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New incarnation of WDH

Firstly, I must thank my visitors for the moral and financial support I have received after WordPress axed The West’s Darkest Hour: a platform I had been using since 2011. Others who want to support us financially can do so here.

As this new incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour lacks a handsome sidebar like the old incarnation (which can still be viewed as PDFs), I will have to present the point of view of this site to new visitors via this sticky post.

To understand this site in a nutshell, just look at the image at the top of this page and remember David Lane’s words about why we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children: Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth.

Regarding the demoralizing word ‘racism’ with which the System controls whites, click here. Once the basics are understood, the first in-depth reading I recommend is a book review of Tom Goodrich’s Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany. If you’ve already read that review, you’ll understand the final essay in one of our books. The title of this article is ‘The Iron Throne’.

If these articles have piqued your interest, you can start doing some serious research by reading some of our books:

The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour is the first book we published for this site. If you don’t want to read this volume, at least read its master essay, ‘Rome against Judea; Judea against Rome’.

Another of our books, Daybreak contains an essay critical of Kevin MacDonald’s position on Christianity. White nationalist visitors must read it, for, in our view, the Christian problem is more serious than the Jewish problem.

Understanding women, and our sexual impulses, is more than fundamental to saving the Aryan race from extinction. I suggest that he who has already familiarised himself with the above books read the collection of essays in On Beth’s Cute Tits.

The above books contain essays by various authors, including some of my own. If the visitor wants to read a book in English of which I am the sole author, he or she can read Day of Wrath about the mental disorders caused by child abuse. (My books in Spanish can be requested here; for some English-German translations of important articles on this site, see here.)

The mature visitor who has left Christian ethics behind might read On Exterminationism.

Lulu, Inc. doesn’t allow our English books from that platform. Once we get another print-on-demand service, we will publish, in addition to the PDFs linked above, two more books: one by Savitri Devi, the priestess of the sacred words, and a new compilation of the best articles from The West’s Darkest Hour.

Regarding external links unrelated to my work, I suggest watching this lecture by Richard Carrier on his research that led him to conclude that Jesus did not exist. This purely literary figure is a myth created by St Paul and the evangelist Mark.

By now, after having assimilated the above-linked texts, an SS pamphlet explaining National Socialism will fall like a bed of roses on your mind.

As to who I am, a visitor wrote this article about me on the German Metapedia.

The constant censorship of the System will not silence us. As Nietzsche said, what does not kill us makes us stronger.

One reply on “New incarnation of WDH”

In a nutshell: Christianity + the false, lying WW2 narrative = a lethal cocktail for the Aryan mind. Removal of Christianity + the truth about Adolf Hitler, National Socialist Germany and WW2 = liberation for the Aryan psyche.

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As this is a sticky post, I will close this thread. If a new visitor wants to email me, please do so at [email protected].

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