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Daybreak Publishing Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book)

August 2020 edition

Editor’s preface

This collection of essays is the result of eleven years of following closely the movement known as white nationalism, which I discovered while living in Gran Canaria: an island near Africa that belongs to Spain.

Part I explains the Jewish question. I reproduce two articles, the first one by William Pierce and the second by a Jew, Marcus Eli Ravage: the only article by a Jew to appear in this collection. The Third Reich propaganda ministry used Ravage’s article as devastating admission of the reality of the Jewish problem in the Czernowitzer Allgemeine Zeitung of September 2, 1933.

Although Pierce believed that the primary cause of white decline was Jewish subversion, he was aware of the Christian question: a subject explained in Part II of this book. Unlike Pierce, we shall see Christianity as the greatest conquest of the Aryan soul by Jewry, and therefore the primary, not the secondary, cause of the West’s darkest hour. Given that I consider Pierce the most brilliant mind America has produced, I find it very embarrassing to concede that the Jew Ravage had a better perspective on the ultimate cause of white decline.

Since Pierce died in 2002, American white nationalism has been represented by some major figures and their respective webzines: for example, the Americans Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, and Greg Johnson. The current legacy of these intellectuals is of much lower quality than Pierce’s, as unlike the latter none seem to recognise the reality of the Christian question. That Jews cannot be the primary cause of white decline on the American continent should be as obvious as pointing out some facts. The Spanish and Portuguese irreparably corrupted their blood in colonial times by marrying Amerindian women, and Anglo-Germans north of the Rio Grande waged an anti-racist war when Lincoln was president. All of this happened before the Jews took over the media in the West. Perhaps the most respected figure in white nationalism today is Professor Emeritus Kevin MacDonald. In Ferdinand Bardamu’s essay on Part II, he includes a devastating critique of MacDonald for his failure to recognise the Christian problem.

While it is true that in his weekly radio lectures Pierce regarded Jewish subversion as the primary cause of white decline, in Who We Are, his history of the white race, we see a perspective in which Pierce seems to have perfect awareness of the Christian problem. Perhaps because many of his listeners were American Christians Pierce had to do something similar to what Hitler did: not be hostile to Christianity in public, only in private with his closest friends. For that reason, in part III it is reproduced much of Pierce’s story of the white race.

Of the articles in this compilation, the one that gets us to the core of the Judeo-Christian question is the essay by Evropa Soberana, penname of a Spanish writer whom I translated into English. Soberana’s essay uncovers the best-kept secret of ancient history: the apocalypse that the Aryan world suffered when the Judeo-Christians destroyed and inverted the values of the Greco-Roman culture 1,700 years ago. As explained in the footnotes, I did some modifications to Soberana’s essay and even took the liberty to correct some errors or add a few short phrases of my own, and the epigraphs at the top of the essay.

Soberana mentions Jesus of Nazareth. Before my ideological maturity I viewed the historical Jesus as a human, in contrast to the Christ of dogma. But recently New Testament scholar Richard Carrier has demonstrated that the textual product of the evangelists is literary fiction. In other words, not even the ‘historical Jesus’ of secular exegetes existed: it is a character as mythical as Romulus or Osiris. On the other hand, Soberana does not reference all of his statements. For a more academic approach to this subject, see our abridged edition of Christianity’s Criminal History by Karlheinz Deschner (distributed also by Lulu, Inc., Second edition 2020). In the original German edition, Deschner uses thousands of footnotes in his monumental ten-volume work, Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums.

As Nordicism is almost a taboo among most white advocates, in Part IV I include two articles on the same topic: one from a European and another from an American who published his piece on the ethnicity of the ancient Greeks and Romans in Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance. Part V on failed masculine cultures reproduces other translations of Evropa Soberana’s essays on the Spartans, the Berserkers and the Vikings. What can we say about the brutal childrearing methods described in those essays when compared with my eleven-book autobiographical study on child abuse, De Jesús a Hitler, excerpted in Day of Wrath? In the first place, the child abuse that Soberana recounts is not the type of abuse that I had investigated before becoming racially conscious. Those who understand the trauma model of mental disorders know that not even the most horrible wars produce the kind of injury to the inner self that causes madness. If the abuse affects the community, as was the case of Spartan boys, the psychological toll is of an entirely different nature.

What the West needs at present is a sort of balance between the eternal masculine—Sparta, the origins of Rome, the Vikings—and the eternal feminine that presently is engulfing the male psyche throughout the West. The Third Reich incorporated and eliminated—like the Hegelian aufheben—the contradictions of the extreme yin that the West suffers today with its Jesus archetype, and the extreme Yang of the Berserkers. To save the white race from the extinction already looming on the horizon, the role model is National Socialist Germany, the golden mean between the polar opposites. Nazi Germany was a highly cultured society as well as a tough military state, as we shall see in Part VI. Unlike Greece, Rome, and the Vikings, Hitler’s National Socialism did not fail. It was assassinated by Anglo-Saxon Christians and neo-Christian Soviets who represented two sides of the same egalitarian coin. In one of the articles of this compilation we will see that Hitler said that Bolshevism was axiologically derived from Christianity.

This is why what happened in the Second World War is so tragic. Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, is a book authored by Thomas Goodrich, published ten years ago. Goodrich’s book tells about a Holocaust committed by the Allies on the Germans, even after the war was over. If someone asked me to recommend a single text in the present compilation, I would unquestionably recommend J. A. Sexton’s review of Hellstorm that appears in Part VI. The crime that the Anglo-Saxons committed in World War II is so astronomic that it may cost the very existence of the white race, as we can see in Pierce’s essay in Part VII.

Finally, the appendix reproduces another essay by Evropa Soberana, translated, adapted and abridged for this book. Many images, including a complex phylogenetic tree that summarises the new racial classification, have not been included in the present abridgement. Most endnotes of the original text have also been removed, although some of them merged within the main text.

To date, the lack of sponsorship has prevented the researcher Valg and Soberana from writing the second part of the new racial classification. From the Editor’s point of view, it is impossible to evaluate it scientifically because physical anthropology has almost become heresy in the academy after World War II. If the Third Reich had been allowed to prosper, there would now be a constellation of physical anthropologists, from the Atlantic to the Urals, who would have developed this science and many articles in peer-reviewed journals would be available today.

C. T.
August 2020


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Remember that I delete obsolete PDFs every time I upload an updated version of my books. A printed copy of this book is unavailable for the moment due to Lulu’s breakdown (see my previous post today). But the updated PDF is available here.

For those who have not read Hitler’s table talks, I would suggest reading pages 541-550 of the free PDF on how this Cassandra said in the 1940s what we have been saying here in the 21st century.

The essays of mine that I removed from this August 2020 edition will appear along with another twenty of my essays in a separate book.

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