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New Testament Richard Carrier


Carrier destroys the Resurrection argument

by Derek Lambert

William Lane Craig and Sean McDowell.

In this explosive episode of MythVision, Dr. Richard Carrier systematically dismantles Christian apologetics, exposing the logical flaws and historical distortions in arguments made by William Lane Craig and Sean McDowell.

With razor-sharp precision, Carrier debunks the claim that Jesus ever explicitly declared himself God, showing that only the latest Gospel—John—contains such statements, while Paul, our earliest Christian writer, never speaks of Jesus as divine. He shreds the resurrection argument, revealing how religions like Islam and Mormonism also spread rapidly through visions and reinterpretations of scripture, proving that growth does not equal truth. Carrier exposes the apologists’ double standards, showing how they dismiss Mormonism’s eyewitnesses but cling to Christianity’s unverifiable resurrection accounts. With unparalleled expertise, he reveals how faith-based reasoning distorts historical reality, making this a must-watch for anyone ready to break free from apologetic spin and embrace real historical inquiry.

Check out Dr. Richard Carrier’s website to subscribe to his blog & support him on Patreon.

Grab his books here.

8 replies on “Richard”

The entire premise here is doomed from the beginning. Richard is assuming “Jesus” really existed. No credible historian of the time of the supposed life of Jesus mentions him. That point alone is troubling.

On the contrary: Richard Carrier is the leading exponent of mythicism, in contrast to the historicists who believe that Jesus existed. Of course, when he speaks with his pal Lambert this is not entirely clear, unless one is familiar with Carrier’s work (Lambert does lean toward historicism).

There are many posts on this site about Richard. Have you watched his lecture when he was younger, linked in the featured post ‘The Wall’?

At some point a former TV person Bill O’Reilly wrote a book called “Killing Jesus”. I called his radio show and questioned him on what proof he had that Jesus even existed since he wasn’t a trained historian and had no credentials. He right off called me an atheist and “god hater” to which I replied “which god?” That was the end of the call. Psychologically people believe in lies because the truth is worse when they are in fact in charge of their own lives.

As Richard Carrier points out: Craig has been corrected on his apologetic talking points, numerous times, but he continues to make them anyway, because this is all Apologetics is: PRATT-ling, where ‘PRATT’ is an acronym standing for: ‘Points Refuted a Thousand Times’.

In this blogpost, Carrier calls Craig an ‘infamous liar’. And as scholarship advances and slips away more and more from its theological presuppositions—as in the case of Richard C. Miller’s oeuvre—then these tired, old, refuted talking points just seem more and more ludicrous. We marvel that Apologists can say what they do with a straight face. We marvel that they are not ashamed to make fools of themselves in public.

Christianity was built to fleece illiterate peasants in the 1st century. It was already out of date when it was invented. Christianity wasn’t designed for the 3rd millennium, and is looking increasingly out of place in this time period. As John Loftus put it: ‘2,000 years is enough!’

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