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Like the British and the French, the German government is bent on replacing Aryans with Orcs. To do so it has to suppress freedom of expression in an overwhelming manner, as even the media controlled by Jewry is beginning to recognise (see e.g., the 60 Minutes program, ‘Policing the internet in Germany’). It’s funny to compare this with Vance’s recent speech in Munich!

3 replies on “Germany”

Are 6 armed officers really required to collect a laptop containing a potential racist meme? (of course not – just a deliberate show of force designed to terrify) At the same time, I see in the states Democrats can exercise some right to free speech by repeatedly calling for the death of Elon Musk and Donald Trump (as indeed I mused on myself recently). The former doesn’t seem too different to how the UK treats non-criminals for marginal ‘offences’. That said, given the ludicrous way the US treated the J6 protestors, including referring to them as Terrorists in some cases, and noticing what the local internet news reception was to the recent New Order flyer campaigns, it doesn’t really seem that better over there. Those 16 units of online task forces reminded me very much of a modern day Stasi. it’s convenient for them that “the worst of the internet” happens to overlap with their political enemies. I couldn’t help but wonder if these were set up as yet another layer of state bureaucracy, rather similar to the machinations of the DWP in the UK. Unnecessary roles just to give the statist drone employees more jobs/control. Or perhaps they really are that ideologically possessed. An obscene level of overkill to compensate for the fact, again as with the UK, the security forces seem both unwilling and unable to deal with any real crimes in these countries, inept were it not for their extensive surveillance apparatus.

The United States did more than their fair share to destroy Germany and any hope of an independent Europe that could defend itself. I don’t have much use for Trump or Vance.

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