Greg Johnson’s preface to North American New Right, vol. 1, contains these paragraphs:
“Metapolitics” refers to what comes before the political, i.e., the foundations of politics, including both (1) political ideas, i.e., the intellectual case for a particular political order, and (2) a concrete community that embodies those ideas in the present and will serve as the seed of a new political order to emerge in the future.
Before the White Republic can become a reality, it must first be a fantasy, a dream, a vision of a possible world.
The trouble I see with this is that Johnson and the rest of white nationalists fail to follow the steps of the Nazis. The heroic Germans didn’t sit in armchairs with “metapolitic” projects. They formed a tough, virile political party to move the masses.
The same could happen in our days with Greece’s Golden Dawn, especially after the financial accident that is coming. Why have the Americans eluded the creation of a tough political party and resort instead to essayism, effete “communities” and conferences admitting women?
3 replies on “Metapolitics”
Because they are classical liberals, believing in universal human rights. They act as merely one of many “victims” groups seeking redress from the government and sympathy from the public. I doubt they will get pity in this way, but they certainly will not get power.
Johnson, Spencer, Sunic and other WNs retain traces of conservatism, a belief that a perfect argument exists that can convince Whites to suddenly “wake up”; that the correct presentation of the “facts”, on whatever issue, will make a difference to the wider culture at large; that only ignorance has prevented otherwise decent and level headed Whites from taking action thus far. Hence, the endless multiplication of essays, speeches and conferences. The post-modern radical suffers from a singular blindness: that action and words are the same thing.
The problem with Johnson and others of similar ilk is that they think winning can be done without a drop of blood being spilled. No one needs to dirty his hands by engaging in street politics. No one needs to get hurt. No one needs to die. All that is needed is a quiet infiltration of the existing institutions with men sympathetic to our views, and a bloodless counter-revolution will happen.
White survival can only be properly understood as a war, without any rules of conduct. We are not dealing with an opponent that understands the concept of fair play. There will be no smooth transition of power.
Should it not be obvious by now that ALL pro-white groups active in America are harmless?
“Why have the Americans eluded the creation of a tough political party”
Nothing much since the Silver Shirts in the 1930s other than microparties and groupuscules. “It can’t happen here” really seems to be the case-even England has done far,far better.