Leo Tolstoy, undoubtedly the ablest modern expounder of primitive Christliness, in a much-translated volume entitled Work While Ye Have Light writes: ‘Our Faith tells us that bliss is to be found, not in resistance, but in submission; not in riches, but in giving everything away; we have not quite succeeded in casting off every habit of violence and property.’
To the most inept understanding, could any proposition be placed in a clearer light? Is it not as simple as ‘rolling off a log,’ that the individual attempting to become a true and honest Christian must become like unto a tame sheep?
What a sublime Ideal! How heroic! The bliss of a sheep! How superlatively delightful! How divinely glorious! And a Jew as the Good Shepherd, who leadeth his lambs ‘to green pastures, and quiet resting places, the pleasant waters by.’ For two thousand years, or so, His fleecy flocks have been fattening themselves up with commendable diligence—for the shearing-shed and the butchers-block.
Let any nation throw away all ‘habits of violence,’ and before long it must cease to exist as a nation. It will be laid under tribute—it will become a province, a satrapy. It will be taxed and looted in a thousand different ways. Let any man abandon all property, also all overt resistance to aggression and behold, the first sun will scarcely have sunk in the west before he is a bondservant, a tributary, a beggar, or—a corpse.
Property is necessary to the complete and free development of personality, and therefore human animals should somehow obtain a full and fair proportion thereof at any cost—or perish in the attempt; for he who cannot possess himself of property is much better buried out of sight. Our cities are honeycombed with treasure caverns, heaped up with gold, title deeds, silver, and instruments of credit: our valleys and our mountains are bubbling with wealth untold; and yet, poor miserable ‘servants of Christ’ pass idly by. Men, they call themselves! I call them—castrates.
If Tolstoy’s obsequious principles are derived from the Sermon on the Mount, then who can deny but that the Sermon on the Mount is a sermon unto decay and slavery? If they are derived from the Golden Rule and if the Golden Rule is the word of God, then can it be doubted that the word of God is the word of Fraud. There is far too much of this ghastly ‘goodness’ in the nation, far and away too much. It is time men who can think began to emancipate themselves, and consider the fact that: Morals, laws and decalogues were made by liars, thieves and rogues.
Liberty is honestly definable, as a state of complete bodily and mental self-mastership (which included the possession of property; also defensive weapons) and thorough-going Independence from all official coercion or restraint. Liberty in the conventional sense is a miserable Lie.
To be independent is synonymous with proprietorship. To be property-less, and unarmed, is the condition of actual dependence and servitude. Unarmed citizens are always enslaved citizens, always. Liberty without Property is a myth, a nursery tale, believable only by babbling babies and ‘fools in the forest’—fools in the city also. ‘Liberty regulated by Law’ is, in practice, tyranny of the darkest and foulest description; because so impersonal. There are numerous worthy, reasonable, and practical methods whereby individual tyrants may be removed; but a tyranny ‘regulated by Law’ is only removable by one method—the sword in the hands of men who are not afraid to use it, or to have it used against them: that is to say—the Sword in the hands of the Strongest.
During the whole course of human history, there is not upon record, one authentic instance wherein a subjugated people has ever regained property-holding Liberty, without first butchering its tyrants (or its tyrants’ armed slaves in battle) thereafter confiscating to its use, the lands and realized property that previously had been in the possession of its defeated foes and masters.
This statement is made with cool deliberation and aforethought. Let it be disproved by any one creditable example to the contrary, and the Author is prepared to forfeit 50,000 ounces of pure gold and enough ‘dimes and dollars’ to erect in Chicago, a bronze statue of ‘Our Blest Redeemer’ (crown of thorns and all) 100 cubits higher than the Masonic Temple. This offer is strictly bonafide and shall remain open till 1906, so that philosophers, editors, statesmen, divines (and other accomplished liars) may have enough time to blind themselves, wading through National Archives, and the putrid rubbish heaps that men call Public Libraries.
7 replies on “Might is right, 15”
When you look at the Germans, French and English today (the latter didn’t even guillotine the ruling class when the imported Orcs raped their English roses!), it is clear that they have already lost their manhood.
