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Judea v. Rome

Obsolete PDFs

As surmised in my previous post, my comment linking to Soberana’s Rome vs. Judea eventually made it on The Occidental Observer. Although I said there that Soberana’s essay was now the masthead of this blog, more precisely the masthead is the entire compilation The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (which may or may not appear soon as a PDF, depending if I reach a deal with another editor).
However, since I am on regular feedback from the readers of Rome vs. Judea, I have been correcting the mistakes that either my proofreaders or I detect. For example, the original PDF of Rome vs. Judea was this one:
This was before I standardized British orthography instead of American orthography. That PDF also contained an erroneous footnote of mine, where I stated that the sane Nietzsche did not cross out his signature in the last words of The Antichrist. After rereading the translator’s prologue, I realised that what Nietzsche had, in fact, crossed out after he lost his mind, was the old subtitle of the book. This sort of miss-recollection happens when one reads a book years ago and writes without a fresh rereading.
The above link, that we might call the zero version of Soberana’s essay, will soon be unavailable on the web because I’ll delete it. An improved version of the same book, as you can see, has a “1” before the letters pdf:
This newer PDF is the one that has been linked to my latest blog entries. The erroneous footnote about The Antichrist has been eliminated and the orthography standardised. This is also the PDF that I linked at The Occidental Observer.
Alas, since no manuscript is error-free, yesterday another reader detected another kind of errors: some dates of the reigns of a couple of Roman emperors. This weekend I will correct these errors and the future PDF, instead of the above “1” will have a “2”. And so on—surely #2 won’t be the ultimate PDF as readers will probably detect more errors.
With time I will remove the obsolete PDFs of Soberana’s essay. For the regular visitor, the trick would be to click on the bold-typed word within the hatnote of my latest Kriminalgeschichte translation. It will always contain the link to my updated version of Rome vs. Judea.