and prosecutor
I still can’t find a place to move, so I don’t have time to resume my full-time activities for the sacred words. But today, at the bank, and already at home watching a video on how the old left thought (‘How the Left Destroyed Itself’ with Yanis Varoufakis), my mind doesn’t stop its train of thought.
Recall once again the faces of white Mexicans in my recent post ‘Blue pill’. In one of Mexico City’s best-known malls, where I was today because the banks are open there on Saturdays, I saw a huge billboard in the car park showing a Caucasian male with a black couple. I had seen such billboards in London but apparently, they are now catching on in the third world. The West suffers from an endless hatred: an exterminationist hatred of the white race even in countries where, like Mexico, there are very few true whites.
I didn’t take a picture of the huge billboard I saw in the mall with my mobile phone (although as a priest of the holy words I don’t use a mobile phone in a city without friends, for banking matters I have to carry it). But I think we Westerners have seen such billboards in various countries.
On the other hand I must confess that, although I don’t have time to read at the moment, I find fascinating what I have barely read of the 1455-page Spanish translation, which I recently acquired, of the classic book The Destruction of the European Jews. In digital form, I own the revisionist counterpart: the Holocaust Handbooks series (pic of one of them on the left). It would take a lifetime—many years that I no longer have on my horizon—to assess both sides. Hopefully, future priests will follow my method: listen to both the prosecutor and the lawyer before rendering an educated opinion.
In any case, as we can see from my featured post ‘The Wall’, the priest is not affected by the official story as he is a man who has already transvalued his values. As a Swede said on page 83 of my anthology On exterminationism:
What is certain is that the Holocaust would not have produced any debilitating psychological effect on non-Christian whites. (By Christianity I mean ‘Christian morality.’ Most atheists in the West are still Christian, even if they don’t believe in God or Jesus.) Being emotionally affected by the Holocaust presupposes that you think: (1) Victims and losers have intrinsically more moral value than conquerors and winners, (2) Killing is the most horrendous thing a human can do, (3) Killing children and women is even more horrendous and (4) Every human life has the same value.
None of these statements ring true to a man who has rejected Christian morality. Even if the Holocaust happened, I would not pity the victims or sympathise with them. If you told the Vikings that they needed to accept Jews on their lands or give them gold coins because six million of them were exterminated in an obscure war, they would have laughed at you.
Who within the American racial right, which largely subscribes to Christian ethics, thinks like this neo-Nietzschean Hyperborean?
10 replies on “Lawyer”
For the new visitor, here is the link to On Exterminationism.
I don’t own the entire Holocaust Handbooks series. One thing that put me off the six-million figure was reading The First Holocaust though, which gives literary evidence that the figure was somewhat of a trope, carried forward from a First World War propaganda campaign. I’d be happy enough if it was the proposed top-end figure of 7 million though (or more!): it’s good propaganda for how effective Hitler’s operation was.
That’s what the likes of Jim Rizoli are doing… making Hitler’s final solution seem inept. I can see why the revisionists would want to lessen it, then again, as Mark Weber wrote in one of his articles,
I disagree with him on that, as I don’t go by Judaeo-Christian ethics, but the point is they do, and even the Soviet figure of 1.1 million is, frankly, a lot of people.
As Weber, quoting Raul Hilberg, states himself elsewhere in the same article,
Personally, I’d actually hope Raul Hilberg is correct.
He says that 5.5 million Jews died, although many of sickness, privations, etc.
David Irving believed that something close to the 6 million figure were killed, but that Hitler was kept in the dark about it. Supposedly, he was going to make the case for this in his two volume Himmler biography. Unfortunately, due to Irving’s failing health, the second volume of that biography may not appear. He did present some pretty good circumstantial evidence for this at one of his presentations that I attended. Personally, I feel that Hitler was much more concerned with the day to day operations of the war effort than he was with annihilating the Jews. Himmler was probably much more involved with the latter. In his last will and testament, Hitler stated the following:
Irving claimed that the “more humane means” that Hitler was referring to was expulsion rather than genocide.
the thing about the holocaust narrative is that they are making us invest emotional energy on it as if Jews are the only ones who have ever suffered, given them the status of ultimate victims, even though their numbers are overexagerated and far more Europeans died shortly before, after and during the war.
