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Free speech / association Obituaries



According to Tucker Carlson:

Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed.

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira, known as ‘CoachRedPill’ and aged 55, resided in Kharkov and transitioned from blogging to YouTube commentary following the escalation of the conflict with Russia in February 2022. He was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine last May on charges of discrediting the Ukrainian leadership and military.

I liked Gonzalo Lira’s humour. His gestures mocking the madness of the powerful in the West were sometimes similar to mine.

Alas, Gonzalo didn’t follow his own advice: emigrate to the Third World (his native Chile would have been fine) to avoid the thoughtpolice. He went, of all places, to Ukraine to tell the truth about the war! The Ukrainian thoughtpolice arrested him and apparently killed him with the same methods as many killed in the Gulag: unsanitary conditions in prison. Watch what Youtubber Styxhexenhammer666 said today about the murder of Gonzalo Lira here.

3 replies on “Gonzalo”

I just watched his last YT video near the Hungarian border. His testament for his subscribers was “If I die, make a ruckus.”

He should’ve left Ukraine after his first arrest. Staying in Kharkov while exposing the Zelensky regime was suicidal.

I read somewhere he had a terminal disease with only 2 years left to live. If that’s true, then he had a justifiable martyr complex, but it lead to a very bad ending for him. He could’ve enlightened more normies from Santiago or Lima or wherever.

I will give him credit though; I learned about Kolomoisky through him.

In any case, let his death-by-labor-camp be a warning for us thoughtcriminals. Let’s hope it’s a sign of a returning USSR, bellicose and thunderous, like Faye predicted.

This is a good example of someone being imprudent.

Besides of that, something that bothers me about guys like Lira is their love to hate, abusive relationship with the system

They acknowledge that things are bad, but that it is because the system has been recently corrupted. That we just made a mistake somewhere along the way and we need to fix it (or move somewhere), and of course that mistake has nothing to do with the WW2 narrative.

I can only find their talks boring, redundant, and still stick to normie land without paths to move forward, somewhere.

But, curiously, even as a normie, Lira was still imprisoned and sent to Gulag for extermination in Ukraine.

Does that means that normies are safer in the USA? Yes, and I think that’s a problem.

I find it highly repulsive that a Counter-Currents author is now trashing Gonzalo. I refer to Travis LeBlanc’s article ‘Gonzalo Lira’s 15 Minutes of Fame are Over’, published yesterday.

Who is really Travis LeBlanc by the way?

Incredible that, after the very clear expositions by John Mearsheimer and others of why Russia had to invade Ukraine, these C-C guys follow the official narrative.

Why aren’t there more people besides me debunking these so-called white nationalists, who actually function as American conservatives? Mearsheimer’s many videos on why Russia had to invade Ukraine—it faced an existential threat (like the Soviet missiles that Fidel Castro wanted to install in Cuba when I was a little boy)—can be watched on YouTube.

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