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Second of His Name

‘Second of His Name’ is the third and last episode of House of the Dragon I watch. I have a movie-watching rule that I violated when watching the first three episodes: if a black man appears in a prominent position, stop watching the movie or the show. Next Sunday I will no longer watch the fourth episode. I don’t regret watching all 73 episodes of Game of Thrones because, at least in that series, the world was a white man’s world. The prequel on the other hand has already gone completely Woke.

The first scene that bothered me in this third and final episode of House of the Dragon that I watch shows us the blonde princess who doesn’t want to get married. When did that happen in medieval times? As usual, the producers of contemporary films only know how to retro-project the zeitgeist of our century into a non-existent past.

The king now has a blond, male toddler, and yet he doesn’t change his mind about leaving the throne to his daughter who doesn’t want to marry. Again: when in the Middle Ages did such a thing ever happen? ‘It is not my wish to command her, I want her to be happy’—the blonde king talking about his little blonde princess.

Then comes absolute surrealism.

Up to this point in the episode, everyone is a beautiful white human. A subject speaks to the king recommending that the princess marry Ser Laenor Velaryon. The problem is that the Jewish director, as we saw in my posts about the previous episodes, changed the skin colour of the Velaryon family: from hyper-Nordic to mulatto. But most surreal are the words of the subject advising the king: ‘Laenor is of pure Valyria descent’. By ‘Valyria descent’, the text in Martin’s universe on which that line might be based, the novelist would mean ‘pure Norse’. But Ser Laenor’s actor is nothing less than a mulatto. Again: if white people are fans of this new series it is because they are the worst generation of whites since prehistoric times.

Then, in the episode, the princess stabs a boar that attacked her. I’m sure the writers were inspired by real-life medieval events, especially considering that the virgin princess camped alone with a male knight in the middle of the night! Then the king’s wife influences the king to enter a direct war he had wanted to avoid. Again: cute women calling the shots for the crown. Then the Negroes appear for the first time in this episode, those nobles of House Velaryon who in Martin’s prose are hyper-Nordic (in the image above these Velaryon flank the rogue prince, who belongs to another feudal house).

Fortunately, the battle we see afterwards is so absurd that this prequel is probably not going to have anywhere near the fame that Game of Thrones had. One thing is clear: the Jew who has directed House of the Dragon is far worse than the pair of Jews who directed Game of Thrones.

One reply on “Second of His Name”

I don’t have a television but a friend sent me a link to this series. When I saw that there was a black as an important character advising the king I shut it off. I have no time for any of this jew poison. In fact there is very little in ‘western’ culture being produced today that isn’t influenced by this poison and is therefore not worth exploring.

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