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Several subjects

One of the regular visitors to this site has been infected with the coronavirus.

It is a disgrace that the media continues to believe China’s spurious statistics about the virus. If not millions of deaths, to the official figures of Chinese deaths we must add at least two zeros.

Those in quarantine who are getting bored could see Shane. Netflix is one of the most notorious poison injectors for the mental health of whites. More than ninety-nine percent of their films contain a cocktail of super-toxic messages. So I was surprised that Shane can be seen these days on Netflix.

If you watch this 1953 movie compare it to the crap filmed today. Yesterday, I immediately cut a recent YouTube video when Richard Spencer praised Tom Cruise.

The contradictory behaviour of alt-right folk was what forced me to conclude that the white nationalist diagnosis, blaming the Jews for everything, was wrong. Otherwise neither Spencer nor his ridiculous McSpencer group would be speaking well of a Hollywood monster, nor Greg Johnson would have liked monstrosities like Pulp Fiction. If, like the normies, Jew-wise pundits are also contaminated by a Hollywood controlled by Jewry, surely there must exist an Aryan problem in addition to the Jewish problem.

A comment today about the Christian doctrine of ‘forgiveness’ reminded me of a passage from a book by Will Durant:

Imagine the exhilarating optimism of explicit Stoics like Aurelius or Epictetus. Nothing in all literature is so depressing as the Dissertations of the Slave, unless it be the Meditations of the emperor. “Seek not to have things happen as you choose them, but rather choose that they should happen as they do; and you shall live prosperously.” No doubt one can in this manner dictate the future, and play royal highness to the universe.

When it comes to mental disorders (the linked comment was made in a thread about the trauma model), let’s not forget Ross’s class in my Day of Wrath. What the doctrine of forgiveness is asking us is precisely what Ross calls ‘the locus of control shift’: a passport to madness.

Finally, to conclude this miscellaneous post you can also watch this funny clip about the coming hyperinflation.

One reply on “Several subjects”

The fact that white nationalists send money to Greg Johnson, who recently wrote this—:

In the fall of 2000, I taught an adult education class entitled Philosophy on Film, where we discussed The Matrix, American Beauty, Ground Hog Day, Network, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Gattaca, and Crimes and Misdemeanors.

The Pulp Fiction lecture from October 18, 2000, is presented here… I have tapes of all the classes, except the one on Fight Club.

—demonstrates, to my mind, that they should not be taken seriously, at least not from the POV of being Jew-wise and the 14 words. They’re schizophrenic.

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