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Hinduism Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 64

In several talks the Führer confessed to owing much to his opponents, especially to the Catholic Church, whose solid structure and durability he admired, and, within the Church, to the Jesuit Order, with its spiritual exercises and iron discipline.

He confessed to having borrowed from the Freemasons the practice of secrecy, that very thing which made them strong and dangerous in his eyes. He wanted, he said, to beat the Jews ‘with their own weapons’, and declared, correctly, that ‘he who learns nothing from his enemies is a fool’.[1]

But these contributions, however important they may have been, would never have been enough to give true Hitlerism the traditional character which I have tried, throughout these pages, to bring out.

They wouldn’t have sufficed, because the Church and the Freemasons as a whole (as spiritual groups) had been cut off from the primordial Tradition for centuries; and because the Jews, as a factor in the deliberate, organised levelling of all non-Jewish humanity, could not, as such (that is, apart from the isolated, apolitical individuals, thirsting for pure spirituality, who may exist among them), represent anything but the Anti-Tradition: the inspiring and directing brain of social subversion, itself a tangible expression of subversion in the esoteric sense of the word.

Something else was needed, no longer borrowings from the distorted, if not reversed, image of Tradition as it appears in the organisations, and in the pseudo-religious, pseudo-racial community, which National Socialist Germany had to combat; but a powerful, effective, genuine link with Tradition, a link secured and maintained by the only means by which it has ever been re-established and consolidated: initiation.

If one thinks of the total rejection of modern prejudices, by which Hitlerism opposes all political doctrines of our time as well as of the centuries immediately preceding it; if one remembers the dream of universal hierarchy, based above all on blood, which was and remains his; and, above all, if one considers this resounding negation of the Jacobin idea of the ‘rights of all men’ to at least primary education, one cannot help but compare the spirit of the Führer with that of the ancient legislators, the spokesmen of the Gods.

In connection with Adolf Hitler’s suppression of idiots, mental defectives and other human waste, and with the entire biological selection effort carried out under his orders, especially within the SS elite, I have evoked the laws that the Delphic Apollo once dictated to Lycurgus. (The physical perfection that was demanded of the volunteers of the Black Order immediately brings to mind that which the same God, the Aryan par excellence, demanded of his priests to whom poor eyesight, or a single tooth that required care, barred the possibility of novitiate.)

The secrecy of all science, even of the profane, in the future Hitlerian civilisation and the efforts already made under the Third Reich to limit, as far as possible, the misdeeds of general education—that ‘most corrosive poison’ of liberalism—evoke the curse that, thousands of years ago and in all traditional societies, was aimed at all those who would have divulged, especially to people of impure blood, the knowledge which the priests had given to them.

They recall the very old Laws of Manu and the formal prohibition therein of teaching the science of the sacred books and the incantatory formulae to the Shudras (and, even more, to the Chandalas, Poukhasas, and other people of mixed blood).[2] The Shudras were not allowed to learn the sacred books. The most severe penalties were imposed in ancient India on the Arya who would have allowed himself to utter a secret text in the presence of a man of the servile castes, and on the Shudra, or half-breed, who would have heard it, even without having listened. Similar laws existed among all the peoples still attached, each through its blood and scientific elite, to the original Tradition—all science being, at that time, still ‘sacred’ and secret.

In his galling book, which is full of unintentional tributes to the Führer—the most malicious criticisms are, in fact, unnoticed praises—Hermann Rauschning describes Hitlerism as ‘the irruption of the primitive world into the West’.[3]

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Editor’s note: Given that by the time I began to familiarise myself with the racialist right, American National Socialism was already dying (Matt Koehl would die in 2014), what was left in the white nationalist forums is what we may call ‘the Boy Scouts view of the Nazis’. This comical regression in the US was nothing other than the final triumph of Judeo-Christian ethics before the broken statue of the real God of the Aryan man, Apollo. Savitri continues:

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In reality, it is not the ‘primitive world’ that is at issue here—not, at least, the ‘primitive world’ in the sense that Rauschning understands it—but the primordial world: the world before any break with the more-than-human Tradition.

