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‘If we could establish the Nordic race and, from this seedbed, produce a race of 200 million, the world would be ours.’ —Himmler

In heated debates, many commenters on racialist forums continue to discuss Hitler and National Socialism these days, including Greg Johnson (e.g., here).

One of the most recurring themes of Hitler’s critics has been the way the Germans treated the Slavs in WW2. I am enormously struck by the fact that none of them have been able to point out the obvious. It was perfectly natural and laudable that Himmler and his people, who had some Norwegian villages as an almost perfect paradigm of the Aryan, wanted to Aryanise the occupied territories of those who had suffered miscegenation due to the continuous Asian invasions.

Concerned about this issue, while walking through a beautiful little English village I once asked historian Arthur Kemp, author of a book on the history of the white race, a naive question. I asked him what percentage of Russians would be mixed. I say naive as it is obvious that they are already all more mixed than the purest Nordics—the paradigm with which Himmler and his ilk wanted to populate Europe, beautifully portrayed by the American Maxfield Parrish whose paintings now hang on the walls of my studio.

As we said in my anthology ‘On Exterminationism’, a few months after its founding, Himmler’s Lebensborn project opened Heim Hochland, the first home for pregnant women. For this purpose, the National Socialists took over the construction of a Catholic orphanage in Munich. Initially, the institution could accommodate up to thirty mothers and fifty-five children, and the candidates were carefully selected. Only women who met the characteristics of the dominant race were admitted. Candidates had their skulls measured, and only those with the coveted elongated skull, typical of the Nordic type, could be admitted. They also had to meet other requirements, such as blond hair, blue or green eyes and good health. Those who passed the test received the best care.

This fact, that due to the brutal Asian invasions the Slavs’ bloodline was already more compromised than the specimens chosen by Himmler and the SS to repopulate the conquered territories, is completely overlooked by all these critics of Hitler. They overlook it because of their Christian ethics and the mandate of universal brotherhood, so they see all Caucasoids (except Jews) as brothers. It is surreal to admit, but only someone who is not an Aryan, such as myself, has been able to point this fact out over the years in my disputes with white nationalists.

The thing to do is to applaud Hitler’s plans, including his Master Plan East, and only criticise him militarily (easy to say now: he should’ve waited until he had the atomic bomb before venturing into Operation Barbarossa).

What I say in ‘The Wall’ stands, which is why it remains and will remain the featured post of The West’s Darkest Hour. An axiological wall separates National Socialists from white nationalists and very few Americans have crossed it. William Pierce was one of them but it is a wall that very few racialists are, now, willing to cross.

There is something I have perceived and have already said but it is worth reiterating.

In my experience on this site, thanks to the emails sent to me by the more radical commenters I have noticed that only those who were martyred as children or teenagers by their parents have been able to truly break with the values of today’s West. It is difficult to visualize it if you don’t read the autobiography of one of them. But for the sake of understanding I will use an analogy.

Only people like Solzhenitsyn, who suffered years in the Gulag, broke with the ideology of the Soviet state to the extent that, already a refugee in the US, he wanted that state to be destroyed. We can already imagine nationalist Russians in Brezhnev’s time! Despite Stalin’s crimes, it would be unthinkable for them to wish for such a thing because, unlike Solzhenitsyn, they didn’t suffer the horrors of the Gulag.

Only intense suffering makes one break with the paradigm in turn, although I recognise that suffering resulting from parental abuse annihilates psychically almost everyone. That is why I must translate my books into English, something I will restart now that I am beginning to settle down after a very calamitous move.

6 replies on “Lebensborn”

You’re right, I agree with you fully. This ridiculous Christian values system of theirs will never allow for any understanding. I notice it in Greg’s response lines:

“Rhetorically, Hitler claimed to be fighting for all of Europe. That was true, but it would be a Europe under German domination.”

where he repeatedly states a reasonable conclusion as if it were a moral ill (at least I imagine that in his tone, and it’s the same tone the Christian Keith Woods had). Under domination only in that the best racial component of Europe would make the key decisions, up to and including extermination. And why should the superior not shape the inferior? Greg seems afraid here that he will lose his measly independence somehow, that petty ethno-nationalism we have covered at length. It’s the same problem again with:

“Part of Hitler’s disagreement with the Strasserites is that they wanted to ally themselves with non-whites who were opposed to the British Empire. Hitler was too racist and too imperialist to contemplate that, even for practical reasons.”

it gets to the point where I’m beginning to wonder which side Greg is on. It’s clear to me that he will never be able to shift the egalitarianism and think in terms of a European racial hierarchy. His ending phrase stunk of liberalism, of the most naïve persuasion, (you know the type, where it’s “so important” to “give everything a chance”):

“We can learn things from it, of course, as we can learn from all other forms of government.”

