then his/her mind is damaged. However, the Catholic Reasonable Soul is no such thing: Today, it is created ex nihilo, by God, at conception… however, in earlier times it happened at ‘ensoulment’, thought to occur in mid-to-late pregnancy.

Jesus Christ, as part of His humanity, has a reasonable soul, and Catholics consume this reasonable soul in the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Sacrament is said to be: ‘The Body, Blood, Reasonable Soul and Divinity’ of Jesus Christ.

Sam Harris discusses the nonsense of this in Letter to a Christian nation. When a chimera is born, did two souls merge into one? When identical twins are born, did one soul split into two?

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