The ‘savages’ to whom the Christian alludes, furious at having taken the wrong path, are by no means ‘primitives’ but degenerates: precisely what the West, which has just rejected the last of its Saviours, is heading for. The civilisation that the latter would have founded, if Europe hadn’t shown that it was already ‘too late’, had all the features of those powerful recoveries that occur throughout the cycle, each time shorter, but always inspired by the same nostalgia for the increasingly unthinkable Golden Age, the Age of Truth.

Certainly, irresistible forces, essentially telluric, possessed the fascinated crowds at the call of Adolf Hitler. And the grandiose night parades, by torchlight, to the sound of war songs, drums and brass bands gave off a real collective spell.

Why not? This too was part of the art of awakening immemorial instincts, of returning to Nature with its depth richness and innocence, after centuries of lies and emasculation. Despite this, it was not ‘the drumming of the savage peoples’ which, as Rauschning writes, dominated the shifting structure of the Third Reich and above all the thinking and aspirations of the Führer and the great leaders, known or hidden, of the S.S. Order, the elite within the elite. It was the eternal ‘music of the spheres’ of which Plato spoke, mute to carnal ears but everywhere present: subtle, indestructible, hovering even over Germany in flames, even over the degraded Europe after the disaster of 1945.

And those who were (and are) able to grasp its rhythm heard it—and were to continue to hear it after the defeat—even before the dwarfs disguised as ‘judges’ of the post-war carnival courts; even at the foot of the gallows, and in the concentration camps of the victors; even in the bending of the ‘consumer society’ imposed on the dismembered Reich and the colony Europe of the United States: a society with empty arsenals and full pantries, as demanded by the Jews, who had not forgotten anything but, alas, they learned a lot since the time of the Weimar Republic.

For that which is eternal cannot be destroyed. And the initiate is the one who lives in the eternal, and acts in the name of the very principles that govern the universe. A Hindu who, at the beginning of the Second World War and even before, had hailed in the person of Adolf Hitler an ‘avatar of Vishnu’ and the ‘chief of all Aryas’, told me that he recognised him as such by the fact that he wanted ‘to give back to the caste system its original meaning and then extend it to the whole world’. In him, he said, had reappeared the One who, a few thousand years ago, declared to the hero Arjuna: ‘From Me have emanated the four castes, created by the different distribution of qualities’.[4]

This ties in and confirms all that I have just said: the initiate being consciously identical with the Principle of all being or non-being, (having ‘realised’ the identity of his essence with Him).


[1] Rauschning (op. cit.). page 266.
[2] Laws of Manu, Book IV, 80-81.
[3] Rauschning (op. cit.) page 287.
[4] The Bhagawad-Gîta, IV, Verse 13.

3 replies on “Reflections of an Aryan woman, 64”

“The ‘savages’ to whom the Christian alludes, furious at having taken the wrong path, are by no means ‘primitives’ but degenerates: precisely what the West, which has just rejected the last of its Saviours, is heading for.”

Not primitive but degenerates.

Is a good way to define negroes, chinese and other oriental races, who breed like cockroaches and are flooding the world with filth.

But of course, for the Judeo Christians quantity is more important than quality so it makes sense their desire to help them find the lord. And she was also right by saying the West will also degenerate itself by having chosen the wrong path.

I hope you could collect Savitri’s translations into a single .pdf file. They are, indeed, educational.

…especially to the Catholic Church, whose solid structure and durability he admired…..

This is an important idea of the “time durability value” of an organisation, when you have generations brought up in a faith/structure it can even survive a heretical generation. This was a big failure of NSDAP as they barely had two generations to call on, but I guess they didn’t plan to lose WW2.

The christian churches stranglehold on education of children in group schooling also was a gift to them, copied by communists/nazis/and now leftists. Devi certainly covered alot of ground in her work, even if alot is more theoretical than practical.

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