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Ethnic cleansing Racial right Savitri Devi Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 58

In a talk of 15 January 1942, the Führer alluded to the alarming increase in the population of India: an increase of fifty-five million in ten years[1], all the more alarming, one might say, because in this remote and last bastion of a properly Aryan religious and metaphysical tradition, it is the low castes, the aborigines and Eurasians—the non-Aryans and half-breeds—who are multiplying at the most insane rate, while the few millions of Aryans who have succeeded for sixty centuries in surviving more or less purely in a vast multiracial atmosphere, represent a growing minority.

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Editor’s Note: Savitri lived there and was married to one of them. If she didn’t depend on them, she would have said that they are all mudbloods now.

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The few millions of Aryans who have managed to survive, more or less, for sixty centuries in a vast multiracial environment, represent an ever-smaller minority, and enjoy (and already enjoyed in 1942), thanks to the parliamentary system introduced by the British, less and less political influence. But this tragedy didn’t concern Germany at war. The Führer continued: ‘We are witnessing the same phenomenon in Russia: women there have a child every year. The main reason for this increase is the decrease in mortality due to the progress of hygiene. What are our doctors thinking about?’ [2]

Here we are dealing with the direct threat of indefinitely increased masses, which risk submerging and dissolving in their bosom the future German colonists of the Eastern Marches and, in the meantime, softening the combatants of the German army who are the least detached from the human-too-human; Aryan masses, no doubt but not Germanic, and which the fate of history has set against the Germans from the Middle Ages onwards, and later on, sometimes mixed with Mongolian blood. This is a danger for the German people and for the balance of the new world that the Führer dreamed of founding: the pan-European, if not pan-Aryan, Empire dominated by Germany.

Adolf Hitler wanted to avert this danger, and he was well aware that banning preventive hygiene measures wouldn’t be enough. Therefore, according to Rauschning’s report, he had envisaged more radical measures—still in the spirit of the immemorial Law of the Jungle, the ‘struggle for life’, which the superior man has to apply above all to other men of inferior quality because they are his real rivals on earth: they, and not the noble beasts, aristocrats of the forest, savannah or desert nor the trees, the ornament of the soil.

‘Nature is cruel’, declared the Fighter against Time, ‘so we have the right to be too. At the moment when I am going to throw into the hurricane of iron and fire the flower of Germanism, without feeling any regret for the precious blood that is going to flow in torrents, who could dispute with me the right to annihilate millions of men of inferior races who are multiplying like insects, and whom I shall not, moreover, exterminate, but whose growth I shall systematically prevent—for example by separating men from women for years’?[3]

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Editor’s Note: Wow and triple wow!

I have long fantasised that the Europeans who conquered the Americas should have taken all the Indian males to the Atlantic shores and all the Indian females to the Pacific shores (of course: interbreeding is forbid). I never imagined that the Führer had toyed with a similar idea…

But this is where it is seen that Christianity, a thousand times more than Judaism, is the Great Enemy of the white race. The church of Rome sent its friars to catechize the natives, to equalise them to the Iberian white through the sacred sacrament of marriage.

The rest is history. The West’s Darkest Hour is ignored by the racialist right for the simple fact that they don’t want to see something so obvious. Savitri continues:

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And again: ‘For so many centuries we have been talking about the protection of the poor and miserable. The time has perhaps come to preserve the strong, who are threatened by their inferiors’.[4]

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Editor’s Note: When the slogan of the American white nationalist reads ‘Umwertuung aller Werte’ in German, not in English, we will know that the movement will have reached its maturity.

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Finally, it is hardly necessary to recall that this ‘directed economy of population movements’[5] through which he hoped to be able, outside the Germanic world, to check the tendency to overpopulation characteristic of the Dark Ages, represented only one aspect of his activity against the trends of this Age. A parallel, more visible and more brutal action—such as the much-maligned and misunderstood Einsatzgruppen—was later to complement it.

