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Axiology Eugenics

Eugenics and Race, 6

Clear thinking on Race and Eugenics? We suppose it is rather early to expect the uniformed and careless mass of mankind to accept such ideas. A number of our early forbears did practice a crude form of eugenics—the Spartans for one and the Indo-Aryans for another—and the agricultural revolution in eighteenth century Europe was based on ideas of selective breeding of both plants and animals, but the true significance of biological forces has only been appreciated since the late nineteenth century, since the development of the theory of evolution and the discovery of Mendelian heredity.

What is more, these scientific views have come on the stage at a time when sentimentalism is deeply rooted in the public mind, and ‘internationalists’ preach the equality of man, regardless of biological inequalities, and try to prove that one can make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, in direct contradiction to the ancient Teutonic folk-dictum. Yet unless something is done, and done quickly, it seems that mankind, with its present mania for race-mixing (largely the product of the blind war-propaganda of the 1939-45 war), intends to throw away its heritage, renounce the future, and consign progress to the limbo…

To think and practice eugenic and racial morals ourself is our duty, but this is not enough in the troubled state of the world today. It is necessary for each and every one of us to work to bring these ideas home to our fellow beings. We must talk and write about eugenics and race; we must help to make the ideas ‘fashionable’ as quickly as we can. Let there be no confusion, also, between the two concepts for basically they are one and the same…

Today mankind, in a welter of sickly sentiment, seeks to destroy the biological and evolutionary structure on which the whole edifice of human progress is raised, thus to discard the work of thousands of generations of evolutionary specialisation and shaping. We can only prevent the destruction of this edifice if we take it upon ourselves to overcome our inherent shyness of such topics, to forget that we might possibly say something that might offend our neighbours, and start talking about race, racial hygiene and human eugenics. Only thus can we ensure that our children and—their children—will be able to find fitting partners for marriage.

Only thus can we ensure the survival of our own kind and our own species—and also lay the foundations for a noble future.


These are passages from the sixth and last chapter of Eugenics and Race, a booklet now available at 75% off from Daybreak Publications (here).