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CQ in a nutshell

In today’s Aryan collective unconscious, the extremely negative introjects and injunctions from a toxified superego are ultimately due to Christianity.

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There is jargon above but it can be deciphered after reading the middle part of my Day of Wrath. Ayway, it summarises what we mean when talking about the Christian question.

One reply on “CQ in a nutshell”

On Wednesday of last week I commented on a text by our friend Gaedhal about Herodotus and Thucydides, where I mentioned that Christian regression reminded me of my analyses of a specific mental illness (links on that post).

I am disappointed that even NS friends whom I have met personally, such as the one who is now serving a sentence in the UK for thoughtcrime—and who before I met him had suffered from psychotic breakdowns—, haven’t been interested in my work in the field: the only person in the world that has tried to ponder psychoses without abandoning for a second the ideals of National Socialism.

It is precisely because I have pondered the matter that I believe that, today, the entire West suffers from a folie en masse due to what, when I’ve tried to help my friend Paulina, I have called the ‘ogre of superego’. (For a short YouTube clip explaining this ogre, click here.)

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