While all the Führer’s wisdom must be presented as a return to the Eternal Principles, his methods are reminiscent of those of antiquity, in the total absence of ‘conscience’ and hence of remorse, both in him, who was responsible for them, and in the men who applied them.

The suppression of human waste among his people is reminiscent of the summary treatment in Sparta of unwelcome newborns, whom the ephors deemed unworthy of being raised. And the action of its Einsatzgruppen in Poland and Russia—among the plethora of enslaved populations always ready to revolt—is singularly reminiscent of that of the merciless Spartan krypteia among the Helots. Both were, above all, actions of preventive defence implemented against a swarming of defeated people that the mere awareness of their numbers incited to raise their heads, and that nothing could push them to set up a force against their conquerors.

An enthusiastic statement by the Führer shows, moreover, better than long comments, his eminently revolutionary attitude and his contempt for the modern world—which he knew, anyway, doomed and which he dreamed of destroying: ‘Well, yes, we are Barbarians, and we want to be Barbarians. It is a badge of honour. We are the ones who will rejuvenate the world. The present world is near its end. Our only task is to tear it down.[6] That is, to destroy it in order to build on its ruins a world in accordance with eternal values, with the original meaning of things. [7]

[1] Libres propos sur la Guerre et la Paix (op. cit) page 203.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Hermann Rauschning, Hitler m’a dit, (op. cit), pp. 159-60.

[4] Ibid. p. 160.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Mein Kampf, German edition 1935, page 440.

15 replies on “Reflections of an Aryan woman, 58”

First time commentor.A little off topic,but prior to around the inaugaration of Trump you seem to have been more nuanced(no offense intended to you now ,honest) in your exterminationism,and willing to consider alternatives.What changed?Things have been getting better and better for the alt-right!Or is your answer to “would you shoot a Jewish child” still no?Note I don’t really have a problem with exterminationism given the horror the white race faces/the existence of Tim Wise,though I would rather not die/have my race die.Just curious.

No,I am hiding my ID due to possible monitoring of my normal accounts(I am a college student).

Why have you not responded?If you just think I’m a troll,I can prove I am not Adunai by inviting you to a Telegram chat that Adunai has never accessed and cannot access.(Lauren Wizke runs it).

I don’t have an obligation to respond to every comment.

As to “would you shoot a Jewish child?” that was Hunter Wallace’s trolling of Alex Linder a decade ago.

hey I was unable to post in the proper thread we have been discussing John Martinez so I’ll try to post here.

I think it was a bit disrespectful to John’s memory to suggest that he would impregnate a mudblood to spaw some evil brown creature.
What happened very probably is the following, he undoubtedly was born in a highly mongrelized area in Brazil, so he proceeded to move to a much more white area in the same country, when there he started a relationship with a pure white woman, they had a son, then decided to move to London circa 2014, he unfortunately died while there in 2019, and the white woman with the kid decided to continue to live in the UK. That’s all.

So it would be very nice if you could write some kind of obituary as a tribute to his memory since you’re a pretty good writer.

Certainly, he met her in the city of Curitiba, Southern Brazil. Both moved to London in 2014, at that time the kid was just a few months old.

Unfortunately, Rauschning is not a reliable source, to say the least. There is a lot of research on this topic, and it is mostly considered as fake.

According to whom it’s fake? (I only trust David Irving and Max Weber on this topic. I don’t trust those who project their Xtian values onto the NS Blond Beast.)

Done. According to the wiki, British historian Hugh Trevor Roper said:

I would not now endorse so cheerfully the authority of Hermann Rauschning which has been dented by Wolfgang Hänel, but I would not reject it altogether. Rauschning may have yielded at times to journalistic temptations, but he had opportunities to record Hitler’s conversations and the general tenor of his record too exactly foretells Hitler’s later utterances to be dismissed as fabrication.

Pay special attention to what I’ll say about white nationalists in my Savitri post this morning.

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