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Fire and blood

‘Il y a une autre canaille à laquelle on sacrifie tout, et cette canaille est le peuple’. —Voltaire

‘Fire and Blood’, the tenth and final episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, was first aired on June 19, 2011. There is not much to say about the final episode of the first season but I will still say a thing or two about the opening scene and the ending scene.

The mob that Voltaire spoke of, the common people, has been idealised by those who limit themselves to criticising the elites. In reality the people are as despicable as the elites. They’re like King Joffrey who had Ned Stark beheaded only because Ned was faithful to Joffrey’s father’s will. The King’s Landing mob not only yells the ‘traitor’ slander when poor Ned is led to the scaffold, but cheers when his blood-dripping head is flaunted in the public square.

In the same way as Westeros, the contemptible mob that is the people of the West consume everything the elites tell them about Hitler. And the experience I’ve had with Christian friends whom I have broken off with (and it makes me want to translate some anecdotes from El Grial) is that they don’t give a damn about well-known sources, like Solzhenitsyn’s non-fiction books, when I try to convey that the Allied narrative is a myth. People in general follow and believe what the Joffreys of today tell them to believe and feel. Even cultured people rant in the ‘two minutes hate’ imposed by the System. As Andrew Hamilton put it in one of his Counter-Currents articles, even the so-called intellectuals of the West are mass-man.

That is for the opening scene of the episode. Regarding the final scene, for the second time in the first season Dany is shown naked without showing her pubic hair (above Dany appears the first time we saw her in the series). I think that not having shown her in her full-frontal glory was a serious mistake, as well as another scene from ‘Fire and Blood’ that shows naked Cersei Lannister’s new lover, her cousin Lancel, who had been the squire of the now-deceased King Robert. Both Dany and Lancel should have appeared frontally naked.

It is important to say this if we remember those words of a well-known white nationalist that I picked up on Daybreak: ‘We need a regime that bans pornography and erects statues of gorgeous naked nymphs and athletes in every public square and crossroads’. As seen in the photo above, if there is something that the Aryan should promote it is the human nude that doesn’t awaken our appetites but merely exalts the beauty of the Aryan body. As the Greeks and Romans understood it before the envious Christians, many with Semitic blood, destroyed almost all their statues, the Aryan nude should not be hidden if it comes from splendid young specimens.

But what can we expect if our seventh art has been taken over by Jews and neochristian gentiles? We get the crap we saw in a previous episode of Game of Thrones: a lesbian act between a northern white woman and a brunette in Littlefinger’s brothel. So aberrant was that prolonged scene that even the normies disliked it. And this northern prostitute appeared even in the first episode on a bed with the Lannister dwarf, and in another episode she shows her pubic hair to Theon when she moves south in a carriage.

Unlike the art I have in mind, these shots only degrade the Aryan. In our times the values have been inverted even in the human nude.