Diane Langberg PhD:
Ragnar Redbeard would probably agree with this… but then say that nobody should be godly, i.e. believe in God—and especially not in the rotten-skulled Jehovah—because God does not exist.
As Redbeard says: to be powerless in this life is to be a slave, is to be a whipped cur. The Christians agree, but make a “bastard virtue”—to quote David Marshall Brooks in The Necessity of Atheism out of one’s being a slave of Jehovah—the etymology of the Christian name, ‘Obadiah’—and out of being a whipped cur. Like the Cano-Phoenician woman, we Gentile Christians are supposed to wait for the crumbs from our Jewish Messiah’s table.
To reiterate: if the Jews cynically concocted a scam religion so as to destroy White People, they could not have come up with a religion fitter for this purpose than Christianity.
As normies are finding out: Christianity is White Genocide. The people who are principally behind the Great Replacement in the US are Christians. The people who are carrying out the settler colonialism in white lands, and only in white lands are the Christians. I was listening to Father Casey of Breaking in the habit, and he said that one of his tasks as a Franciscan Monk was resettling transgender Mexicans in the US!
I watched Mississippi Burning the other day, and one thing that I actually liked about this anti-white propaganda hit-piece was that if a Church was Anti-white, the KKK would set it ablaze. Now I, of course, do not recommend such an activity. However, it felt extremely cathartic to watch these anti-white Rabbi-worshipping pest-houses go up in flames. But of course the KKK is itself a Christtarded organisation.
I just wanted to ask if you read either of those links I posted, about the Argument From Ontological Purity and so forth?
I skimmed through them
I was going to share an in depth conversation with Deep Seek that I had on this topic, but, unfortunately, I don’t know how to share conversations on Deep Seek. In essence, I hope that Sheldrakeanism/Cosmotheism is true, which allows me to avoid Pessimistic Antinatalism, however, in this conversation, I am explicit that if atheistic materialism is true, then Antinatalism is really the only moral philosophy. Have you seen this documentary on the antinatalist movement? One of the things that this documentary explores is the link between personal depression and Antinatalism. The reason why today I am as sympathetic to Antinatalism as I have ever been is because I have been afflicted with a profound depression for the last year or more. When I get depressed, I can often find myself in a Benatarian mood. Sometimes “liminal spaces” trigger a Benatarian mood in me. When driving to Madrid airport, for some reason the buildings en route trigger an episode of Benatarianism. I look at all the apartment blocks, and the thousands of people that they represent, and I wonder if the phenomenon of life, as Schopenhauer puts it, is really worth it. The Scream or in German: der Schrei der Natur; the shriek of horrendous suffering heard in nature, by Edvard Munc, to me, is Benatar and Schopenhauer as a painting. Munc, in this painting is situated between an abattoir and a lunatic asylum: both places of horrendous suffering. Indeed, he might have been even visiting his sister in the asylum when on the way, he heard the shriek of horrendous suffering in Nature.
Exterminationists like me are not anti-natalists for the simple reason that we want to exterminate the wicked (including bad animals, like the orcas that torture a baby whale for hours); and without exterminators the problem of evil on Earth cannot be solved.
Only Kalki saves. It’s that simple.
I think that if all the effort put into Pessimism and Antinatalism were put into ending needless suffering, one of your watchwords, then this world would be a better place. In fairness most antinatalist have other hobbies where they do try to end needless suffering. Most antinatalists are vegans. I am not a vegan, but in the abstract, veganism I consider more moral and more ethical than carnism. I think that Antinatalism is another expression of neo-christianity. We cannot exterminate the unfit and the evil because they are “image bearers” of Yahweh. Saint Augustine said that he could not hate any man or wish to destroy him, because that man could convert to Catholicism with his final breath! Thus, according to Augustine, all men are brothers in potential. Alle Menschen werden Brüder, the Fraternité of the French Revolution. Christian ideas were beginning to secularise even in Saint Augustine’s day.