We have received two other communications that are worth quoting. Benjamin for his part asks me (bold emphasis added):
Dear César,
Good evening. When I was doing some research for the second edition of my TLTJH book recently I came across a statistic, gathered by Oxford University Global Change Data Lab, and extrapolated from it. I’m sad to say, as best I can work out, in a single year alone, at least 80.9 billion animals are killed worldwide for human food, averaging out at 221.8 million each day (the first figure is approximately 10 times the global human population). I didn’t count the game meats, and exotic animals shot, and had to underestimate fish and crustaceans as no one really knows (the latter is in the hundreds of millions). I also didn’t include the animals fed to other animals by us, or indeed the cows kept for milk who are slaughtered at the end of their shortened lives, or the cruel sports ‘entertainment’ industry. I am appalled to know this. What I found more disquieting is that I couldn’t get my head around the figure. It was too much. I just sat back from my keyboard, and wanted to feel… but I couldn’t. I shivered, thinking of that horrible phrase attributed to Stalin: If millions die, that’s only statistics.
I had meant to ask, do you know any specific NS literature on (or about) Hitler’s proposed society wide ban on slaughterhouses and the enforced vegetarianism policy? I was daydreaming there about a future fascist society being implemented in Britain where meat and dairy products were 100% banned, and just what the pushback to that would be, how many of the population would flaunt this anyway, and have to be imprisoned, or shot. It would be most of the population, I estimate. I think of Charlton Heston’s line ‘from my cold, dead hands!’ In this country, their meats are their firearms (and easier to take). A pathetic nation. The most backward, and cruel in all Europe. A copy of Engels’ The Condition of the Working Class in England arrived and I’ve been reading it. I see nothing has ever changed here, among these ignorant farmer yokels, and their provincial minds, despite the urban hellhole that covers most of the country. And so what for their ‘way of life’? It is barbaric. In their financial attitudes as much as in their frivolity, there’s nothing to distinguish them from Jews. Also, I didn’t realise until quite recently that they had used to put animals on trial in this country, and award capital punishment for perceived ‘crimes’ on their parts. I don’t know if I’m in shock or just disgusted, but I wish I felt more…
Best regards,
P.S. I was pleased to listen to the 25 points [by Hitler—Ed.]. I realised to myself: “that is a nation/people that feels love for itself and is proud of its citizens”. It was so surprising to me, and almost alien—not in a bad sense—I just found myself wishing there was one modern leader who had that love and that willpower, that optimism.
I don’t know whether a specific book on this extremely important subject was published during the Third Reich, but after 1945 Savitri Devi wrote Impeachment of Man, which I read in 2017 in hard copy (though I haven’t obtained a copy of the book whose image appears above).
Gaedhal also wrote to us:
Boomer Christian, James White, doing his bestest to get Calvinist extremists who are experiencing a racial awakening, and are beginning to get tuned in to the Jewish Problem, back onto the Con-servative reservation.
Part of why the times are so interesting is because the boomers are dying off… and with them, much of Christendom and con-servatism.
I was reading, somewhere [later Gaedhal links to this video—Ed.], that Sieg, or Victory, could also be the god of victory: Wotan. Sieg Heil has become one of my favourite mantras to “pray without ceasing” as Saul of Tarsus might put it.
Is é an buaidh an t-sláinte!
Sieg Heil!
Victory is Salvation!
Victoria Salus!
Incidentally, the video Gaedhal links is from a white man who, though moderately informed about National Socialism with normie sources, is ultimately anti-Nazi (like every westerner during the Kali Yuga).