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Intelligence quotient (IQ) Psychology

On Sam Vaknin

Although I still believe what I said in December in ‘Deep, deep within’ about the Jewish question, today I received a shock when I saw how the Jew Sam Vaknin showed his subversive colours, whom I referred to in recent posts when psychoanalysing Marco in my series on malignant narcissism.

Vaknin is a typical subversive Jew living in the West! In this video I started watching today he says that women will dominate the society of the future because male muscle power is obsolete. He also says that the future of the US will be brown in a hundred years because whites are on their way out; and that both are inexorable processes that only troglodytes rebel against. (Following his perverse logic, I guess Negresses will be in charge of the US of the future!)

So this clinical psychologist is as crazy as the malignant narcissists he psychoanalyses: something very common in the so-called mental health professions—fraudulent professions that I have criticised much on this site. (The racial right has been blind on this issue. What white nationalist knows that psychiatry, psychoanalysis and clinical psychology are pseudo-scientific?) What bothers me most is that Vaknin’s insights into the aetiology of narcissism are valid. But in the video linked above he mixes his valid insights with the monstrosities he says.

For anyone who didn’t get the message, I would like to repeat something I have already said here and in my autobiographical books.

Since the traitorous Western world empowered the Jews after WW2, the greatest findings in depth psychology were not made by Aryans (which would have happened if Hitler had won the war), but by Jews. For example, as far as the abuse of children by their parents is concerned, the greatest breakthrough was to take the side of the child, not the parents or society. And that step was taken by the Swiss-Jewish Alice Miller. In my series on narcissism, I mentioned Silvano Arieti, who unravelled with his treatise the inner world of the schizophrenic. He was an Italian Jew who fled to the United States at the time of the Third Reich. Jeffrey Masson, another Jew, also opened my eyes to the malignity of Freudian psychoanalysis.

What I do in my books on parental child abuse is simply to use the findings of these guys and relocate them from the Aryan POV, which is also possible with Vaknin’s work on malignant narcissism. The difference is that the latter, in the video linked above, seems much more subversive in his message than the other Jews mentioned.

There is nothing wrong with appropriating the findings of Jews as long as we purge them of their subversive messages. However, someone unfamiliar with the JQ will be unable to do so. The work of Kevin MacDonald, for example, is useful for this kind of task. But as long as there is no purely Aryan state, and as Hitler wanted, a Lebensraum where Aryans can flourish unmolested by non-whites, those with the highest IQ, the Jews, will continue to serve as spearheads in various fields where high intellect is required.

The mere fact that in recent centuries Jews have overtaken Whites in IQ should provoke hatred of Christianity since Christianity has for two millennia been dysgenic (unlike the eugenics practised by Ashkenazi Jews). Gaedhal recently quoted me in one of his communiqués recalling my complaint that good Aryan sperm ended up in the asses of convent novices, when it should have ended up in Aryan vaginas, during Christendom. Since the monks were the carriers of good genes as far as IQ is concerned, that was grotesque dysgenesis that whites self-inflicted on themselves out of their paranoid horror of libido we see in, for example, Augustine’s Confessions.

Without Christianity, the Jews would never have won the IQ race against the Greco-Romans in a hypothetical world where Constantine would have been defeated outside Rome.

7 replies on “On Sam Vaknin”

On this issue, an Afrikaner nationalist who has uploaded many podcasts interviewing Alex Linder (an Afrikaner that we even interviewed when we had the WDH podcast show) errs. Over the past few centuries, Jews have indeed managed to become #1 on the IQ scale among the races. This was even conceded by Phil Rushton, albeit in passing, at an old American Renaissance conference.

Urban Jungle Girl made this point on one of her shows on eugenics and disgenics. Jewish societies are becoming more and more eugenic and seeing increases in IQ, whereas traditionally white countries are becoming more and more disgenic, and are seeing, decade-by-decade falls in IQ.

I see this in Ireland. The Irish people who are having the most children are the lowest strata. I was watching on TV and there is a shortage worldwide of Semaglutide. Semaglutide treats obesity and type-2 diabetes. As IQ decreases, I predict further shortages in drugs such as these. I predict a creeping third-worldism in the formerly white West.

This is one of the few things that I agree with Ayn Rand on. In Atlas Shrugged America begins the novel with electric trains. Then America regresses to Diesel… and then America regresses to Steam engines before the railway system collapses altogether. She describes a world where everybody is incompetent at their job, and this is certainly my experience of Ireland. I kinda agree with Bishop Williamson that the Irish cannot competently govern themselves.

I kinda agree with Bishop Williamson that the Irish cannot competently govern themselves.

One of the things that white nationalists have never understood is that Europe should be under one Reich now. Neither the Europeans nor the Americans nor the Australians are capable of governing themselves without a good Führer, as seen with this triumph of democracy and Judeo-liberal values after the war. Savitri taught me to understand this: an inverted world like the inverted pyramids, which I even illustrated in her book with triangles on pages 172 and 177.

Is the Star of David is an inverted pyramid inside of a regular pyramid? Very fitting symbology if it is

The number of jewish subversives promoting toxic ideas, or been the vital traitor in failures is legion, as the meme says “every single time”, or “check their early life” section on wikipedia.
Vaknin typically says like a jew that “muscle power” doesn’t matter, with their reliance on high verbal IQ, ethnocentrism and deception, which has flourished in the democratic christian west. It appears this arrogant worldview of the jew is about to hit a wall of reality with the Palestinian and Ukrainian projects.
The main defect of the West is the education/software been programmed into childrens brains. It doesn’t matter the genetic/hardware quality if whites grow up to be “janissaries” fighting for other races and peoples.
Hopefully during the collapse of the post-WW2 West these false ideas will start loosing their power.

I tend to believe that the Gods, as the Greeks said, first drive mad those they want to destroy. And now those countries that declared war on Germany became mad, including the country where I live, which will soon have a Woke female president.

That’s the previous step for the destruction of all of them, including Germany, since the Germans, instead of rebelling, accepted the nasty Diktat imposed by the winning powers.

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