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Kali Yuga Sparta


The fact that Donald Trump was present yesterday in a stadium watching the American football final, or that Emmanuel Macron was present at the final of the last FIFA World Cup—both football finals featuring teams with a huge number of blacks—, is a symptom that we are suffering the darkest hour for the white race (which the title of this site designates with the euphemism ‘the West’).

What a difference from those times when only pure Aryans attended the Olympics! This was before a Christian emperor banned the Olympic games (‘resumed’, centuries later in the Christian Era, admitting people of colour). Those who haven’t read our abridged translation of Eduardo Velasco’s essay on Sparta should read it now.

4 replies on “Football”

I’ve never been a fan of American football (or soccer). I see it as a monumental waste of time and energy, whether as a lazy, couch-bound spectator acting out their masculinity by proxy, or a pampered player (and the latter seems to apply especially with British soccer players). It’s purely a consumer’s hobby these days, as best as I can see, one more facet of a degraded materialist society. The rules have made the game tame, constrained and formulaic, just a field for (non-white) showboaters more than athletes – or warriors. Non-white and thus inconsequential, bar our money wasted on training them. I compare modern day games to what I re-read in the Sparta essay:

To promote competitiveness and fighting spirit, and to accustom them to violence and teamwork, hordes of Spartan children were made to compete with each other in a violent ball game which was a variant, much freer and brutal, of rugby. The players were called sfareis (ballplayers). We can imagine those little-shaven heads delivering each other wild jolts in every possible way, colliding, dodging and trying to fight for coordination, obtaining possession of the ball and taking it to the agreed target, beyond the opponent’s territory and over the bodies of the opponent. We almost can, also, hear the thuds, the screams, the coordination signals, the creaking of the elbows, knees, punches, the headers, the tackles and sprains there must have happened in that game that transformed characters and personalities and leaders as a smith.

I can imagine a little of the latter, in my own humble fashion as I played amateur rugby in a team at school and always looked forward the most to the violence; the satisfaction of tackling another young player to the floor or pushing them back to defeat in the scrum (although once I stabbed in the leg during the process, and another team member had their neck broken). It gave a very primal sense of elation, especially if the game was going well. I sense this attitude is missing from the more formal games. As Eduardo rightly points out, these Spartan children, from birth and then from age 7 years in the Agoge, were tougher, more mature, and more disciplined than many adults today, their training infinitely harder than that of any modern day military. That’s the purpose to contact sport in my eyes: warlike aggression and teambuilding, not just mindless strength-sapping entertainment, with the players continuing to squabble behind the scenes, or to engage in drama for the cameras, the fans hardly having moved from their seats, save to fetch another beer so they can continue applauding their highly-paid racial enemies.

Hi Ben,

Sometimes the filter spams legitimate comments, like it spammed yours yesterday at noon.

Luckily I saw your name and rescued it from the filter that automatically deletes troll or spam comments!

Panem et circenses. I realised, long ago, that Sportsball is merely another vehicle of demoralising anti-white propaganda. Sportsball is a huge sector of clown-world. Especially in England, soccer is used as a vehicle to promote all of the anti-white causes: antiracism, feminism, gay pride, Poppy Day etc.

Nothing I dislike more than the worship of sub-humans through some inane game. Non whites built few civilizations worth remembering (except ancient China, of course) and are marketed to the public through propaganda that is dehumanizing to the prudent eye. Animals belong in Zoos.

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