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Kali Yuga

The Village

In this second post of 2024, I respond to Jamie.

The wisest person after 1945 was Savitri Devi. These days I have been watching videos on cosmogony and the vastness of the universe. Among the Aryan religions, the only one that had a broad meta-perspective of the universe was Hindu. Savitri lived in India, learned languages and instead of committing suicide when Hitler lost the war she tried to understand what happened based on her knowledge of the ancient Aryan religion.

We live in Kali Yuga, the dark hour, the title of this blog. In Kali Yuga, says the millenary tradition, everything will be upside down. But in our century that applies even more to the West, as whites are behaving in a directly treacherous manner against their ethnicity.

A year ago I left a post about who wanted to educate his child in National Socialism and no one replied. Like the present featured post, ‘The Wall’, I left it up for several days but no one said anything to me. I concluded that since we are in Kali Yuga there are practically no more, as Savitri said in her book, true ‘aristocrats’.

It is hard to admit it but even the racialists are part of the Kali Yuga zeitgeist to the extent that they aren’t consistent as, say, Hitler was consistent with his principles. That’s why they love degenerate music. The inconsistency of these so-called anti-Semites is so egregious that the vast majority has stayed on the south side of the Wall, living under the mandates of Christian ethics (and we already know who wrote the New Testament!). The degenerate music they listen to is simply one of the symptoms of their corrupt spirit.

If you want to educate a child who isn’t yet contaminated by degenerate music, you have to isolate him or her from the environment and take your child out of Gomorrah as if you were Lot.

If you review Hitler’s life you will see, as Savitri saw, that since he was a teenager he felt a great attraction for the beautiful European art (something we also saw in Simms’ book, when referring to the books he read as a young man). That is virtually absent in today’s racialists. They live in Kali Yuga, which includes degenerate music. I see it with my nephew. While both of my parents were musicians by profession (classical music), and founded a music school for children, my nephew who attended there is an absolute degenerate in musical matters. In other words, my parents’ school was a complete failure. Only cutting him off from Gomorrah from the age of six, founding a Village far from the madding crowd would have worked.

That would have to be done in the Third World because in the West the treacherous governments wouldn’t allow such an educational enterprise. But that can’t be done unless we have enough funds for several families to buy real estate abroad, found a village and try to educate our children there.

So, unless a sponsor comes along who wants to do something similar to what the Aryan Mennonites do here in Mexico but without their Christianity, there is no choice but to live as isolated individuals and navigate Kali Yuga. The good news is that, as Eduardo Velasco said in the appendix to On Exterminationism, this Age was considered by the ancient Aryans a great opportunity to purify oneself, like the lotus in the mud, which is what I attempt in The West’s Darkest Hour.

8 replies on “The Village”

I’m sorry about your nephew. It’s terrible to see a youth growing without protection from the poison.

Before attempting to form a village one should form a homestead. A good example is Varg Vikernes’ small estate in France. He’s a hermit and lives in isolated poverty, but his family are some of the healthiest whites alive today.

Kalki will end Kali Yuga according to Savitri. But instead of a man on a white horse, I am inclined to think that ‘Kalki’ will be what Sebastian Ronin called a window of opportunity that will open for us with the energy devolution of this century.

Yesterday’s video by Chris Martenson refutes the claims against the peak oil model, that collapse won’t occur in our lifetime. The people of the System, those who are in favour of Kali Yuga, dislike this prophecy as it predicts the end of their little world. But we must pay due attention to it.

Running from the world doesn’t work. You have to be exposed to it in order to build immunity to it.

Rural whites are the most willing to believe the best about nonwhites – see the Ahmaud Arbery case, where a clear-cut case of self-defense and justifiable homicide ended in murder convictions – and urban gated communities populated by Democrats are the ones that implement policies reflecting nonwhite reality. That’s not an accident. Watch what they do, not what they say. (Admittedly, the far right in general seems completely incapable of this; they believe whatever they’re told implicitly and can’t understand the concept of of someone lying while telling them what they want to hear.)