I found the article of Dr Pierce very insightful in order to understand the holocaust problem.
Thanks for the link. I’ve just used it in my last post.
Thank you for the article. I don’t invest emotional energy on the ‘holocaust’ (which I agree, needs to be defined more accurately). I certainly don’t see the potentially great numbers as indicative of them being victims. They’re the enemy after all. It was more of wishful thinking on my part than “hope”. An exterminationist wish for German success; that they’d taken down as many as possible, even though 5.5 million is unlikely to be the case. I agree with General Patton’s evaluation. You’re right, certainly though. I have a book at home titled The Other Price of Hitler’s War: German Military and Civilian Losses Resulting from World War II by Martin K. Sorge, which is a very sobering reading. He sets the total world casualties for the war alone at around 55 million, with almost 9 million Germans, including 600,000 civilians (17 percent of the world’s total, and 12 percent of the Reich’s pre-war population), 1,218,000 American soldiers, and 757,000 British soldiers, plus 146,780 British civilians. That’s not including post-war German casualties, or those massacred shortly before the invasion of Poland, etc. I’m glad I own it. I do wish there were more books of that nature on the market. I’m glad for Hellstorm and the like, plus the Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau anthologies. They very much should be remembered. Those numbers I quoted, particularly the Germans, though to a lesser degree perhaps also the British and Americans are the true, only victims of this futile internecine war in my eyes, much as the full fault for it still lies with the latter pair, a shame that should never be covered over.
I clearly understand your comments on the anti-white hatred consuming the world. Last year I was downsized at my job and found a new job in the town of Sioux City, Iowa. Previously I worked in South Dakota 40 miles away. I was the oldest white employee. Among the other “white” employees included a male race mixer, married to a Asian mystery meat. The Rest: a guy from Guam that has kids with multiple women, a Puerto Rican married to a white woman, a half breed black who fathered multiple kids with multiple women currently living with an American Indian and had been hired out of a halfway house for sex offenders.
The woman running the office is a twice divorced black woman with four kids with three men, had her first child at age 13 yrs. Her daughter also works in the office, a low IQ obese baboon looking person addicted to her cell phone. The woman’s son was a former employee, sent to prison last fall for multiple offenses, weapons, drugs, sexual assault, etc.. The son has six kids with five women and another kid on the way from a 14 yr old he raped. The maintenance manager was some mystery meat divorced Arab that claims to have slept with 1,000 women, including Hutterite women. I have relatives that are Hutterite and i can assure everyone that The Hutterites do not consider nonwhites to be humans. And most of them speak German. Arabs are nasty savages, almost worse than blacks. almost. The remaining two white guys are both under the age of 30 yrs and they listen to rap music and appear to have ADHD.
Two weeks ago, my old manager from the previous job called me and told me he had a new job and wanted me to take it. I did. Life is too short to work with people I would NEVER consider equal, not necessarily on the color of their skin, but based on their chosen culture. Not cultures of honor, but cultures of nihilism, consumerism, and senseless materialism. None of these people have common decency, frequently dropping F bombs and having idiot conversations while the world burns around them. Morons, all of them.
My faith is my folk. My vision is unshaken, a world for white people.
I can relate. I also had my share of having to deal with such individuals. I am better off without them and following my own path.
Good luck with your new job.
Recently, Donald Trump signed an executive order in order to reinforce combat againts anti semitism, which could mean the begining of the end for the jews, or so I heard.
The propaganda is probably targeted at expats trying to run away from the insanity of the first world, making them feel it is inevitable and to condition the feeling of globalist trends for the masses.
I hope you find a place soon. I think it is easier to avoid the propaganda if you can reject the consumerist/materialistic nature of the world today.
It is getting harder every year, however. Ads on the internet and stream services are bypassing my blockers and getting more intrusive.