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Alexandr Solzhenitsyn Gulag Archipelago (book) Videos


Video below by Gonzalo Lira!

Solzhenitsyn was given eight years in prison: the same years that the English System recently gave to Chris Gibbons, whom I mentioned in my other posts this week, also for thoughtcrime.

This is the best presentation of Solzhenitsyn I have ever heard. Unfortunately, Gonzalo himself died in a sort of Gulag, but this time, not a Russian but a Ukrainian Gulag.

The moralistic passion with which Gonzalo speaks is the same with which I speak! It is amazing how the character is similar among the few Spanish speakers who still believe in patriarchy. I haven’t seen anyone like that for years, at least not speaking my mother tongue, as Gonzalo used to speak it, although in the video above he speaks in English.

‘To live now and not to know this work [The Gulag Archipelago] is to be a kind of historical fool missing a crucial part of the consciousness of the age’. —W.L. Webb.

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