Mennonnites and Amish who leave the strict farming lifestyle (which is often necessary as their population grows faster than farmland is available) often fall into social disfunction far worse than the baseline white one.

All of this was prefigured by the American Indian experience. When they crossed the Bering land bridge, the stresses and the small population caused a lot of pathogens to not survive the trip. So for ten thousand years the Americas were populated by the most healthy human beings that ever lived. Then they were re-exposed to the rest of the world and they had absolutely zero immunological defenses, and plagues wiped out 60 to 90 percent of them. The English settlers themselves freely admitted that the colonies would not have been possible without the plagues. This is what happens when you don’t exercise your defenses regularly.

Hiding from the world and its disfunction will create a similar vulnerability: a pampered, hothouse population that appears to thrive under extremely controlled conditions, but the moment those conditions fail, disaster follows. Only regular confrontation and exposure with the dangers can train the individual, the society, and the nation in the strength to surpass them.

Which is exactly the sort of thing Hitler said, quite often, and it’s funny you’re here claiming his mantle while advocating the exact opposite.


See my comment about the Kellog experiment of raising an ape with their baby boy.

The boy ended up behaving more like a chimp by constant exposure alone, and you can say the same with white societies exposed to negro (or other non white) populations.

Did they grow any immunity to them? Quite the contrary, they ended up becoming cultural niggers, and even fought wars to defend them.

The result will be the same anywhere. Whites are always lowered to the lowest denominator around.

That’s why extermination or expulsion are the only solutions to the race problem… but the current system forbid us to even think about it!

Mauricio is right. Do you think you can raise your children in a multicultural cesspool like Detroit or London? Would you expect them to grow “immunity” to degeneracy there?

I think you are most likely to end up having rap loving, mullato grandchildren instead

Caesar’s advise is solid. It is prudent to “run to the hills” when the odds are against you.

Maybe the odds would be against you, but it would doubtlessly be the heroic thing to do.

As Nietzsche says in aphorism 150 of “Beyond Good and Evil:” “Around the hero everything becomes a tragedy.”

Living in small towns isn’t running from the world. I would argue it’s living closer to the real world.

Go ahead and expose your offspring to the filth. Have fun de-programming their brains every time they come home. I’m sure they’ll understand why they can’t go out partying on saturdays.

You talk about devolving into ‘hothouse flowers’ but that’s exactly what exposure to the system does to you from a young age.

When was the last time anyone here slept outside in the woods with only a fire to keep warm? Can anyone here drink water from a river for days without getting dysentery?

The next generation of whites needs exposure to Nature. I guarantee, no one will be able to run from her.

Nature! As American Michael O’Meara said, his countrymen:

see their “spendthrift debtor nation” as a “land of free ice cream and perpetual sunshine”…

Most Americans, who don’t own their homes, will in either case face foreclosure, eviction, and homelessness.

They will also have trouble feeding themselves, once the shelves of their suburban supermarkets, stocked by just-in-time deliveries, are emptied.

Link: here.

Herr Caesar, thanks a lot for your thorough answer.

Related to the topic, is anyone familiar with the Kellog study about the ape and The child?

The premise was to test if an cub chimpanzee could be raised alongside the scientist’s son and see if the creature will start adopting human behavior and language.

For a while, the chimp was ahead of the child in physical and psychological tests.

But eventually, that animal hit a cognitive wall and was pretty much limited by its genetics. No amount of training and nurturing will ever turn a chimp into a man, said the scientist’s notes.

But the baby boy, on the other hand, started behaving more like a chimp. The experiment ended abruptly after 9 months, when the scientist realized the drastic change on his own son.

So, what can we learn from this?

A lot of you who have witnessed the systems attempts to make multiculturalism work may understand the implications of this experiment and its results, especially if one remembers the mantra of “the last shall be first, and the first last”.

I’m leaving a link to an article about it if you are interested on learning more:


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