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Real men

A commenter responds to Greg

in a Counter-Currents thread: here

All was going well with this analysis until: ‘…likening White Nationalism to the worst forms of totalitarianism: Stalin, Hitler’.
Everything mentioned in the six points related in this article are imperative points laid out in National Socialism—and put into practice in NS Germany. National Socialism is only a ‘worst form of totalitarianism’ for those who really don’t want those aforementioned points put into practice.
The continuous defamation of National Socialist Germany—as well as its determined leader, Adolf Hitler—by people who claim to want an ‘ethnostate’ is precisely why there never will be another for a long time to come.
This kind of slander aimed at the last true bastion of Aryan independence just demonstrates the ridiculously naive and weak-kneed will of the soldiers-of-the-pen.
These sorts of theoretical discussions about what needs to be done to save the White Race always end with a sort of ‘this is what needs to be done, but we have to do it carefully’ (read: ‘let’s not rock the boat’).
National Socialism rocked the boat and the people praised the men who did so. Theories and discussion are for lesser men—action to duty and indomitable will are for the conquerors who still possess that noble and great European spirit which is the only thing that will save our people.
Turning your backs on the brave and noble people of National Socialist Germany because you don’t want to offend lesser men is indicative of a spineless will that will never achieve the goal.
You people are a disgrace. I’m just so sick and tired of this panty-wasted ‘nationalism’ theorizing. There is already a blueprint left to us. There is already a tried and true form of an ‘ethnostate’ which was very real and present in modern history. All the questions are already answered. What is needed is the spine and the will to go forward. But I’m afraid that this necessity is all but gone for western man.
Simply pathetic.

9 replies on “A commenter responds to Greg”

greg & his ilk: talkers, not doers. unwilling to pay the ultimate price — blood, or worse, internment. (ah, the easy and empty life of an on-liner.)

At the same time he puts the blame on National Socialists for the movement’s nullity: “The movement has gone nowhere for decades, because it contains too many people who think the way you do.” Well, there are two dozen comments on that thread and only one honest Hitlerist – not too many.
It’s like Cultural Marxism guides ideas of Judeo-Christianity without links on Christ and the Scriptures. And there’s a “Cultural” Nationalism without Adolf and National Socialism: with the exception of Hitler they attempt to act respectably and save their neoChristian and neoLiberal faces, and acting so they don’t go beyond the politically correct field.
That is, they don’t take risks. Voilà – to be “radical” and no sacrifices!

To be honest, practically the whole White race is composed of talkers not doers at the moment (and I include myself in that). Fortunately, playtime is coming to an end within this century. Soon it will become do or die: white males will have to kill their racial enemies, primarily Jews, and the majority of white females will have to have at least 2-3 children. If this isn’t done racial extinction will be Nature’s answer. Faggot Greggy can try and mask brutal reality with his endless babble but Nature shall have the final say as always and Nature’s harsh judgement speaks louder than any man’s words.

> ‘white males will have to kill their racial enemies, primarily Jews’
This sounds like music to my ears but, since I am an exterminationist, I believe that Aryan women will have to be laying eggs like our grand-grand mothers did: more than ten per female if Aryans are to conquer the planet.

It will be very distressful to die – especially hoary with age – and not to see a single hope for the social and political climate fluctuation, because even the talkers in the White race are an insignificant minority and odd marginal persons. Every average White man think of psychiatrist or prosecutor while reading the most moderate articles by Greg and Co. More uncompromising views for him are pure hell on wheels, including the killing of racial enemies and the forcible transformation of white females into mothers of large families.
For these measures to become accepted for him, it is necessary either to arm with patience and to trust in an evolutional perspective (for example, google “Overton window”). In this case the Greg’s activity is an indispensable step to the next logical stage. Or we need to believe religiously in a Great Collapse, an Aryan Revolution, a Führer’s Second Coming etc., when the average White man’s blood will begin to boil again and he will exterminate all evils and rape all Sabines for his Blond Beast descendants to conquer not only the planet, but the universe.

> ‘Greg’s activity is an indispensable step to the next logical stage.’
I fully agree. In fact, I am surprised how Greggy easily handled the alt-lite recently:
His site is a good stepping stone for those who are crossing the psychological Rubicon (I myself used it while crossing the river).

>”This kind of slander aimed at the last true bastion of Aryan independence just demonstrates the ridiculously naive and weak-kneed will of the soldiers-of-the-pen.”
I got a laugh from “soldiers-of-the-pen”. That’s a perfect description of Greg Johnson.

Turning your backs on the brave and noble people of National Socialist Germany because you don’t want to offend lesser men is indicative of a spineless will that will never achieve the goal.

Well said — very well said.
At this stage, what else can one do but talk? Even then, saying the word “Nigger” can lead to an extended prison term. The heavy hand of Jewish oppression is felt at the earliest stages of activism.
Contrast this to the sixties when the Jew’s violent “revolutionary” tactics were practiced by the likes of the Weathermen, SDS and Black Panthers.
Consider the difference between what had happened to the likes of Ernst Zundel and David Irving and Angela Davis, now a tenured professor, Eldridge Cleaver, Tom Hayden and Bernadine Rae Dorin who walked free.
Jew’s have clearly stacked the so-called “justice system” in their favor, not to mention law enforcement, as evidenced by recent events at Charlottesville.
No one today supports real action, like that of G.L. Rockwell. There is only faux activism, unless of course one is a part of the Jew sponsored “antifa,” then one can really start breaking skulls.
This leaves the real white activist a hunted outlaw with few, if any, friends or accomplices. There are many examples of this, Robert Matthews, Richard Butler, and many others are past examples.
The “mainstream” is led by the Jew’s mainstream media. They march lock-step to the Jew’s agenda. The minute a real activist steps up to the plate, the “mainstream” comes down en masse, with jackboots-a-stomping, to crush the life out of any and all real opposition.
What is one to do when the only possible friends have been made into enemies?

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