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Fucking civilians

“White nationalists are still thinking like fucking civilians, not as freedom fighters.”

César Tort

12 replies on “Fucking civilians”

First praise for unbiased straight forward intellectual historical fact/analytical observatory brilliance. Second for the call out of the facade of johnny come lately false front self preservationists. I’m running on empty lately. Coming from the honest to goodness work culture non apologetic SONS OF REICH ! Forever forward to be known as. S.O.R. No moniker prefix NEO. To quote from various blogs. All against all GOTT MITT UNS. Wake up you sleeping fools the hour is nigh! Refugee salaries? Designer clothed invaders? From under we shall put asunder. Rise up . Give us our space. Not to destroy. To cultivate and grow. But if the harbingers of hatred must engage , then let us bring the engagement to their doorstep….

I don’t think freedom fighters is even the quite the right way to put it. We have thousands, upon thousands of years of death foisted upon us. Yes, we fight for freedom, but we should be fighting with a fire of vengeance such as this world has never seen, and should never see again after.

To further add, this is where we once again see the pisionous tents all of Christianity, as our people are so programmed agonist violent acts. And yet also deadened to it to the point where they will watch real violence I front of them with out any compulsion to help their brothers, and sisters in distress. I think there is one positive to this situation though. The more people are repressed, and beaten down the more powerful their response when it finally does come.

The European Christians were not opposed to violence during the crusades or when converting pagans. I don’t believe Europeans’ opposition to violence is largely a result of Christianity at all.

Thanks for the link. I have just finished Klassen’s Nature’s Eternal Religion and have his The White Man’s Bible which I haven’t started yet. I will read yours in between and pass your link along, especially to those who haven’t “got it” yet.

I still have much to go over on your site. I’m glad I found you.

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