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WDH backup

I have finished uploading the PDFs of, to date, the 316 pages of The West’s Darkest Hour with ten entries per page (although comments are not included). If WDH is censored in WordPress you can visit me there:


One reply on “WDH backup”

For visitors, there are nine invisible entries here and in the PDF backups. I modified its status from ‘public’ to ‘private’ and only I can see them:

1) The day Covington died

2) Restructuring my being

3) Deep pain

4) “El Orador”

5) C. T. (1925-2015)

6) Latin American loyalties

7) P.S.

8) My grandpa’s slave

9) My evil parents

If a commenter whom I trust requests a PDF of one these otherwise invisible entries I’d be glad to send him a PDF thru email.

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