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Daybreak Publishing Wikipedia

Hard covers!

Today I got the hardcover proof copy of my book The Human Side of Chess. Previously, all the books in my Daybreak Press had been published in paperback, on Lulu or Amazon. Seeing the immense quality of this hardcover proof copy, which only raises the cost slightly, I concluded that subsequent editions of the Daybreak Press books will be only available as hardcovers. I can even lower the price so that they will be at the same price as (still for now) the paperback editions. As I publish these new hardcover editions step by step, I will be announcing them on this site.

Changing the subject, today I saw this video about Wikipedia on Odysee. Since not long ago I learned that Wikipedia’s administrators were banning editors who criticised the ADL on the talk page (not even in the articles themselves!), I knew that this encyclopedia had reached its nadir. The only objection I would make to this Odysee vlogger is his faith in Christianity. But what he says is revealing, although I already knew it from my previous experience editing in (((Wikipedia))).

By the way, in the photo above we see Alexander Alekhine, the champion whom I admired so much as a teenager. As regular visitors to this site know, by temperament Iā€™m a polemicist: in the chess of ideas I feel like a champion! Anyway, now that I have reviewed the proof copy, the book above is available to the general public (or if you want to print it for free click: here).