I see he’s dedicated to constructing respectful equivalencies. It’s like scanning alien words to me after coming from reading on here. Nothing he writes resonates. I do understand, but it perplexes me still, paradoxically, thinking how many are drawn in by these charlatan sites. As a sane response to that, I’ll look forward even more to the publication of your books.

PS. I notice that, in total ignorance, Greg considers the Jews to have suffered the worst in the war by his lines:

“Also, if you are into “per capita,” I am pretty sure that the Jews experienced the worst losses of any nation during that war. ”

completely blind to the death of Germany. That’s what gets me with all these liberal commentators so far up in arms about the replacement of Slavs in Russia and Poland: what of the Germans themselves, and how they were brutalized and exterminated by the Anglo-American-Soviet alliance? I don’t understand why we expend so much energy feeling bad for Untermensch Poles, etc., given what *our ancestors* did to – in all respects – their betters. it’s like their eyes are constantly scanning the ground for stragglers to worship and defend as opposed to gazing up at the heights to what they could be, to those setting, by their very bodily nature, a better example. Our concern is extended to the wrong parties.

Himmler did try to select the most Aryan elements in Poland for his project, as there were plenty of children with good genes there.

But what you say about the racialists is true: they are all victims of Christian ethics (or neochristian ethics, in the case of most Counter-Currents commenters).

As I said, few want to cross the Wall.


These people live in a constant state of schizophrenia because of their judeo christian beliefs, which clashes with their natural instincts.

The Germans were the spiritual Renaissance of pagan values returning and these people felt, and still feel, threatened by that.

Out of ego and a lust for control, they can’t see Germany in a positive light, and you can’t logically reason with them.

Another criticism of the German treatment of Slavs in WW2 from a pro-White viewpoint is the belief that Hitler made a huge mistake by refusing to recruit large numbers of ex-Soviet citizens from captured territories into the Heer.

These critics assume that the “wave of liberation” sentiment among the Slavs during Barbarossa was not fully taken advantage of, and then claim that it was the Germans’ racial stigma that blinded them to this opportunity to amass enough manpower to defeat Russia.

It is debatable whether an extra army of one million disaffected half-gook morons on the German side could have tipped the balance and toppled the USSR. But it is non-debatable whether this early mass conscription of untermensch was attempted, because it was.

Otto Ernst Remer, a high-ranking officer, whom after the war founded a political party to revive the Third Reich (he’s sort of a German version of Rockwell), had this to say on the subject:

“The Russians and the Ukrainians, and the people from the Caucasus, volunteered to fight, but we were not in a position to take advantage of this. We didn’t have enough weapons. In war, there is a lot that ideally should be done, but we simply couldn’t do it.
The Arabs also wanted weapons from us so that they could liberate themselves. And the Spanish leader Franco also wanted weapons as a condition for entering the war, but we simply didn’t have enough ourselves.”

I could write more about how the War in the East wasn’t truly Hitler’s mistake, but that’s not the point of this topic.

Lebensborn was the 14 Words made manifest. It would have led to an Aryan Europe, then eventually an Aryan Eurasia, with enough power to bury Kali Yuga under a mountain of gook, mudblood and white traitor corpses. It should be the dream of every self-professed Hitlerist.

On Greg Johnson and Keith Woods: both are time-wasting faggots, practically traitors. It’s one thing to send a message of temperance and diplomacy, since we’re at a time where the balance of power is so heavily anti-White that the best strategy is to wait for a financial collapse before making moves.

But it’s entirely another thing to reject Hitler and abandon National Socialism. That’s downright racial betrayal. Every road toward the future of the White Race passes through a totalitarian Führer and ethnostate. The Germans showed the way. To lead astray from this is to cause deception and suffering; it strengthens the enemy and destroys Whites.

National Socialism is inevitable. It will resurrect in one form or another, as long as Aryans exist. It’s the only viable form of government. It’s the antidote against Xtianity. In two thousand years, no other form of government was as effective for this task, not even the pre-Constantinian Roman empire. If we’re not being Nazis, we’re stalling.

We will get back to basics after enough suffering has been inflicted upon the youth.

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