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Daybreak Publishing Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book)

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As I continue reviewing Evropa Soberana’s essay on Sparta, this Sunday I realised that the changes I’ll make to The Fair Race will be more considerable than I originally imagined. In short, what I said in my post last Thursday, ‘Spartan break’, alters the architecture I had planned for The Fair Race.

That means I’ll have to add my differences with Soberana and others. (He once wrote that we, modern man, could follow Spartan laws as a revaluation of all values; while I believe that German National Socialism is the best paradigm.)

As this review for the PDF will take longer than expected, tomorrow I’ll resume my activities with some Christian paintings contrasted with Nietzsche’s quotes (as I was doing not long ago).

Even with this delay, hopefully, the PDF will be finished this month. Those who want to obtain a copy of the 2019 version of The Fair Race that will become obsolete once the PDF is finished can still do it: here.

Incidentally, the painting by Jacques-Louis David that I reproduced above and in my Thursday post is flawed. On this subject Soberana got it right: the early Spartans were blond, a breed of pure Dorians uncontaminated with Meds.

P.S. The old sticky post with links to the ‘Rome & Judea’ essay and the Hellstorm review—the first section of the PDF—can be seen: here.